Decision issued without awaiting end of briefing

Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Jovica Stanišić’s Urgent Motion for Consideration of Recent Domestic Jurisprudence - 30.05.2023 STANIŠIĆ & SIMATOVIĆ
(Case No. MICT-15-96-A)

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NOTING that – given the urgency of the matter, the imminence of the judgement on the appeals, and in order to not prejudice Stanišić – the substance of the Prosecution response, filed on 30 May 2023, was not considered and the present decision is being issued without awaiting Stanišić’s reply;

[1] See Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić, Case No. MICT-13-56-A, Decision on an Urgent Motion for Provisional Release on Humanitarian Grounds to Attend Memorial Service, 5 July 2018 (confidential), n. 5. See also Prosecution Response to Urgent Stanišić Defence Motion for Consideration of the Case of Twitter Inc. v. Taamneh et al., 30 May 2023 (confidential).

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