Presumption of innocence

Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on the Outcome of Proceedings - 29.06.2010 DELIĆ Rasim

14. […] In this regard, the Appeals Chamber has clarified, although not directly in relation to the matter at hand, that the presumption of innocence does not apply to persons convicted by Trial Chambers pending the resolution of their appeals.[1] This interpretation of the Appeals Chamber’s jurisprudence is further consistent with the standard of review applicable in appellate proceedings whereby the appealing party has the burden of showing an error of law or of fact that invalidates the trial judgement, or leads to a miscarriage of justice, rather than attempting to initiate a trial de novo.[2] This burden is clearly different from the one operative at trial, where the presumption of innocence does apply and the Prosecution has to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

[1] See e.g., Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-05-87-A, Public Redacted Version of the “Decision on Vladimir Lazarević’s Second Motion for Temporary Provisional Release on the Grounds of Compassion” Issued on 21 May 2009, 22 May 2009, para. 9; Prosecutor v. Vujadin Popović et al., Case No. IT-05-88-AR65.8, Decision on Prosecution’s Appeal against Decision on Gvero’s Motion for Provisional Release, 20 July 2009 (public redacted version), para. 11.

[2] Article 25 of the Statute; see also, e.g., Prosecutor v. Ljube Boškoski and Johan Tarčulovksi, Case No. IT-04-82-A, Judgement, 19 May 2010, paras 9 et seq.; Prosecutor v. Dragomir Milošević, Case No. IT-98-29/1-A, Judgement, 12 November 2009, paras 12 et seq.; Prosecutor v Mile Mrkšić and Veselin Šljivančanin, Case No. IT-95-13/1, Judgement, 5 May 2009, paras 10 et seq.; Prosecutor v. Momčilo Krajišnik, Case No. IT-00-39-A, Judgement, paras 11 et seq.; Prosecutor v. Milan Martić, Case No. IT-95-11-A, Judgement, 8 October 2008, paras 8 et seq.; François Karera v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-01-74-A, Judgement, 2 February 2009, paras 7 et seq.; Athanase Seromba v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-2001-66-A, Judgement, 12 March 2008, paras 9 et seq., all affirming, inter alia, the standard of reasonableness and deference to factual findings made in a trial judgement.

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ICTR Statute Article 24 ICTY Statute Article 25
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 28.11.2007 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

28. The right of an accused to be tried before an independent tribunal is an integral component of his right to a fair trial as provided in Articles 19 and 20 of the Statute.[1] […] The independence of the Judges of the Tribunal is guaranteed by the standards for their selection,[2] the method of their appointment, their conditions of serviceand the immunity they enjoy. The Appeals Chamber further notes that the independence of the Tribunal as a judicial organ was affirmed by the Secretary-General at the time when the Tribunal was created,[6] and the Chamber reaffirms that this institutional independence means that the Tribunal is entirely independent of the organs of the United Nations[7] and of any State or group of States.[8] Accordingly, the Appeals Chamber considers that there is a strong presumption that the Judges of the Tribunal take their decisions in full independence, and it is for the Appellant to rebut this presumption.

32. […][T]he Appeals Chamber considers that the fact that pressures were exerted is not enough to establish that the Judges who ruled in this context on the Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration were influenced by those pressures.

[1] Galić Appeal Judgement, para. 37; Kayishema and Ruzindana Appeal Judgement, paras. 51 and 55; Furundžija Appeal Judgement, para. 177.

[2] See Article 12 of the Statute, which provides that the Judges of the Tribunal “shall be persons of high moral character, impartiality and integrity, who possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices”.

[3] See Articles 12 bis and 12 ter of the Statute. In particular, the Judges of the Tribunal shall be elected by the General Assembly from a list submitted by the Security Council, which prevents abusive or discriminatory nominations and ensures that no State or group of States shall play a dominating role in the nomination of Judges.

[4] The conditions of service and compensation for Judges of the Tribunal are established by the General Assembly (see for example, Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 1998–1999, UN Doc. A/RES/53/214, 11 February 1999, section VIII). These ensure that Judges have financial security during and after their mandate.

[5] The Judges' privileges and immunities set out in Article 29(2) of the Statute guarantee their independence by protecting them from personal civil suits for improper acts or omissions in the exercise of their judicial functions.

[6] Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 5 of Security Council Resolution 955 (1994), 13 February 1995 (U.N. Doc S/1995/134) (“UN Secretary-General’s Report, 13 February 1995”), para. 8.

[7] Kayishema and Ruzindana Appeal Judgement, para. 55.

[8] UN Secretary-General’s Report, 13 February 1995, para. 8.

[9] The Appeals Chamber notes that the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the case of Naletilić v. Croatia (European Court of Human Rights, Decision as to the Admissibility of Application No. 51891/99, 4 May 2000, para. (1) on the impartial and independent character of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (“ICTY”), and found that ICTY was “an international court which, in view of the content of its Statute and Rules of Procedure, offers all the necessary guarantees including those of impartiality and independence, in view of the content of its Statute and Rules of Procedure”. It should be emphasised that these same guarantees were reproduced in the Statute and Rules of the Tribunal, the Statute of the Tribunal being an adaptation of that of ICTY and the Rules of the Tribunal being based on those of ICTY (see paragraphs 9 and 18 of the UN Secretary-General’s Report of 13 February 1995 and Article 14 of the Statute which provides that the Judges would adopt the Rules of Evidence and Procedure of ICTY (“ICTY Rules”) with such changes as they deemed necessary).

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ICTR Statute Article 20(4)(d) ICTY Statute Article 21(4)(d)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 04.12.2001 KAYISHEMA & RUZINDANA

55.     As a rule, a fair trial requires that a set of procedural rules be established to ensure equality between the parties to the case and guarantee the independence of the Tribunal and the impartiality of the judges. A judge is presumed to be impartial until proven otherwise[1]. This is a subjective test: impartiality relates to the judge’s personal qualities, his intellectual and moral integrity. A judge is bound only by his conscience and the law. That does not mean that he rules on cases subjectively, but rather according to what he deems to be the correct interpretation of the law, ensuring for an unbiased and knowledgeable observer that his objectivity does not give the impression that he his impartial, even though, in fact, he is. Moreover, before taking up his duties, each judge makes a solemn declaration obliging him to perform his duties and exercise his powers as a judge “honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.”[2] The independence of the Tribunal is measured by an objective test: as a judicial organ with jurisdiction, as established by Security Council resolution 955, it is entirely independent of the organs of the United Nations.

[1] See Furundžija Appeal Judgement, paras. 196 and 197. See also Akayesu Appeal Judgement, para. 90 et seq., Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 682 et seq., and para. 698 et seq.

[2] Article 14(A) of the Rules.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 04.12.2001 KAYISHEMA & RUZINDANA

77.     The Appeals Chamber cannot accept the argument that the phrase “persons responsible for” used in resolution 955 implies that the Tribunal was unable to discharge its judicial functions. The Appeals Chamber recalls that the principle of the presumption of innocence is reiterated in Article 20(3) of the Statute:

“The accused person shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to the provisions of the present Statute.”

The Appeals Chamber reiterates with force its holding in Barayagwiza.[1]


107.    […] The Appeals Chamber recalls that in conformity with the principle of presumption of innocence, as enunciated in the Judgement,[2] supra, it is the duty of the Prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.

[1] The Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision (Prosecutor’s Request for Review and Reconsideration), Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, 31 March 2000, para. 35.

[2] See also the section of this Judgement on fair trial (III, A, paras. 50-51).

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ICTR Statute Article 20(3) ICTY Statute Article 21(3)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

2891.            The Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber’s statement that “Ndayambaje’s testimony must be treated with appropriate caution as he has a personal interest in demonstrating that he was not present at Ngiryi Bridge on the morning of 20 April 1994”[1] followed the Trial Chamber’s assessment of Ndayambaje’s and Witness Tiziano’s evidence placing Ndayambaje at his home around 9.00 a.m.[2] The Trial Chamber did not find this aspect of Ndayambaje’s and Witness Tiziano’s testimonies credible as it was contradicted by Witness RV’s evidence.[3] The Appeals Chamber finds that a reasonable trier of fact could have considered the possibility of Ndayambaje’s incentive to provide exculpatory evidence in the context of all the relevant evidence and that the Trial Chamber’s consideration does not denote a violation of the presumption of innocence.[4]

See also para. 3226.

[1] Trial Judgement, paras. 1203, 1401.

[2] Trial Judgement, para. 1200.

[3] Trial Judgement, para. 1200.

[4] Cf. Musema Appeal Judgement, para. 50 (“It is correct to state that the sole fact that evidence is proffered by the accused is no reason to find that it is, ipso facto, less reliable. Nevertheless, the source of a document may be relevant to the Trial Chamber’s assessment of the reliability and credibility of that document. Where such a document is tendered by an accused, a Trial Chamber may determine, for example, if the accused had the opportunity to concoct the evidence presented and whether or not he or she had cause to do so. This is part of the Trial Chamber’s duty to assess the evidence before it.”).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 19.03.2019 KARADŽIĆ Radovan

116. The Appeals Chamber recalls that decisions on taking judicial notice of adjudicated facts fall within the discretion of trial chambers.[1] In order to successfully challenge a discretionary decision, a party must demonstrate that the trial chamber committed a discernible error resulting in prejudice to that party.[2]

117. Rule 94(B) of the ICTY Rules provides that, at the request of a party or proprio motu, a trial chamber, after hearing the parties, may take judicial notice of adjudicated facts or documentary evidence from other proceedings of the ICTY relating to the matter at issue. Adjudicated facts are “facts that have been established in a proceeding between other parties on the basis of the evidence the parties to that proceeding chose to introduce, in the particular context of that proceeding”.[3] Judicial notice should not be taken of adjudicated facts relating to the acts, conduct, and mental state of an accused.[4]

118. It is not disputed that the practice of taking judicial notice of adjudicated facts is well-established in the jurisprudence of the ICTY and the ICTR,[5] and it is accepted as a method of achieving judicial economy while ensuring the right of an accused to a fair and expeditious trial.[6] In this respect, a number of procedural safeguards are set out in the jurisprudence,[7] which are intended to ensure that trial chambers exercise their discretion cautiously and in accordance with the rights of the accused, including the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty pursuant to Article 21(3) of the ICTY Statute.[8]

119. […] Karadžić challenges the “constitutionality” of the practice of taking judicial notice of adjudicated facts, notwithstanding the express provision for it in the ICTY Rules.[9] The Appeals Chamber recalls that, where the respective Rules or Statute of the ICTY are at issue, it is bound to consider the relevant precedent when interpreting them.[10] This Appeals Chamber is presently being called upon to assess the propriety of decisions taken by an ICTY trial chamber, that was bound by the ICTY Rules and the ICTY Statute as well as by decisions of the ICTY Appeals Chamber.[11] Bearing this context in mind, the Appeals Chamber is guided by the principle that, in the interests of legal certainty and predictability, it should follow previous decisions of the ICTY and the ICTR Appeals Chambers and depart from them only where cogent reasons in the interests of justice exist, that is, where a previous decision has been decided on the basis of a wrong legal principle or has been “wrongly decided, usually because the judge or judges were ill‑informed about the applicable law”.[12] Therefore, in order to succeed on appeal, Karadžić must demonstrate that there are cogent reasons in the interests of justice that justify departure from jurisprudence on judicial notice of adjudicated facts.

120. The Appeals Chambers of the ICTY and the ICTR have consistently held that judicial notice of adjudicated facts is merely a presumption that may be rebutted by defence evidence at trial.[13] Judicial notice of adjudicated facts “does not shift the ultimate burden of persuasion, which remains with the Prosecution” but only relieves the Prosecution of the initial burden to produce evidence on the given point.[14]

121. The Appeals Chamber notes that the concern that accused in other cases may have focused their defence on arguing that they were not responsible for the perpetrators of crimes rather than on contesting the existence of crimes is one of the reasons why judicial notice may not be taken of adjudicated facts from other cases relating to the acts, conduct, and mental state of the accused.[15] It is, nevertheless, permissible to take judicial notice of adjudicated facts relating directly or indirectly to an accused’s guilt,[16] for example, of facts relating to the existence of a joint criminal enterprise, the conduct of its members other than the accused, and the conduct of physical perpetrators of crimes for which an accused is alleged to be criminally responsible.[17] This is as long as the burden remains on the Prosecution to establish the actus reus and the mens rea supporting the responsibility of the accused for the crimes in question by evidence other than judicial notice.[18] In addition, the discretion to accept adjudicated facts is limited by the need to ensure the accused’s right to a fair and expeditious trial.[19] Apart from disagreeing with the case law, Karadžić fails to demonstrate that there are cogent reasons in the interests of justice to depart from consistent jurisprudence of the ICTR and the ICTY on this matter.

122. The Appeals Chamber does not consider that by taking judicial notice of the existence of a crime committed by Karadžić’s alleged subordinates,[20] for example, the Trial Chamber relieved the Prosecution from proving the actus reus of the crimes charged in the Indictment. The Appeals Chamber recalls that there is a distinction between facts related to the conduct of physical perpetrators of a crime for which an accused is being alleged criminally responsible through another mode of liability and those related to the acts and conduct of the accused himself.[21] The burden remained on the Prosecution to establish by evidence other than judicial notice that Karadžić possessed the relevant mens rea and engaged in the required actus reus to be held responsible for the crimes established by way of judicial notice of adjudicated facts.  

123. Finally, the Appeals Chamber finds without merit Karadžić’s submission that judicial notice of adjudicated facts deprives an accused of the possibility that a trial chamber would reach a different conclusion had it heard the evidence itself. The Appeals Chamber recalls that adjudicated facts are not accepted as conclusive in proceedings involving parties who did not have the chance to contest them,[22] and, as noted above, are merely presumptions that may be rebutted with evidence at trial.[23]


219. The Appeals Chamber recalls that taking judicial notice of adjudicated facts or documentary evidence under Rule 94(B) of the ICTY Rules is a method of achieving judicial economy while ensuring the right of the accused to a fair, public, and expeditious trial.[24] Rule 94(B) of the ICTY Rules requires a trial chamber to hear the parties before deciding to take judicial notice.[25] Moreover, facts admitted under Rule 94(B) of the ICTY Rules are merely presumptions that may be rebutted by the defence with evidence at trial.[26] Consequently, judicial notice of adjudicated facts does not shift the ultimate burden of proof or persuasion, which remains squarely on the Prosecution.[27]

220. […] The fact that the Trial Chamber took judicial notice of considerably more adjudicated facts than in other cases does not, in itself, render the trial unfair as long as the Trial Chamber followed the procedure provided for in the ICTY Rules. In this respect, Karadžić’s comparison of the number of judicially noticed adjudicated facts in his case with other cases fails to account for factors such as the unprecedented scope and size of his own trial in relation to others.

See also paras. 221, 222.

[1] [Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić, Case No. IT-09-92-AR73.1, Decision on Ratko Mladić’s Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Decisions on the Prosecution Motion for Judicial Notice of Adjudicated Facts, 12 November 2013 (“Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013”)], para. 9; Prosecutor v. Dragomir Milošević, Case No. IT-98-29/1-AR73.1, Decision on Interlocutory Appeals Against Trial Chamber’s Decision on Prosecution’s Motion for Judicial Notice of Adjudicated Facts and Prosecution’s Catalogue of Agreed Facts, 26 June 2007 (“Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007”), para. 5.

[2] Stanišić and Župljanin Appeal Judgement, para. 470; Nyiramasuhuko et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 68, 138, 185, 295, 431, 2467; Popović et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 131; Nizeyimana Appeal Judgement, para. 286.

[3] Théoneste Bagosora et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-98-41-A, Decision on Anatole Nsengiyumva’s Motion for Judicial Notice, 29 October 2010 (“Bagosora et al. Decision of 29 October 2010”), para. 7; The Prosecutor v. Édouard Karemera et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-AR73(C), Decision on Prosecutor’s Interlocutory Appeal of Decision on Judicial Notice, 16 June 2006 (“Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006”), para. 40.

[4] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 25; Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 50.

[5] See generally Bagosora et al. Decision of 29 October 2010; Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006. See also, e.g., Tolimir Appeal Judgement, paras. 23-26, 30-36; Popović et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 622, 623.

[6] Tolimir Appeal Judgement, para. 23; Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 24; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 39.

[7] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 25 (“[a] trial chamber must first determine whether a proposed adjudicated fact meets the admissibility criteria for judicial notice, and then consider whether, even if all admissibility criteria are met, it should nonetheless decline to take judicial notice on the ground that doing so would not serve the interests of justice […]. To be admissible, proposed adjudicated facts must [inter alia] not differ in any substantial way from the formulation of the original judgement; […] not be unclear or misleading in the context in which they are placed in the moving party’s motion; […] not contain characterisations of an essentially legal nature; […] not be based on an agreement between the parties to the original proceedings; […] not relate to the acts, conduct, or mental state of the accused; and […] not be subject to pending appeal or review.”); Bagosora et al. Decision of 29 October 2010, paras. 10 (“[…] facts shall not be deemed ‘adjudicated’ if they are based on guilty pleas or admissions voluntarily made by an accused during the proceedings”), 11, 12 (“[j]udicial notice pursuant to Rule 94(B) is not designed for the importing of legal conclusions from past proceedings”).

[8] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 24; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 47, 52.

[9] Karadžić Appeal Brief, paras. 116, 134; T. 23 April 2018 p. 108.

[10] See [Phénéas Munyarugarama v. Prosecutor, Case No. MICT-12-09-AR14, Decision on Appeal Against the Referral of Phénéas Munyarugarama’s Case to Rwanda and Prosecution Motion to Strike, 5 October 2012 (“Munyarugarama Decision of 5 October 2012”)], para. 6.

[11] See Aleksovski Appeal Judgement, paras. 112, 113.

[12] Šešelj Appeal Judgement, para. 11; Stanišić and Župljanin Appeal Judgement, para. 968; Bizimungu Appeal Judgement, para. 370; Đorđević Appeal Judgement, para. 23; Galić Appeal Judgement, para. 117; Rutaganda Appeal Judgement, para. 26; Aleksovski Appeal Judgement, para. 107. Cf. Munyarugarama Decision of 5 October 2012, para. 5 (noting the “normative continuity” between the Mechanism’s Rules and Statute and the ICTY Rules and the ICTY Statute and that the “parallels are not simply a matter of convenience or efficiency but serve to uphold principles of due process and fundamental fairness, which are the cornerstones of international justice”).

[13] Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 42.

[14] Tolimir Appeal Judgement, para. 24; Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 42.

[15] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 80, referring to Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 51.

[16] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 81; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 48, 53.

[17] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 81; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 52, 53.

[18] Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 49, 52. See also Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 81.

[19] Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 41, 51, 52.

[20] See Karadžić Appeal Brief, para. 128.

[21] Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 52.

[22] Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, paras. 40, 42.

[23] Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 42.

[24] Mladić Decision of 12 November 2013, para. 24. See also Setako Appeal Judgement, para. 200; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 39.

[25] Setako Appeal Judgement, para. 200.

[26] See Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 42.

[27] See Dragomir Milošević Decision of 26 June 2007, para. 16; Karemera et al. Decision of 16 June 2006, para. 42.

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ICTY Statute Article 21(3) ICTY Rule Rule 94(B)