Deadline for filing an appeal brief

Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Prosecution Request for a Scheduling Order - 08.06.2006 BAGARAGAZA Michel

At para. 3, the ICTR Appeals Chamber confirmed the ICTY Appeals Chamber’s finding that the delay for filing an appeal brief in an appeal from a Rule 11bis decision is 15 days:

3. Rule 11bis(H) sets a time frame of fifteen days for the filing of a notice of appeal, but is silent on the period for filing an appeal brief. Under the equivalent provision of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the ICTY, the Appeals Chamber has followed a practice of allowing fifteen days from the filing of the notice of appeal for the filing of the appeal brief on the merits.[1] The Appeals Chamber sees no reason to depart from this practice in considering appeals under Rule 11bis in this Tribunal.

[1] The Prosecutor v. Radovan Stanković, Case No. IT-96-23/2-AR11bis.1, Decision on Defence Application for Extension of Time to File Notice of Appeal, 9 June 2005 paras. 17, 18. See also The Prosecutor v. Paško Ljubičić, Case No. IT-00-41-AR11bis.1, Decision on Motion for Extension of Time, 10 May 2006, p. 1.

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ICTR Rule Rule 11 bis ICTY Rule Rule 11 bis