Planning a campaign

Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 12.11.2009 MILOŠEVIĆ Dragomir

268. […] [T]he Appeals Chamber recalls that the actus reus of “planning” requires that one or more persons design the criminal conduct constituting one or more statutory crimes that are later perpetrated.[1] It is sufficient to demonstrate that the planning was a factor substantially contributing to such criminal conduct.[2] The mens rea for this mode of responsibility entails the intent to plan the commission of a crime or, at a minimum, the awareness of the substantial likelihood that a crime will be committed in the execution of the acts or omissions planned.[3]

274. […] [T]he Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber’s conclusions that Milošević planned the shelling incidents are based on essentially the same set of facts. In the circumstances of this case, the Appeals Chamber proprio motu finds that Milošević’s responsibility for ordering fully encompasses his criminal conduct and thus does not warrant a conviction for planning the same crimes.[4]

[1] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 479, referring to Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 26.

[2] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 26. Although the French version of the Judgement uses the terms “un élément déterminant”, the English version – which is authoritative – uses the expression “factor substantially contributing to”.

[3] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 479, referring to Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, paras 29, 31.

[4] Cf., with respect to ordering and aiding and abetting, Kamuhanda Appeal Judgement, para. 77, referring to Semanza Appeal Judgement, paras 353, 364; and, with respect to planning and committing, Brđanin Trial Judgement, para. 268, referring to Blaškić Trial Judgement, para. 278; Kordić and Čerkez Trial Judgement, para. 386.

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ICTR Statute Article 6(1) ICTY Statute Article 7(1)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 12.11.2009 MILOŠEVIĆ Dragomir

265. The Trial Chamber has adopted a very general approach in that it did not analyse whether Milošević ordered every sniping or shelling incident, but rather concluded that those incidents could only take place if ordered by him in the framework of the campaign directed against the civilian population of Sarajevo. In principle, this approach is not erroneous as such, given that both the actus reus and the mens rea of ordering can be established through inferences from circumstantial evidence, provided that those inferences are the only reasonable ones. The Appeals Chamber underlines, however, that when applying such an approach to the facts of the case, great caution is required.

266. First, the Appeals Chamber emphasizes that, as the Trial Chamber correctly held in its discussion of the widespread or systematic attack, “[a] campaign is a military strategy; it is not an ingredient of any of the charges in the Indictment, be that terror, murder or inhumane acts”.[1] The Appeals Chamber notes, however, that in other parts of the Trial Judgement, the Trial Chamber appears to hold Milošević responsible for planning and ordering a campaign of crimes.[2] The Appeals Chamber understands these references as illustrating that the crimes at stake formed a pattern comprised by the SRK military campaign in Sarajevo. Therefore, the “campaign” in the present Appeal Judgement shall be understood as a descriptive term illustrating that the attacks against the civilian population in Sarajevo, in the form of sniping and shelling, were carried out as a pattern forming part of the military strategy in place.

Having clarified that Milošević could not be held criminally responsible for planning or ordering a military campaign (but rather for the crimes resulting therefrom), the Appeals Chamber further concluded that there was no evidence of him planning or ordering the campaign as such. Therefore, there was no basis for a conclusion that he planned and ordered the crimes on the ground that they resulted from a military campaign. Consequently, the Appeals Chamber proceeded to analyse whether there was evidence supporting the Trial Chamber’s conclusions that Milošević planned and ordered the crimes resulting from the specific shelling and sniping incidents. The Appeals Chamber further underlined:

271. The Appeals Chamber emphasizes that its findings above pertain strictly to Milošević’s individual criminal responsibility for ordering and planning the campaign of shelling and sniping of civilians in Sarajevo as such, given that not all the legal requirements necessary for these modes of liability have been established at trial. These findings do not affect the conclusions of the Trial Chamber or those of the Galić Trial and Appeal Chambers that such a campaign took place in Sarajevo during the relevant period.

[1] Trial Judgement, para. 927.

[2] Trial Judgement, paras 910-913, 927-928, 932, 938, 953, 966, 975, 978. 

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