Complicity to commit genocide

Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 20.05.2005 SEMANZA Laurent

369. […] Simultaneous convictions are permissible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and complicity to commit genocide as each has a materially distinct element. The Appellant’s conviction for complicity to commit genocide was based on his aiding and abetting principal perpetrators who killed Tutsi because of their ethnicity.[1] As noted earlier, the mens rea for complicity in genocide, for those forms of complicity amounting to aiding and abetting, is knowledge of the specific intent of the perpetrator(s).[2] The Appellant’s convictions for crimes against humanity necessitated proof of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, whereas convictions for war crimes require that the offences charged be closely related to the armed conflict. In the Trial Chamber’s opinion, this nexus was clearly established.[3]

See also para. 368.

[1] Trial Judgement [The Prosecutor v. Laurent Semanza, Case No. ICTR-97-20-T, Judgement and Sentence, 15 May 2003], paras 435-436.

[2] See supra para. 316.

[3] Trial Judgement, paras 516-522.

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