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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

At para. 4, the Appeals Chamber recalled that Trial Chambers exercise discretion in different types of decisions and qualified again those decisions:

4. The Appeals Chamber has held that Trial Chambers exercise discretion in different types of decisions – “such as when imposing sentence, in determining whether provisional release should be granted, in relation to the admissibility of some types of evidence, in evaluating evidence, and (more frequently) in deciding points of practice or procedure.”[1] Deference is afforded to the Trial Chamber’s discretion in these decisions because they “draw[] on the Trial Chamber’s organic familiarity with the day-to-day conduct of the parties and practical demands of the case, and require[] a complex balancing of intangibles in crafting a case-specific order to properly regulate a highly variable set of trial proceedings.”[2]

See also Pandurević Decision on Provisional Release, para. 4.

[1] Prosecutor v. Milošević, Case Nos.: IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73, Reasons for Decision on Prosecution Interlocutory Appeal from Refusal to Order Joinder, 18 April 2002 (“Milošević Decision on Joinder”), para. 3.

[2] Prosecutor v. Milošević, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.7, Decision  on Interlocutory Appeal of the Trial Chamber’s Decision on the Assignment of Defense Counsel, 1 November 2004 ( “Milošević Decision on Defense Counsel”), para. 9.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

The Appeals Chamber recalled the definition of the “same transaction” under Rule 2 of the Rules. It then set out the factors that a Trial Chamber may consider in deciding whether to join two or more accused in one case:

7. The Appeals Chamber considers that pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules, “persons accused of the same or different crimes committed in the course of the same transaction may be jointly charged and tried.” Thus, the fundamental question for the Trial Chamber under Rule 48 is whether the two or more persons at issue for possible joinder in one trial are charged with: (1) having committed crimes, regardless of whether those crimes are alleged to be the same crimes, (2) “in the course of the same transaction.” A transaction is defined under Rule 2 of the Rules as “[a] number of acts or omissions whether occurring as one event or a number of events, at the same or different locations and being part of a common scheme, strategy or plan.” Pursuant to Rule 2 therefore, a common scheme, strategy or plan includes one or a number of events at the same or different locations.[1] Furthermore, there is no requirement under Rules 2 and 48 that the events constituting the “same transaction” take place at the same time or be committed together.[2] The Appeals Chamber agrees with the Trial Chamber that “[i]n deciding whether charges against more than one accused should be joined pursuant to Rule 48, the Chamber should base its determination upon the factual allegations contained in the indictments and related submissions.”[3]

8. Where a Trial Chamber finds that two or more persons have allegedly committed crimes in the course of the same transaction, it then considers various factors, which it weighs in the exercise of its discretion as to whether joinder should be granted. Rule 82 (A) provides that “[i]n joint trials, each accused shall be accorded the same rights as if such accused were being tried separately.” The rights of an accused at trial are explicitly listed under Article 21 of the Statute of the International Tribunal. Rule 82(B) further provides that a Trial Chamber “may order that persons accused jointly under Rule 48 be tried separately if it considers it necessary in order to avoid a conflict of interests that might cause serious prejudice to an accused, or to protect the interests of justice.” Therefore, in light of Rule 82, it is appropriate for a Trial Chamber deciding whether to join two or more accused into one case pursuant to Rule 48 to take into consideration and weigh the following: (1) protection of the rights of the accused pursuant to Article 21 of the Statute; (2) avoidance of any conflict of interests that might cause serious prejudice to an accused; and (3) protection of the interests of justice. A Trial Chamber may, of course, look to other factors in its discretion, which it deems important for considering whether joinder under Rule 48 would be appropriate. For example, in this case, in addition to weighing the first two factors mentioned previously, the Trial Chamber also considered that a single trial would better ensure the interests of justice by (1) avoiding the duplication of evidence; (2) promoting judicial economy; (3) minimising hardship to witnesses and increasing the likelihood that they will be available to give evidence; and (4) ensuring consistency of verdicts.[4]

See also Pandurević Decision on Joinder of Accused, paras 7-8.

[1] Milošević Decision on Joinder, para. 14.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Impugned Decision, para. 8. Cf. Milošević Decision on Joinder, paras 19-21 (wherein the Appeals Chamber only looked to facts alleged in the three indictments against the Accused to determine whether the events alleged therein formed part of the same transaction pursuant to Rule 49).

[4] Impugned Decision, para. 34. Some, if not all, of these factors have also been considered in other Trial Chamber decisions on joinder under Rule 48. See, e.g., Prosecutor v. Milan Martić, Case No. IT-95-11-PT, Prosecutor v. Jovica Stanišić & Franko Simatović, Case No. IT-03-69-PT, Prosecutor v. Vojislav Šešelj, Case No. IT-03-67-PT, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Joinder, 10 November 2005, para. 9; Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-99-37-PT, Prosecutor v. Nebojša Pavković et al., Case No. IT-03-70-PT, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Joinder; Prosecutor v. Rahim Ademi, Case No. IT-01-46-PT, Prosecutor v. Mirko Norac, Case No. IT-04-76-I, Decision on Motion for Joinder of Accused, 30 July 2004;  Prosecutor v. Mejakić et al., Case No. IT-02-65-PT, Decision on Prosecution’s Motion for Joinder of Accused, 17 September 2002, para. 24; Prosecutor v. Momir Nikolić et al., Case No. IT-02-56-PT, Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević et al., Case No. IT-02-53-PT, Decision on Prosecution’s Motion for Joinder, 17 May 2002, para. 14.

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ICTR Rule Rule 3;
Rule 48;
Rule 49;
Rule 82(A);
ICTY Rule Rule 3;
Rule 48;
Rule 49;
Rule 82(A);
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

The Appeals Chamber, reasoning by analogy with decisions on joinder of crimes, held that decisions on joinder of accused are discretionary:

5. [T]he Trial Chamber’s decision to join two or more persons accused of the same or different crimes under one indictment pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules constitutes such a discretionary decision. This holding is supported by the Appeals Chamber’s previous ruling that a Trial Chamber’s decision to join two or more crimes under one indictment pursuant to Rule 49 of the Rules falls within the category of a Trial Chamber’s discretionary decisions.[1] Similar to Rule 49, the plain language of Rule 48 stipulates that a Trial Chamber “may” make a joinder decision once the requirements of the Rule are met. Furthermore, while both Rules apply to two different types of joinder, the Trial Chamber considers similar legal requirements and weighs similar factors under the terms of both Rules.[2]

See also Pandurević Decision on Joinder of Accused, para. 5.

[1] Milošević Decision on Joinder [Prosecutor v. Milošević, Case Nos.: IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73, Reasons for Decision on Prosecution Interlocutory Appeal from Refusal to Order Joinder, 18 April 2002], para. 3.

[2] See, e.g., id., paras 13, 22.

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ICTR Rule Rule 48;
Rule 49
ICTY Rule Rule 48;
Rule 49
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

The Appellant was arguing that his right to an expeditious trial pursuant to Article 21(4)(c) of the Statute would be infringed by a joinder of cases.  The Appeals Chamber most importantly held that “[i]t is well within the Trial Chamber’s discretion to take into consideration judicial economy when determining whether joinder would be appropriate” (para. 26). 

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ICTR Statute Article 20(4)(c) ICTY Statute Article 21(4)(c) ICTR Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(B)
ICTY Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(B)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

The Appellant was arguing that being tried with other accused not charged with the same crimes could prejudice the assessment of his criminal responsibility for the crimes for which he was charged. The Appeals Chamber affirmed the Trial Chamber’s finding:

21. The Appeals Chamber recalls that the Trial Chamber noted that a common feature of joint trials is that evidence brought relating to one accused may not relate to another. However, the Trial Chamber found that this fact in itself, “unsupported by concrete allegations of specific prejudice that is likely to result,” does not mean that prejudice to an accused is an inevitable result of joinders under Rule 48.[1] This is because the Chambers of the International Tribunal consist of “professional judges [who are] able to exclude that prejudicial evidence from their minds when it comes to determining the guilt of a particular accused” in a joint trial.[2] The Appeals Chamber affirms that holding.[3] 

See also para. 22.

[1] Impugned Decision, para. 30 (citing Prosecutor v. Brđanin and Talić, Case No. IT-99-36-PT, Decision on Motions by Momir Talić for a Separate Trial and for Leave to File a Reply, 9 March 2000, para. 20).

[2] Ibid. (citing Prosecutor v. Mejakić, Case Nos. IT-95-4-PT, IT-95-8/1-PT, Decision on Prosecution’s Motion for Joinder of Accused, 17 September 2002, para. 29).

[3] Cf. Milošević Decision on Joinder, para. 29 (affirming an interpretation of the Trial Chamber’s statement that if evidence were admitted in a trial against the accused under one indictment, which would be prejudicial to the accused in another trial against him under different indictments, “the members of the Trial Chamber as professional judges would be able to exclude that prejudicial evidence from their minds when they came to determine the issues” in the second trial).  

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ICTR Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(B)
ICTY Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(B)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Joinder - 27.01.2006 TOLIMIR et al.

The Appellant was arguing that the Trial Chamber erred in finding that it could regulate the cross-examination of witnesses. In his view, this would violate both his right to cross-examine witnesses under Article 21(4)(e) of the Statute and Rule 82(A) of the Rules according to which in “joint trials, each accused shall be accorded the same rights as if such accused were being tried separately.”

The Appeals Chamber found the following:

29. […] The Trial Chamber was correct to note that in a joint trial, a Trial Chamber has discretion to regulate the examination of witnesses so as to avoid repetitive questioning during cross-examination. Rule 90(F) specifically provides that “[t]he Trial Chamber shall exercise control over the mode and order of interrogating witnesses and presenting evidence so as to (i) make the interrogation and presentation effective for the ascertainment of the truth; and (ii) avoid needless consumption of time.” Of course, this power is subject to Trial Chamber’s obligation to respect the rights of an accused, including the right to cross-examine witnesses under Article 21(4)(e) of the Statute.[1] The Appellant fails to show how the Trial Chamber’s regulation of the cross-examination of witnesses in this joint trial by, for example, avoiding repetitive questioning, would result in prejudice to him. Rather, the Trial Chamber’s regulation should mitigate any potential prejudice to him. At trial, the Appellant will have the opportunity to object where he feels that the Trial Chamber has erred in finding that another Accused’s cross-examination of a witness is sufficient to cover his defence such that he does not need to also engage in cross-examination of that same witness. The Trial Chamber will consider each objection carefully under its obligation to respect norms of due process and the rights of the Appellant. 

[1] Article 20(1) of the Statute requires that “[t]he Trial Chambers shall ensure that a trial is fair and expeditious and that proceedings are conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure and evidence, with full respect for the rights of the accused […]” (emphasis added).

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ICTR Statute Article 20(4)(e) ICTY Statute Article 21(4)(e) ICTR Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(A);
Rule 90(F)
ICTY Rule Rule 48;
Rule 82(A);
Rule 90(F)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Jurisdiction - 08.12.2005 DELIĆ Rasim

11. To the extent that the Appellant’s argument concerns not the sufficiency of the indictment but the sufficiency of the supporting evidence, the Appeals Chamber agrees with the Trial Chamber that this is an issue to be resolved at trial.  The question whether an indictment is supported by sufficient supporting material to make out a prima facie case is not a jurisdictional one within the meaning of Rule 72(B)(i), and the Appellant has no right to an interlocutory appeal of the confirming judge’s decision on this question.[1]  [….] Here […] the indictment’s allegations are legally sufficient, and the further question whether those allegations are supported by the evidence is a factual one that is inappropriate for interlocutory appeal.

[1] Prosecutor v Brđanin, Case No. IT-99-36-AR 72, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal From Decision on Motion to Dismiss Indictment Filed Under Rule 72, 16 November 1999.

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ICTR Rule Rule 72 ICTY Rule Rule 72
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Jurisdiction - 08.12.2005 DELIĆ Rasim

3. The Appeals Chamber does not accept that Counsel’s commitment to other cases at this Tribunal constitutes “good cause” pursuant to Rule 127.  Counsel assigned to represent accused at this Tribunal are expected to organise their work schedules in order to meet their obligations to respect the time limits for filings on appeals laid down in the Practice Direction.[1]  Counsel would have been able to calculate, upon the filing of the Appellant’s Appeal, the due date for the Prosecution Response and subsequently the Appellant’s Reply and is expected to have organised her work schedule to meet those due dates.  Accordingly, “good cause” has not been shown, and the Reply of the Appellant will not be considered in this Appeal.

[1] Prosecutor v Mejakić et al., Case No: IT-02-65-AR11bis.1, Decision on Joint Defense Motion for Leave to File Supplemented Appeals Brief, 16 November 2005, page 5.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Medical Aid in Montenegro - 08.12.2005 STRUGAR Pavle

CONSIDERING that pursuant to the established jurisprudence of the Tribunal, provisional release may be granted to an accused who may remain temporarily outside of the host country for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, provided that the prerequisites of Rule 65 of the Rules are fulfilled;[1]

[1] Cf. Prosecutor v. Ojdanić, IT-99-37-PT, Confidential Order on General Ojdanić’s Urgent Motion for Modification of Conditions of Provisional Release, 30 June 2005; Prosecutor v. Kovačević, IT-01-42/2-I, Decision on Provisional Release, 2 June 2004.

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Consummation of Marriage - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 4: CONSIDERING that the Appeals Chamber has the statutory duty to ensure the fairness of the proceedings on appeal[1] and, thus, has jurisdiction to review decisions of the Tribunal’s Registrar and President;

P. 4: CONSIDERING, however, that the exercise of such jurisdiction should be closely related to the fairness of proceedings on appeal and should not be used as a substitute for a general power of review which has not been expressly provided by the Rules of Detention;[2]

P. 4: CONSIDERING that the Appellant has not identified any impact by the issues raised in his Motion on his right to fair proceedings;

P. 4: FINDING that the detention conditions raised by the Appellant are not related to the fairness of proceedings on appeal and that, therefore, the Appellant’s right to fair proceedings has not been infringed by the outcome of the President’s Decision;

P. 4: FINDING, therefore, that the Appellant has exhausted all available remedies and that the Appeals Chamber has no jurisdiction in this matter

[1] Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Ferdinand Nahimana’s Motion for Assistance from the Registrar in the Appeals Phase, 3 May 2005, paras 4 and 7; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on “Appellant Hassan Ngeze’s Motion for Leave to Permit his Defence Counsel to Communicate with him during Afternoon Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays”, 25 April 2005, p. 3. See also, Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-99-37-AR.73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Motion for Additional Funds, 13 November 2003, para. 19.

[2] See, by analogy, Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-99-37-AR.73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Motion for Additional Funds, 13 November 2003, para. 20.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Consummation of Marriage - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

Pp. 3-4: CONSIDERING that, pursuant to Rule 3 of the Rules of Detention, the Commanding Officer of the UNDF has primary responsibility for all aspects of the daily management of the Detention Unit and that, pursuant to Rules 82 and 83 of the Rules of Detention, where a detainee is not satisfied with the response of the Commanding Officer, he or she has the right to file a written complaint to the Registrar who shall forward it to the President of the Tribunal;

P. 4: FINDING that, in the present case, this procedure was followed;

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Other instruments Rules Covering the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal (ICTR): Rules 82-83.
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Psychological Examination - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 4: FINDING also that, had the procedure of the Detention Rules been followed, the Appeals Chamber would only have jurisdiction to review a Registrar’s or President’s decision if the issues in question were closely related to the fairness of the proceedings on appeal;[1]

[1] Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Hassan Ngeze’s Motion to Set Aside President Møse’s Decision and Request to Consummate his Marriage, 6 December, p. 4; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Ferdinand Nahimana’s Motion for Assistance from the Registrar in the Appeals Phase, 3 May 2005, paras. 4 and 7; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on “Appellant Hassan Ngeze’s Motion for Leave to Permit his Defence Counsel to Communicate with him during Afternoon Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays”, 25 April 2005, p. 3. See also, Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-99-37-AR.73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Motion for Additional Funds, 13 November 2003, para. 19.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Psychological Examination - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 3: CONSIDERING that, pursuant to Rules 28 and 31 of the Detention Rules, the medical officer is responsible for the physical and mental health of the detainees and the administration of any treatment or medication to them;

NOTING that Rule 32 of the Detention Rules provides for the procedure to be followed in cases where the medical officer “considers that the physical or mental health of a detainee has been or will be adversely affected by any condition of his detention”;

[1] Adopted on 5 June 1998.

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Other instruments Rules Covering the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal Before the Tribunal or otherwise detained on the Authority of the Tribunal (ICTR): Rules 28; 31-32.
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Psychological Examination - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 3: NOTING that, according to Rules 82 and 83 of the Detention Rules, where a detainee is not satisfied with the conditions of his or her detention, he or she is entitled to “make a complaint to the Commanding Officer or his representative at any time” and, in case of an unsatisfactory response, to “make a written complaint, without censorship, to the Registrar, who shall forward it to the President”;

P. 4: FINDING that the complaint procedure for the detention conditions has not been duly followed by the Appellant and that he has not yet exhausted the remedies made available to him by the Detention Rules;

[1] Adopted on 5 June 1998.

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Other instruments Rules Covering the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal Before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal (ICTR): Rules 82-83.
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Psychological Examination - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 2: CONSIDERING that the rights of detained persons and conditions of their detention are regulated by the Rules Covering the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal[1] (“Detention Rules”);

P. 4: FINDING also that, had the procedure of the Detention Rules been followed, the Appeals Chamber would only have jurisdiction to review a Registrar’s or President’s decision if the issues in question were closely related to the fairness of the proceedings on appeal;[2]

[1] Adopted on 5 June 1998.

[2] Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Hassan Ngeze’s Motion to Set Aside President Møse’s Decision and Request to Consummate his Marriage, 6 December, p. 4; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Ferdinand Nahimana’s Motion for Assistance from the Registrar in the Appeals Phase, 3 May 2005, paras. 4 and 7; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on “Appellant Hassan Ngeze’s Motion for Leave to Permit his Defence Counsel to Communicate with him during Afternoon Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays”, 25 April 2005, p. 3. See also, Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-99-37-AR.73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Motion for Additional Funds, 13 November 2003, para. 19.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Psychological Examination - 06.12.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

Pp. 4-5: CONSIDERING that medical, psychological, and psychiatric examinations pursuant to Rule 74bis are typically ordered to establish the accused’s fitness to stay in custody, his ability to stand trial,[1] his mental state at the time of the acts charged, as well as sentencing considerations such as ability to be reintegrated in society;[2]

P. 5: FINDING that the Appellant has not demonstrated that any of these concerns are implicated, and specifically has not demonstrated any threat to the fairness of the proceedings on appeal;

P. 5: FINDING therefore, that the Appellant has not demonstrated the need for an independent psychological examination under Rule 74bis;

P. 5: FINDING that, in these circumstances and at this stage, the Appeals Chamber sees no reason to order a psychological or psychiatric examination of the Appellant pursuant to Rule 74bis of the Rules

[1] Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar, Case No. IT-01-42-T, Decision on the Defence Motion for a Medical Examination of the Accused pursuant to Rule 74bis of the Rules, p. 2.

[2] Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka et al., Case No. IT-98-30/1-T, Decision on Defense Motion to Obtain the Assignment of Experts for the Accused Miroslav Kvočka, 12 May 2000, pp 2, – 3; Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka et al., Case No. IT-98-30/1-T, Decision on Defense Request for Assignment of Experts for the Accused Dragoljub Prcać, 18 May 2000, p. 2; Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka et al., Case No. IT-98-30/1-T, Decision on Defense Request for Assignment of Medical and Psychiatric Experts for the Accused Zoran Zigić, 21 June 2000, p. 2; Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka et al., Case No. IT-98-30/1-T, Decision on Defense Additional Motion for Psychological Evaluation of the Accused Dragoljub Prcać, 14 December 2000, p. 2. 

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ICTR Rule Rule 74 bis ICTY Rule Rule 74 bis
Notion(s) Filing Case
Order Expunging Annexes - 30.11.2005 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

The Appeals Chamber has expunged from the record appendixes to the Respondent’s brief which contained legal and factual arguments:

P. 2: NOTING that, pursuant to Paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction on the Length of Briefs and Motions on Appeal,[1] “[a]ny appendix or book of authorities does not count towards the page limit”;

P. 3: NOTING that, pursuant to the same provision, “[a]n appendix or book of authorities will not contain legal or factual arguments, but rather references, source materials, items from the record, exhibits and other relevant, non-argumentative material”;

CONSIDERING that Annexures A through G of Appendix A contain legal and factual arguments as follows […];

P. 4: FINDING that Annexures A through G of Appendix A to the Consolidated Respondent’s Brief cannot be considered as appendixes under Paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction;

CONSIDERING that Annexure H of Appendix A “Chart of Factual Findings” and Appendix B “Authorities Cited” were filed in compliance with Paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction;

REJECT the filings of Annexures A through G of Appendix A to the Consolidated Respondent’s Brief;

DIRECT the Registry to return the aforementioned Annexures to the Prosecution and to expunge them from the record [.]

[1] Practice Direction on the Length of Briefs and Motions on Appeal, 16 September 2002, as amended (“Practice Direction”).

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Other instruments Practice Direction on the length of Briefs and Motions on Appeal (ICTR): Para. 4.
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision Regarding Pleadings in Appeal - 24.11.2005 BLAGOJEVIĆ & JOKIĆ

21.  Rule 6(D) of the Rules provides that amendments to the Rules “shall not operate to prejudice the rights of the accused or of a convicted or acquitted person in any pending case”.  The Appeal Chamber considers that the same principle applies to changes in the procedural requirements set out by the Tribunal’s practice directions.  […]

[1] See Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko et al., Case No. ICTR-21-1-T, Decision in the Matter of Proceedings under Rule 15 bis, 24 September 2003, paras. 13-14; Prosecutor v. Blaškić, Case No. IT-95-14-AR108bis, Decision on Prosecution Motion to Set Aside the Decision of the Appeals Chamber of 29 July 1997, 12 August 1997, paras. 12-13.

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ICTR Rule Rule 6(C) ICTY Rule Rule 6(D) Other instruments ICTY Practice Directions
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Participation in Oral Argument - 07.11.2005 BRĐANIN Radoslav

CONSIDERING that the main relevant criterion for the Appeals Chamber in determining whether to permit an amicus curiae to offer oral argument is whether that argument would assist the Appeals Chamber in its consideration of the question at issue;

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 01.11.2005 MILUTINOVIĆ et al.

When examining the Trial Chamber’s finding that it was satisfied that the Accused, if released, will not pose a danger to victims, witnesses or other persons, the Appeals Chamber held:

11. The Trial Chamber “consider[ed] that there is nothing to suggest that, if released, the Accused will pose” such a danger, and “that the Trial Chamber thereby previously [only] identified the [question of whether the Accused would appear for trial] as being in issue”.[1]  The Trial Chamber is not obliged to deal with all possible factors when deciding whether it is satisfied the requirements of Rule 65(B) are fulfilled, but at a minimum, the Trial Chamber must provide reasoning to support its findings regarding the substantive considerations relevant to its decision.[2]  Here, the Trial Chamber appears, in effect, to have switched the burden to the Prosecution to show that the Accused would pose a danger if released.  In the putative absence of such information, the Trial Chamber appears to have assumed the lack of a danger posed by the Accused’s release.  If the Trial Chamber found, as it must have done so here, that the Accused upon release will pose no danger to persons, then it must provide the reasons for reaching that finding.

[1] Impugned Decision [Prosecutor v. Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-05-87-PT, Decision on Nebojša Paković’s Provisional Release, 30 September 2005], p. 2.

[2] Prosecutor v. Milošević, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.6, Decision on the Interlocutory Appeal by the Amici Curiae Against the Trial Chamber Order Concerning the Presentation and Preparation of the Defence Case, 20 January 2004 (The Appeals Chamber examined whether the Trial Chamber considered appropriate factors in sufficient measure, and determined that the Trial Chamber had an obligation to provide reasons for its decision, although the Trial Chamber need not have provided its reasoning in detail); Prosecutor v. Dragoljub Kunarac et al., Case No. IT-96-23 & IT-96-23/1-A, Appeals Chamber, Judgement, 12 June 2002, para. 42 (a Chamber has an obligation to give reasoned opinions for its decisions but this obligation does not require it to spell out every step in its reasoning ).

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65