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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 17.03.2009 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

When finding that a forcible transfer amounts to “other inhumane acts” under Article 5(i) of the Statute, the Trial Chamber has to be convinced that the forcible transfer in question is of a similar seriousness to other enumerated crimes against humanity.

330. The Appeals Chamber has held that “acts of forcible transfer may be sufficiently serious as to amount to other inhumane acts”.[1] Accordingly, a Trial Chamber should examine if the specific instances of forcible transfer in the case before it were sufficiently serious to amount to “other inhumane acts” under Article 5(i) of the Statute. The Trial Chamber did not do so in the present case; rather, it seemed to have assumed that the acts of forcible transfer amounted to “other inhumane acts” under Article 5(i) of the Statute.[2] The Appeals Chamber finds that this was in error, but is not convinced that this error invalidates the Appellant’s conviction for other inhumane acts (forcible transfer).

331. When finding that specific acts of forcible transfer amount to “other inhumane acts” under Article 5(i) of the Statute, a Trial Chamber has to be convinced that the forcible transfer is of a similar seriousness to other enumerated crimes against humanity.[3] This condition is satisfied in the present case. The acts of forcible transfer[4] were of similar seriousness to the instances of deportation,[5] as they involved a forced departure from the residence and the community, without guarantees concerning the possibility to return in the future, with the victims of such forced transfers invariably suffering serious mental harm.[6]

[1] Stakić Appeal Judgement, para. 317 (emphasis added).

[2] Trial Judgement, paras 722-726.

[3] Blagojević and Jokić Trial Judgement, para. 626; Galić Trial Judgement, para. 152; Vasiljević Trial Judgement, para. 234; Krnojelac Trial Judgement, para. 130. See also Kupreškić Trial Judgement, para. 566, and Kayishema and Ruzindana Trial Judgement, paras 151, 154 (stating that the acts or omissions must be as serious as the other crimes against humanity).

[4] See Trial Judgement paras 309 (Bijeljina), 402 (Bosanska Krupa), 314 (Bratunac), 533 (Sanski Most), 693 (Sokolac), 593 (Trnovo) and 365 (Zvornik).

[5] See Trial Chamber Judgement paras 380 (Banja Luka), 611 (Bileća), 419 (Bosanski Novi), 621 (Čajniče), 637 (Foča), 658-659 (Gacko), 507 (Prnjavor) and 366 (Zvornik).

[6] In this connection, see Blagojević and Jokić Trial Judgement, para. 629; Krstić Trial Judgement, para. 523; Kupreškić et al. Trial Judgement, para. 566.  

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ICTR Statute Article 3(i) ICTY Statute Article 5(i)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 17.03.2009 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

388. Addressing the more specific issue of intra-Article 5 cumulative convictions, the Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement ruled that a correct application of the Čelebići test required “an examination, as a matter of law, of the elements of each offence in the Statute that pertain to that conduct for which the accused has been convicted.” Based on this reasoning, the Appeals Chamber admitted that convictions for the crimes against humanity of persecution on the one hand, and murder, other inhumane acts and imprisonment on the other hand, could be cumulated, since all of these offences contained “an element that requires proof of a fact not required by the other[s]”.[1]

389. In the instant case, Amicus Curiae alleges that the Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement is an incorrect application of the Čelebići test and should therefore not be used as a precedent. The Appeals Chamber cannot agree with this interpretation. While prior jurisprudence adopted another point of view,[2] in the Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement the Appeals Chamber clearly explained the reasons that warranted the departure from previous cases.[3] Subsequent appeal judgements in the Stakić, Naletilić and Martinović and Nahimana et al. cases confirmed the approach adopted in Kordić and Čerkez.[4] The Appeals Chamber therefore sees no cogent reason to depart from the current jurisprudence with respect to intra-Article 5 cumulative convictions.

390. In the Trial Judgement, the Trial Chamber determined that:

[p]ersecution as a crime against humanity has a materially distinct element from murder as a crime against humanity in that persecution requires proof that an act or omission discriminates in fact, and proof that the act or omission was committed with specific intent to discriminate. Conversely, murder as a crime against humanity requires proof that the accused caused the victim’s death, which is not an element required for proof of persecution. As a result, a cumulative conviction for persecution and murder under Article 5 of the Statute is permissible. The same reasoning applies to extermination, deportation, and forced transfer as an inhumane act.[5]

391. The Appeals Chamber, by majority, Judge Güney dissenting,[6] considers that this is a correct application of the law on cumulative convictions. Therefore, the Trial Chamber did not err in cumulating the conviction for persecution as a crime against humanity with the convictions for the crimes against humanity of murder, extermination, deportation and inhumane acts (forcible transfer). This ground of appeal is dismissed.

[1] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, paras 1040-1043.

[2] See Krstić Appeal Judgement, paras 230-233; Vasiljević Appeal Judgement, paras 144-146; Krnojelac Appeal Judgement, para. 188.

[3] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 1040.

[4] See Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, paras 1026-1027; Naletilić and Martinović Appeal Judgement, paras 587-591; Stakić Appeal Judgement, paras 355-367.

[5] Trial Judgement, para. 1130.

[6] See Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, Partly Dissenting Opinion of Judge Güney, para. 5.

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ICTR Statute Article 3 ICTY Statute Article 5
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 17.03.2009 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

775. It is well established that, at the Tribunal and at the ICTR, retribution and deterrence are the main objectives of sentencing.[1] As to retribution, the Appeals Chamber has explained that “[t]his is not to be understood as fulfilling a desire for revenge but as duly expressing the outrage of the international community at these crimes”;[2] retribution should be seen as  

an objective, reasoned and measured determination of an appropriate punishment which properly reflects the […] culpability of the offender, having regard to the international risk-taking of the offender, the consequential harm caused by the offender, and the normative character of the offender’s conduct. Furthermore, unlike vengeance, retribution incorporates a principle of restraint; retribution requires the imposition of a just and appropriate punishment, and nothing more.[3] 

Thus, retribution has to be understood in the more modern sense of “just desert” and the punishment has to be proportional to the gravity of the crime and the guilt of the accused.[4] The Trial Chamber was clearly aware of these principles.[5]

776. With respect to deterrence, a sentence should be adequate to discourage an accused from recidivism (individual deterrence) as well as to ensure that those who would consider committing similar crimes will be dissuaded from doing so (general deterrence).[6] Whether a sentence provides sufficient deterrence cannot be divorced from the gravity of the criminal conduct at hand. In other words, if the sentence is too lenient in comparison to the gravity of the criminal conduct, then it will not properly achieve the objective of deterrence.[7]

77. Thus, both retribution and deterrence include a reference to proportionality with the criminal conduct. Further, the Appeals Chamber is of the view that a sentence proportional to the gravity of the criminal conduct will necessarily provide sufficient retribution and deterrence. As recognised by the Prosecution, “a Trial Chamber’s duty is to impose punishment proportionate to the gravity of the crimes and the individual culpability of the accused. In this way, the sentencing principles of retribution and deterrence are met.”[8] The Appeals Chamber concludes that the Prosecution’s assertions with respect to the objectives of retribution and deterrence in fact collapse into its arguments that the sentence imposed was not proportionate to the gravity of Krajišnik’s conduct. The Appeals Chamber will now consider those arguments.

See also “De novo sentence on appeal” under “Other issues of particular interest” below.

[1] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 1057; Stakić Appeal Judgement, para. 402; Deronjić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, paras 136-137; Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 1074; Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 806. In the case at hand, the Trial Chamber duly noted that the objective of rehabilitation was less important than those of retribution and deterrence: Trial Judgement, para. 1138. 

[2] Aleksovski Appeal Judgement, para. 185.

[3] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 1075, citing R. v. M. (C.A.), [1996] 1 S.C.R. 500, para. 80 (emphasis in original).

[4] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 1075, citing with approval Erdemović 1996 Sentencing Judgement, para. 65.

[5] Trial Judgement, para. 1135.

[6] Dragan Nikolić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, para. 45; Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, paras 1076-1078. The Trial Chamber duly took notice of these principles: Trial Judgement, paras 1136-1137.

[7] Similarly, a sentence should not be disproportionately severe in comparison to the criminal conduct at hand just to ensure maximum deterrence, as this would be unfair and contrary to the basic principle that an accused must be punished solely on the basis of his or her wrongdoing. It is in this sense that the Appeals Chamber has stated that the objective of deterrence should not be given undue prominence in the overall assessment of the sentences to be imposed on persons convicted by the International Tribunal: Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 1078; Dragan Nikolić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, para. 46; Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 801; Aleksovski Appeal Judgement, para. 185; Tadić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, para. 48.  

[8] Prosecution’s Appeal Brief, para. 15.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 17.03.2009 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

The Appeals Chamber summarily dismissed a number of grounds on the following basis:

16. The Appeals Chamber recalls that it has an inherent discretion to determine which of the parties’ submissions merit a reasoned opinion in writing and that it may dismiss arguments which are evidently unfounded without providing detailed reasoning in writing. Indeed, the Appeals Chamber’s mandate cannot be effectively and efficiently carried out without focused contributions by the parties. […] As well, the Appeals Chamber may dismiss submissions as unfounded without providing detailed reasoning if a party’s submissions are obscure, contradictory, vague or suffer from other formal and obvious insufficiencies.

The Appeals Chamber further identified the following categories of errors that it would dismiss summarily, as outlined in paras. 18-27:

  • Arguments that fail to identify the challenged factual findings, that misrepresent the factual findings or the evidence, or that ignore other relevant factual findings;
  • Mere assertions that the Trial Chamber must have failed to consider relevant evidence;
  • Challenges to factual findings on which a conviction does not rely, and arguments that are clearly irrelevant, that lend support to, or that are not inconsistent with the challenged finding;
  • Arguments that challenged a Trial Chamber’s reliance or failure to rely on one piece of evidence;
  • Arguments contrary to common sense;
  • Challenges to factual findings where the relevance of the factual findings is unclear and has not been explained by the Appellant;
  • Mere repetition of arguments that were unsuccessful at trial;
  • Allegations based on material not on the record;
  • Mere assertions unsupported by any evidence, undeveloped assertions, failure to articulate error;
  • Mere assertions that the Trial Chamber failed to give sufficient weight to evidence or failed to interpret evidence in a particular manner.
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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 17.03.2009 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

Although the Appeals Chamber has quashed the majority of Krajišnik’s convictions, it decided not to remand the case for retrial and to determine the appropriate sentence for the remaining convictions itself (paras 797-801). In so doing, the Appeals Chamber took into account the following factors: retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, individual and affirmative prevention, the general practice regarding prison sentences in the courts of the former Yugoslavia, the gravity of the crime(s) of the totality of an accused’s conduct, and the individual circumstances of an accused (paras 802-817).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

11. The Appeals Chamber considers it necessary to remind the Registrar of his obligation to ensure efficient communication with detainees and convicted persons, even after they have been transferred to a State in which their sentence is to be served, so as to ensure that they may exercise their rights provided for under the Statute and the Rules in full.[1]  

[1] See Emmanuel Ndindabahizi v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-01-71-R, Decision on Emmanuel Ndindabahizi’s Motion of 1 December 2008, 17 December 2008, pp. 3, 4.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

21. The Appeals Chamber recalls that review proceedings are governed by Article 25 of the Statute of the Tribunal (“Statute”) and Rules 120 and 121 of the Rules. The Appeals Chamber strongly emphasizes that review of a final judgement is an exceptional procedure and not an additional opportunity for a party to re-litigate arguments that failed at trial or on appeal.[1] In order for review to be granted, the moving party must show that: (i) there is a new fact; (ii) the new fact was not known to the moving party at the time of the original proceedings; (iii) the lack of discovery of that new fact was not the result of a lack of due diligence by the moving party; and (iv) the new fact could have been a decisive factor in reaching the original decision.[2] In wholly exceptional circumstances, the Appeals Chamber may nonetheless grant review, even where the new fact was known to the moving party at the time of the original proceedings or the lack of discovery of the fact was the result of a lack of due diligence by the moving party, if ignoring the new fact would result in a miscarriage of justice.[3]

[1] Decision on Third Request for Review, 23 January 2008 (“Third Review Decision”), para. 13; Georges Anderson Nderubumwe Rutaganda v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-96-03-R, Decision on Requests for Reconsideration, Review, Assignment of Counsel, Disclosure, and Clarification, 8 December 2006 (“Rutaganda Review Decision”), para. 8. See also First Review Decision, paras. 5-7; Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, Decision (Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration), 31 March 2000, para. 43.

[2] Third Review Decision, para. 13; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 8; The Prosecutor v. Aloys Simba, Case No. ICTR-01-76-A, Decision on Aloys Simba’s Requests for Suspension of Appeal Proceedings and Review, 9 January 2007, para. 8; First Review Decision, paras. 5-7. See also Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaškić, Case No. IT-95-14-R,  Decision on Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration, 23 November 2006 (“Blaškić Review Decision”), para. 7; Prosecutor v. Mlađo Radić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-R.1, Decision on Defence Request for Review, 31 October 2006, paras. 9-11; Prosecutor v. Zoran Žigić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-R.2, Decision on Zoran Žigić’s Request for Review under Rule 119, 25 August 2006, para. 8; Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Case No. IT-94-1-R, Decision on Request for Review, 30 July 2002 (“Tadić Review Decision”), para. 20.

[3] Third Review Decision, para. 13; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 8; Blaškić Review Decision, para. 8; Tadić Review Decision, paras. 26, 27. 

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ICTR Statute Article 25 ICTY Statute Article 26 ICTR Rule Rule 120;
Rule 121
ICTY Rule Rule 119;
Rule 120
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

22. The Appeals Chamber further recalls that the term “new fact” refers to new evidentiary information supporting a fact that was not in issue during the trial or appeal proceedings.[1] The requirement that the fact was not in issue during the proceedings means that “it must not have been among the factors that the deciding body could have taken into account in reaching its verdict.”[2] Essentially, the moving party must show that the Chamber did not know about the fact in reaching its decision.[3]

47. This being said, the Appeals Chamber does not find it necessary to order Niyitegeka to file the Additional Statements or information concerning the identity of their authors. Niyitegeka makes clear that, in his view, the information contained in the Additional Statements reveals that Witness GGV was not credible. The Appeals Chamber notes that Witness GGV’s credibility is a matter that was litigated at trial and on appeal. While the Additional Statements may constitute material of an evidentiary nature, in light of what Niyitegeka discloses of their content they do not constitute “new facts” within the meaning of Article 25 of the Statute. Accordingly, Niyitegeka’s attempt to have them admitted as new facts for the purposes of review is bound to fail.  

[1] Third Review Decision, para. 14; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Blaškić Review Decision, paras. 14, 15; Tadić Review Decision, para. 25.

[2] Third Review Decision, para. 14; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Blaškić Review Decision, paras. 14, 15; Tadić Review Decision, para. 25.

[3] Third Review Decision, para. 14; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Blaškić Review Decision, para. 14.

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ICTR Statute Article 25 ICTY Statute Article 26 ICTR Rule Rule 120 ICTY Rule Rule 119
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

46. The Appeals Chamber is not in a position to properly assess the merits of Niyitegeka’s request regarding the Additional Statements since he did not provide them. In the absence of the relevant material, the Appeals Chamber is not only unable to fully assess whether they constitute “new facts”, but is also unable to order their admission into the record. While an applicant may have legitimate concerns regarding the security of potential witnesses, those concerns are not justified when it comes to disclosing information to the Appeals Chamber. As regards disclosures to the Prosecution, the Appeals Chamber reminds Niyitegeka that he could have requested the application of protective measures by the Appeals Chamber pursuant to Rule 75 of the Rules prior to filing his Request.[1] Further, Niyitegeka elected not to attach the Additional Statements to his request on the additional ground that he intended to first give the material to his assigned counsel. In doing so, Niyitegeka hindered the Appeals Chamber’s ability to provide a thorough analysis of his claim that the Additional Statements constitute “new facts” and thwarted his own request to have the statements admitted for purposes of review. Similarly, Niyitegeka prevented the Appeals Chamber from considering his claim that the Prosecution violated its disclosure obligations under Rule 68 of the Rules and his related request for disciplinary action.

[1] The Appeals Chamber recalls that a request for protective measures pursuant to Rule 75 of the Rules must demonstrate a real likelihood that the person may be in danger or at risk. See The Prosecutor v. André Ntagerura et al., Case No. ICTR-99-46-A, Order, 2 June 2004, p. 2 and decisions cited therein. 

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ICTR Statute Article 25 ICTY Statute Article 26 ICTR Rule Rule 120 ICTY Rule Rule 119
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

48. In relation to his request for review based on the Additional Statements, Niyitegeka also requests that the Appeals Chamber order that the identity of two victims that he was found to have killed be specified.[1] The Appeals Chamber recalls that the charges against Niyitegeka have already been determined and that his conviction has been confirmed on appeal. Outside the review mechanism provided for under Article 25 of the Statute, it is not within the Appeals Chamber’s jurisdiction to re-open terminated proceedings to alter otherwise final findings.[2] Niyitegeka’s attempt to further contest the original findings is therefore dismissed. 

[1] Fourth Request for Review of the Judgement Rendered by the Appeals Chamber on 9 July 2004, and for Legal Assistance, paras. 55, 56, referring to Trial Judgement, para. 443. Niyitegeka bases this claim on the following finding from the Ntagerura et al. Appeal Judgement (The Prosecutor v. André Ntagerura et al., Case No. ICTR-99-46-A, Judgement, 7 July 2006, para. 23): “[…] where the Prosecution alleges that an accused personally committed the criminal acts in questions, it must plead the identity of the victims”.    

[2] See Prosecutor v. Zoran Žigić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-A, Decision on Zoran Žigić’s “Motion for Reconsideration of Appeals Judgement IT-98-30/1-A Delivered on 28 February 2005”, 26 June 2006, para. 9; Hassan Ngeze v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-R, Decision on Hassan Ngeze’s Motions and Requests Related to Reconsideration, 31 January 2008, p. 3. 

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ICTR Statute Article 25 ICTY Statute Article 26
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Review - 12.03.2009 NIYITEGEKA Eliézer

51. The Appeals Chamber recalls that review is an exceptional remedy and that an applicant is only entitled to assigned counsel at the Tribunal’s expense if the Appeals Chamber authorizes the review or if it deems it necessary to ensure the fairness of the proceedings.[1]

52. As a matter of principle, it is not for the Tribunal to assist a convicted person whose case has reached finality with any new investigation he would like to conduct or any new motion he may wish to bring by assigning him legal assistance at the Tribunal’s expense. It is only in exceptional circumstances that a convicted person will be granted legal assistance by the Tribunal after a final judgement has been rendered against him. At the preliminary examination stage of a request for review, such assistance will be granted only if the Appeals Chamber deems it “necessary to ensure the fairness of the proceedings”. This necessity is, to a great extent, assessed in light of the grounds for review put forward by the applicant. In the present case, the Appeals Chamber considers that none of Niyitegeka’s grounds for review has any chance of success.

[1] Emmanuel Ndindabahizi v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-01-71-R, Decision on Emmanuel Ndindabahizi’s Motion for Assignment of Counsel and the Prosecution’s Request to Place the Motion Under Seal, 24 September 2008, p. 2; Hassan Ngeze v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-R, Decision on Hassan Ngeze’s Motion to Obtain Assistance From Counsel, 28 February 2008, p. 2; Third Review Decision, para. 12; Georges Anderson Nderubumwe Rutaganda v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-96-03-R, Decision on Requests for Reconsideration, Review, Assignment of Counsel, Disclosure, and Clarification, 8 December 2006, para. 41.

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ICTR Statute Article 25 ICTY Statute Article 26
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Legality of Arrest - 12.03.2009 TOLIMIR Zdravko

11. The Appeals Chamber recalls that interlocutory appeals on jurisdiction lie as of right under Rule 72(B)(i) of the Rules only where they challenge an indictment on the ground that it does not relate to the Tribunal’s personal, territorial, temporal or subject-matter jurisdiction.[1] The Appellant challenges the Tribunal’s jurisdiction over him because of the alleged illegality of his arrest.[2] However, he does not challenge the Indictment on any of the above-listed grounds. Consequently, Rule 72(D) of the Rules “cannot provide a basis for appeal of the Impugned Decision”.[3]

12. The alternative relief sought by the Appellant concerns the establishment of the circumstances of his arrest and a declaration as to its unlawful nature. These submissions equally go outside the scope of a jurisdictional challenge and therefore are not properly before the Appeals Chamber.

13. In light of the above, the Appeals Chamber considers that the Appellant should have requested the Trial Chamber’s authorization to lodge an appeal against the Impugned Decision[[5]] under Rule 73(B). Absent certification to appeal under Rule 73(B) of the Rules, the Appeals Chamber has no jurisdiction to address the merits of the Appeal.

[1] Prosecutor v. Zdravko Tolimir, Case No. IT-05-88/2-AR72.1, Decision on Tolimir’s “Interlocutory Appeal Against the Decision of the Trial Chamber on the Part of the Second Preliminary Motion Concerning the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal”, 25 February 2009, para. 4.

[2] Appeal [Appeal Against the Decision on Submissions of the Accused Concerning Legality of Arrest, the B/C/S original filed on 23 January 2009, the English translation filed on 29 January 2009], para. 36.

[3] Prosecutor v. Dragan Nikolić, Case No. IT-94-2-AR72, Decision on Notice of Appeal, 9 January 2003 (“Nikolić Decision of 9 January 2003”), p. 3. The Appeals Chamber notes that a number of its decisions rendered in the ICTR prior to 27 May 2003, have adopted a different approach allowing comparable appeals to be filed as of right under Rule 72(D) (e.g. Laurent Semanza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-20-A, Decision, 31 May 2000; Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, Decision, 3 November 1999, paras 11 and 72 citing Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Case No. IT-94-1-AR72, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 October 1995, para. 6; Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-19-72, Decision and Scheduling Order, 5 February 1999, p. 3; see also the Dissenting Opinion of Judge Shahabuddeen attached to the Nikolić Decision of 9 January 2003 (paras 13 et seq.)). However, given that the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the ICTR were amended on 27 May 2003 to include the provisions on certification of appeal referred to in the Nikolić Decision of 9 January 2003, the Appeals Chamber considers that these two approaches are not in contradiction.

[4] Appeal, para. 37.

[5] [Prosecutor v. Zdravko Tolimir, Case No. IT-05-88/2-PT, Decision on Submissions of the Accused Concerning Legality of Arrest, 18 December 2008 (the B/C/S translation was filed on 9 January 2009)].

[6] Nikolić Decision of 9 January 2003, p. 3.

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ICTR Rule Rule 72 ICTY Rule Rule 72
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Fresh Evidence - 26.02.2009 PRLIĆ et al.

25. […] In this sense, the Appeals Chamber recalls that “where the accused opposes the admission of evidence during cross-examination due to alleged breach of his right to a fair trial, a Trial Chamber must consider how it intends to strike the appropriate balance between the need to ensure the rights of the accused and its decision to admit such evidence”.[1] In doing so, the Trial Chamber will have to consider “the mode of disclosure of the documents in question, the purpose of their admission, the time elapsed between disclosure and examination of the witness, the languages known to Counsel and the accused, as well as any other relevant factual considerations”.[2] In striking the balance under Rule 89(D) of the Rules, the Trial Chamber will also consider the available measures to address the prejudice, if any, by “for example, providing more time for [re]-examination, adjourning the session, or granting the possibility of recalling the witness”.[3] If, on balance, the fresh evidence is found to be inadmissible during the presentation of the Defence case, the Prosecution may still, under certain conditions, seek its admission as evidence in rebuttal.[4]

27. In its Delić Decision, the Appeals Chamber emphasized that specifying the purpose of admission of fresh evidence despite the Defence’s objections is necessary in order to properly address the prejudice caused by such admission.[5] In this sense, the Appeals Chamber considers that the risk of prejudice caused by the admission of fresh evidence probative of guilt is potentially greater as compared to fresh evidence admitted with the sole purpose of impeaching the witness.[6]

30. […] In any case, considerations pertaining to the scope of cross-examination or any prejudice caused by the non-disclosure of the tendered material at an earlier stage may become relevant to the Trial Chamber’s decision on admission made on a case-by-case basis.[7] The Appeals Chamber re-emphasizes that what matters is that the admission of the fresh evidence tendered by the Prosecution after the closure of its case-in-chief is justified by the interests of justice and does not entail violation of the fair trial rights, which is in full compliance of Rules 85, 89(C), 89(D) and 90(F) of the Rules.

[1] Delić Decision, para. 22 (emphasis added).

[2] Ibid., para. 23.

[3] Id.

[4] Cf. Milošević Decision, para. 13.

[5] Delić Decision, para. 23.

[6] Cf. ibid., para. 22.

[7] See supra, paras 23-24; Impugned Decision, paras 24-26.

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ICTY Rule Rule 89(D)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Fresh Evidence - 26.02.2009 PRLIĆ et al.

At the outset, the Appeals Chamber specified that its use of the term “fresh evidence”[1] referred, for the purposes of the present decision, to material that was not included in the Prosecution Rule 65 ter list, not admitted during the Prosecution’s case-in-chief but tendered by the Prosecution when cross-examining Defence witnesses. It further clarified that, in this decision, the term was not limited to the material that was not available to the Prosecution during its case-in-chief (para. 15).

23. The Appeals Chamber recalls that, “[a]s a general rule, the Prosecution must present the evidence in support of its case during its case in chief”.[2] This stems from the rights of the accused under Article 21(4)(b) and (e) of the Statute pursuant to which “when evidence is tendered by the Prosecution there must be a fair opportunity for the accused to challenge it”.[3] Consequently, when the Prosecution seeks to introduce fresh evidence, after the closure of its case-in-chief, it has to specifically justify its request.[4] The Trial Chamber may authorize the deviation from the said sequence if it is satisfied that it is in conformity with the other applicable provisions, notably Rule 89(D) of the Rules. The Impugned Decision is correctly premised on this principle noting that, pursuant to Rule 85(A) of the Rules, the sequence of the presentation of evidence may be changed if the Trial Chamber deems it to be in the interests of justice.[5] Therefore, the Appeals Chamber cannot agree with the Appellants that there is an absolute ban for the Prosecution to tender evidence once its case presentation has been closed (save for rebuttal and re-opening). In sum, the Trial Chamber has the discretion to admit fresh evidence under Rule 89(C) and (D) of the Rules, taking into account both the probative value of that evidence and the need to ensure a fair trial.[6] Where the admittance of this evidence constitutes a variation of the sequence of the presentation of evidence set out in Rule 85(A) of the Rules, the Trial Chamber may exercise its discretion to admit the evidence only where it is in the interests of justice.[7]

24. In order to clarify the circumstances under which it would allow admission of fresh evidence after the closure of the Prosecution case-in-chief, the Trial Chamber emphasized that it would do so only in exceptional circumstances where the interests of justice so require, such as “the importance of the ‘new document’”. It went on to specify that, with respect to material aimed at establishing the guilt of an accused, the Prosecution must also “explain to the Chamber when and by which means it obtained these documents, when it disclosed them to the Defence and why they are being offered only after the conclusion of its case”. Finally, the Trial Chamber stated that it would proceed with the assessment of such requests on a case-by-case basis, after having permitted the Defence to challenge the evidence, particularly bearing in mind the potential infringement on the rights of the accused caused by the sought admission. The Appeals Chamber is satisfied that this careful approach establishing a high threshold for the admission of fresh evidence duly mindful of Rule 89(C) and (D) of the Rules may be justified, depending on the specific circumstances of the case. The Appellants have thus not demonstrated any error in the Trial Chamber’s conclusions in this regard.

28. With reference to the Delić Decision, the Trial Chamber resolved that fresh evidence probative of the Appellants’ guilt may only be admitted during the presentation of their respective cases in exceptional circumstances.[11] While the Impugned Decision appears to be more lenient to the admission of the fresh evidence for the sole purpose of “impeaching a witness’s credibility or refreshing his/her memory”, it still specifies that the Trial Chamber will decide on the admission on the case-by-case basis in conformity with Rule 89 of the Rules.[12] In light of the above clarifications, the Appeals Chamber does not find that such approach is erroneous.

[1] Cf. Prosecutor v. Milan Lukić and Sredoje Lukić, Case No. IT-98-32/1-AR73.1, Decision on the Prosecution’s Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Order to Call Alibi Rebuttal Evidence During the Prosecution’s Case in Chief, 16 October 2008 (“Lukić Decision”), paras 16-17 referring to Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić et al., Case No. IT-96-21-A, Judgement, 20 February 2001 (“Čelebići Appeal Judgement”), para. 271; Prosecutor v. Dario Kordić and Mario Čerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-A, Judgement, 17 December 2004 (“Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement”), para. 216 and fn. 306.

[2] Lukić Decision, paras 11 and 12 (“evidence which strengthens the Prosecution’s case […] must be led in its case in chief”); Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 216; See also, Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar, Case No. IT-01-42-T, Decision III on the Admissibility of Certain Documents, 10 September 2004, para. 5; Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević, Case No. IT-02-54-T, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Reconsideration Regarding Evidence of Defence Witnesses Mitar Balević, Vladislav Jovanović, Vukašin Andrić, and Dobre Aleksovski and Decision Proprio Motu Reconsidering Admission of Exhibits 837 and 838 Regarding Evidence of Defence Witness Barry Lituchy, 18 May 2005 (“Milošević Decision”), paras 9-11.

[3] Delić Decision [Prosecutor v. Rasim Delić, Case No. IT-04-83-AR73.1, Decision on Rasim Delić’s Interlocutory Appeal Against Trial Chamber’s Oral Decision on Admission of Exhibits 1316 and 1317, 15 April 2008], para. 22.

[4] Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 271; Delić Decision, para. 22.

[5] Impugned Decision [Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-T, Decision on Presentation of Documents by the Prosecution in Cross-Examination of Defence Witnesses, 27 November 2008], paras 12, 15, 16, 23.

[6] Cf. Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 222 referring to fresh evidence that was not available to the Prosecution during its case-in-chief.

[7] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 216.

[8] Impugned Decision, para. 20.

[9] Ibid., para. 20.

[10] Ibid., paras 20-22, 24, 26.

[11] Impugned Decision, paras 11, 23.

[12] Ibid., para. 24.

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ICTR Rule Rule 85(A);
Rule 89(C)
ICTY Rule Rule 85(A);
Rule 89(C);
Rule 89(D);
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Fresh Evidence - 26.02.2009 PRLIĆ et al.

The Appeals Chamber restricted the scope of appeal for three reasons:

16. First, the Appeals Chamber notes that the Appellants expressly rely on the arguments contained in their relevant submissions before the Trial Chamber.[1] In this regard, the Appeals Chamber recalls that an interlocutory appeal is not a de novo review of the Trial Chamber’s decision.[2] Consequently, a party may not merely repeat on appeal arguments that did not succeed at trial, unless it can demonstrate that rejecting them constituted such error as to warrant the intervention of the Appeals Chamber.[3] Therefore, the present decision will not address the arguments that the Appellants simply reiterate after they have been rejected at trial, unless they seek to demonstrate that the Trial Chamber committed a specific error of law or fact invalidating the decision or weighed relevant or irrelevant considerations in an unreasonable manner.[4]

17. Second, the Appellants submit that the Impugned Decision is intricately linked to the Trial Chamber’s “Decision on Scope of Cross-Examination under Rule 90 (H) of the Rules” issued on the same day (“Rule 90(H) Decision”). They therefore suggest that “so far as reasoning behind the Rule 90(H) [Decision] is also part of the reasoning behind the Impugned Decision, the Appeals Chamber is bound to consider and correct such reasoning where flawed”.[5] While the Appeals Chamber cannot exclude that the Trial Chamber may indeed at any moment reconsider its Rule 90(H) Decision if it deems so appropriate, the scope of this Appeal lies strictly within the Impugned Decision[6] and there is no jurisdiction for the Appeals Chamber to decide on matters that the Trial Chamber explicitly declined to certify for appeal.[7]

18. Finally, the Prosecution also appears to be in disagreement with the Impugned Decision and, throughout its Response, invites the Appeals Chamber to correct it accordingly.[8] The Appeals Chamber recalls that the Trial Chamber expressly denied the Prosecution’s request for certification to appeal the Impugned Decision.[9] Therefore, the Appeals Chamber will only consider the Prosecution’s arguments insofar as they properly respond to the submissions raised in the Appeal. Similarly, the Prosecution’s request to “issue a Decision approving the Popović Decision as the correct statement of Tribunal jurisprudence”[10] cannot per se be admissible in the framework of a response to an appeal filed in the present case.

It further rejected a bulk of arguments because the Appellants failed to plead specific prejudice:

26. Furthermore, the Appeals Chamber recalls that the burden of demonstrating that a Trial Chamber erred in exercising its discretion in admitting fresh evidence lies on the party alleging the errors.[11] With respect to the present Appeal, the Appellants failed to meet this burden, merely referring to potential prejudice as a matter of principle. The Appeals Chamber rejects these general allegations and re-emphasizes that “[t]he mere fact that [the admitted evidence] was probative of the Prosecution’s case does not mean that the [a]ccused were prejudiced”.[12]

[1] See, e.g., Appeal [Interlocutory Appeal by Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković, Valentin Ćorić and Berislav Pušić Against the Trial Chamber’s 27 November 2008 Decision on Presentation of Documents by the Prosecution in Cross-Examination of Defence Witnesses, 16 January 2009], para. 14.

[2] Prosecutor v. Momčilo Krajišnik, Case No. IT-00-39-AR73.2, Decision on Krajišnik’s Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Decision Dismissing the Defense Motion for a Ruling That Judge Canivell is Unable to Continue Sitting in This Case, 15 September 2006, para. 9; Prosecutor v. Ramush Haradinaj et al., Case No. IT-04-84-AR65.2, Decision on Lahi Brahimaj’s Interlocutory Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Decision Denying his Provisional Release, 9 March 2006, para. 5; Prosecutor v. Zdravko Tolimir et al., Case No. IT-04-80-AR73.1, Decision on Radivoje Miletić Interlocutory Appeal against the Trial Chamber’s Decision on Joinder of Accused, 27 January 2006, para. 6.

[3] Prosecutor v. Savo Todović, Case No. IT-97-25-/I-AR11bis.1 & IT-97-25/I-AR11bis.2, Decision on Savo Todović’s Appeals Decisions on Referral under Rule 11bis, 4 September 2006, paras 73, 112; Prosecutor v. Mladen Naletilić, a.k.a. “Tuta” and Vinko Martinović, a.k.a. “Štela”, Case No. IT-98-34-A, Judgement, 3 May 2006, para. 13; see also Prosecutor v. Enver Handžihasanović and Amir Kubura, Case No. IT-01-47-AR72, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Challenging Jurisdiction in Relation to Command Responsibility, 16 July 2003, para. 9 and, generally, paras 31, 35-36.

[4] Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR72.1, Decision on Petković’s Interlocutory Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Decision on Jurisdiction, 16 November 2005, para. 11.

[5] Appeal, paras 17-18.

[6] Certification Decision [Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-T, Decision on Joint Motion for Certification to Appeal the Decision on Presentation of Documents by the Prosecution in Cross-Examination of Defence Witnesses, 9 January 2009], pp. 3-5.

[7] Cf. Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-T, Decision on Praljak and Petković Defence Request for Certification to Appeal the Decision on Scope of Cross-Examination under Rule 90 (H) of the Rules, 9 January 2009.

[8] E.g. Response [Prosecution Response to Interlocutory Appeal Concerning the Trial Chamber’s 27 November 2008 Decision on Presentation of Documents by the Prosecution in Cross-Examination of Defence Witnesses, 29 January 2009], paras 5.4, 8, 11, 26, 28, 51, 61.

[9] Certification Decision, p. 5; see also, Reply [Joint Reply to Prosecution Response Filed 29 January 2009 to Interlocutory Appeal by Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković, Valentin Ćorić and Berislav Pušić Against the Trial Chamber’s 27 November 2008 Decision on Presentation of Documents by the Prosecution in Cross-Examination of Defence Witnesses, 2 February 2009], paras 16, 23.

[10] Response, paras 5.4, 61.

[11] Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, paras 223-224.

[12] Ibid., para. 224.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Leave to Appeal - 16.02.2009 RUTAGANDA George

In its Rutaganda Decision on Leave to Appeal, the Appeals Chamber also considered the submissions of the Registrar and the Applicant relating to the Applicant’s ability to access to his file whilst in detention at the United Nationa Detention Facility in Arusha (“UNDF”), and held:

pp. 2-3: RECALLING that on 22 January 2009, the Appeals Chamber ordered the Registrar, pursuant to Rule 33(B) of the Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence (“Rules”), to make a written submission to the Appeals Chamber explaining whether, at present and until his transfer to a third State, the Applicant continues to have access to the appropriate facilities and the files and documentation required to prepare his appeal against the Decision of 3 April 2008;[1]

CONSIDERING the correspondence from the Applicant to the Commander of the UNDF dated 23 January 2009, wherein the Applicant explains that, in anticipation of his imminent transfer, he packed his documents and therefore, whilst he still has possession of these materials, his access to them is more difficult;[2]

CONSIDERING that on 28 January 2009, the Registrar submitted that the Applicant continues to have access to the appropriate facilities, files, and documentation required to prepare his appeal against the Trial Chamber’s Decision of 3 April 2008;[3]

CONSIDERING therefore that since the Applicant has had continued access to his files, he has failed to demonstrate that for the filing of his appeal he needs additional time until after his transfer to the State in which his sentence is to be served[.]

[1] See Order of 22 January 2009.

[2] See Correspondence from Georges A. N. Rutaganda to the Commander of the UNDF dated 23 January 2009, attached to the Registry’s Submission under Rule 33(B) of the Rules on “Order to the Registrar concerning Georges Rutaganda’s Access to Documents of 22 January 2009”, filed on 28 January 2009 (“Registrar’s Submission”). See also Response of 9 February 2009 [Rutaganda’s Reaction to [the] Registry’s Submission under Rule 33 (B) of the Rules on “Order to the Registrar Concerning Georges Rutaganda’s Access to Documents of 22 January 2009”, 9 February 2009], paras. 3, 6.

[3] Registrar’s Submission, para. 3.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Additional Evidence - 13.02.2009 MRKŠIĆ & ŠLJIVANČANIN

15. Vojnović did not testify in the Šešelj case until after the Trial Judgement had been rendered; however, in determining whether the information was available at trial, the Appeals Chamber must also consider whether any of the information sought to be admitted was available in any other form during trial or could be obtained through due diligence. The Appeals Chamber considers that unless Vojnović specified in his testimony in the Šešelj case that he learned about new information after his testimony in the Mrkšić et al. case, it may be presumed that all the information adduced in his testimony in the Šešelj case was also available at the time of his testimony in the Mrkšić et al. case. Apart from Vojnović’s testimony that he met the chief of the Security Administration in 2008, it has not been shown that any of the information contained in Vojnović’s testimony became available to Mrkšić  after the closure of his case and is therefore found to have been available at trial. However, to the extent that evidence sought to be admitted relates to Vojnović’s credibility, the Appeals Chamber considers that, while at trial Mrkšić had the opportunity to cross-examine Vojnović on all relevant points, any statements or testimony given by Vojnović after the closure of the Mrkšić et al. case that allegedly contradict his testimony at trial were prima facie not available for the purposes of testing his credibility. As a result if Vojnović’s testimony in Šešelj did undermine the credibility of his evidence in Mrkšić et al., it will be considered to be new evidence.

See also para. 27.

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ICTR Rule Rule 115 ICTY Rule Rule 115
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Additional Evidence - 13.02.2009 MRKŠIĆ & ŠLJIVANČANIN

11. […] The granting of an oral hearing is a matter for the discretion of a Chamber and an oral hearing may legitimately be regarded as unnecessary when, as in the present case, the information before the Appeals Chamber is sufficient to enable the Appeals Chamber to reach an informed decision.[1] […]

[1] See Prosecutor v. Fatmir Limaj et al., Case No. IT-03-66-AR65.2, Decision on Haradin Bala’s Request for  Provisional Release, 31 October 2003, para. 33. See also Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza’s Motion for Leave to Present Additional Evidence Pursuant to Rule 115, 5 May 2006 (“Nahimana et al. Rule 115 Decision of 5 May 2006”), para. 9.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 02.02.2009 KARERA François

48. Turning to the Appellant’s contention that the Trial Chamber erred in law by failing to keep records from the site visit, the Appeals Chamber first notes that at no time during the trial proceedings did the Appellant object to the absence of such materials.[1] Moreover, the Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber considered the parties’ submissions on the observations made during the site visit in reaching its findings,[2] and explained how its observations affected the assessment of the evidence.[3] Therefore, the Appeals Chamber does not agree that, in relying on its observations, the Trial Chamber denied the Appellant the right to present a full defence and to be provided with a reasoned opinion. The Appeals Chamber emphasizes that detailed records of Trial Chamber’s site visits should normally be kept. The purpose of a site visit is to assist a Trial Chamber in its determination of the issues and therefore it is incumbent upon the Trial Chamber to ensure that the parties are able to effectively review any findings made by the Trial Chamber in reliance on observations made during the site visit.[4] The Appeals Chamber however finds that in this case the Appellant has not demonstrated that he was prejudiced by his inability to challenge the Trial Chamber’s observations and that the parties had the opportunity to make arguments based on their observations of the site visit in their closing arguments and closing briefs to which the Trial Chamber referred in its Judgement.[5]

[1] The Appeals Chamber observes that the Appellant consented without reservation to the site visit. See The Prosecutor v. François Karera, Case No. ICTR-2001-74-T, Defence Response to the Prosecutor’s Motion for a View (Locus in Quo) (Rules 4, 54, and 89 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), 12 May 2006.

[2] Trial Judgement [The Prosecutor v. François Karera, Case No. ICTR-2001-74-T, Judgement and Sentence, 7 December 2007, paras. 133, 159 (and fn. 217), 160 (and fn. 218), 161, 305. See also Prosecution Closing Brief [The Prosecutor v. François Karera, Case No. ICTR-2001-74-T, The Prosecutor’s Closing Brief, 10 November 2006 (confidential)], paras. 20, 24, 389, 418, 452, and fn. 414; Defence Closing Brief [The Prosecutor v. François Karera, Case No. ICTR-2001-74-T, Defence Closing Arguments, 10 November 2006 (confidential)], paras. 93, 111, 184, 235, fns 255-256, 451; T. 23 November 2006 pp. 7, 35, 38, 40, 41, 53.

[3] Trial Judgement, paras. 133, 159, 160, 161, 305.

[4] Such records may take different forms and it will depend on the circumstances of the specific case to deternine which form will be most appropriate.

[5] See Trial Judgement, paras. 133, 159, 161.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 02.02.2009 KARERA François

22. The Appellant submits that the Trial Chamber erred in law in failing to conclude that those portions of his testimony that the Prosecution did not cross-examine were established.[1] Referring to Rule 90(G)(ii) of the Rules, the Rutaganda Appeal Judgement,[2] and Canadian jurisprudence, he submits that the “failure to cross-examine a witness on an aspect of his testimony implies a tacit acceptance of the truth of the witness’s evidence on the matter”.[3]

24. The Appeals Chamber finds that Rule 90(G)(ii) of the Rules does not support the Appellant’s contention [. The rule merely states that “[i]n the cross-examination of a witness who is able to give evidence relevant to the case for the cross-examining party, counsel shall put to that witness the nature of the case of the party for whom that counsel appears which is in contradiction of the evidence given by the witness.” The ICTY Appeals Chamber has previously stated, regarding the similarly worded Rule 90(H)(ii) of the ICTY Rules, that it:

seeks to facilitate the fair and efficient presentation of evidence whilst affording the witness being cross-examined the possibility of explaining himself on those aspects of his testimony contradicted by the opposing party’s evidence, so saving the witness from having to reappear needlessly in order to do so and enabling the Trial Chamber to evaluate the credibility of his testimony more accurately owing to the explanation of the witness or his counsel.[4]

The central purpose of this rule is to “promote the fairness of the proceedings by enabling the witness […] to appreciate the context of the cross-examining party’s questions, and to comment on the contradictory version of the events in question”.[5]

26. For the requirements of this rule to be fulfilled, there is no need for the cross-examining party to explain every detail of the contradictory evidence. Furthermore, the rule allows for some flexibility depending on the circumstances at trial.[6] This therefore implies that if it is obvious in the circumstances of the case that the version of the witness is being challenged, there is no need for the cross-examining party to waste time putting its case to the witness.[7]

27. The Appeals Chamber notes that the term “witness” under Rule 90 of the Rules does not always equate to an accused who chooses to testify. There is a fundamental difference between the accused, who might testify as a witness if he so chooses, and a witness. The Tribunal “does not reflexively apply rules governing any other witness to an accused who decides to testify in his own case”.[8] When an accused testifies in his own defence, he is well aware of the context of the Prosecution’s questions and of the Prosecution’s case, insofar as he has received sufficient notice of the charges and the material facts supporting them.[9] Furthermore, the accused’s version of the events is for the most part challenged by the Prosecution, while his testimony is aimed at responding to Prosecution’s evidence and allegations. In these circumstances, it would serve no useful purpose to put the nature of the Prosecution’s case to the accused in cross-examination. The Appeals Chamber therefore does not find that Rule 90(G)(ii) of the Rules was intended to apply to an accused testifying as a witness in his own case. The Appeals Chamber notes that, in any event, Rule 90(G)(ii) of the Rules is silent on any inferences that may be drawn by a Trial Chamber from a witness’s testimony that is not subject to cross-examination.

28. The Appeals Chamber further notes that the relevant holding of the Appeals Chamber in Rutaganda reads: 

La Chambre d’appel estime que, d’une manière générale, une partie qui ne contre-interroge pas un témoin sur une déclaration donnée admet tacitement la véracité de la déposition dudit témoin sur ce point. La Chambre de première instance n’aurait donc pas commis une erreur de droit en l’espèce, en induisant du fait que l’Appelant n’avait pas contre-interrogé le témoin Q sur la distribution d’armes, que celui-ci ne contestait pas la véracité de la déposition dudit témoin sur ce point. Ceci étant dit, il ne ressort pas clairement du Jugement que la Chambre de première instance est effectivement parvenue à une telle conclusion. Il semble plutôt qu’elle se soit limitée à noter que l’Appelant n’avait pas contre-interrogé le témoin Q sur la question visée, sans toutefois en tirer quelques conséquences que ce soit dans ses conclusions factuelles. De l’avis de la Chambre d’appel, cet argument est dépourvu de fondement.[10]

29. The Appeals Chamber recalls that in Kamuhanda, the Appeals Chamber stated that this holding in Rutaganda “does not stand for the proposition that a trier of fact must infer that statements not challenged during cross-examination are true,” and that it is within the discretion of a Trial Chamber to decline to make such an inference.[11] Thus, the Appeals Chamber emphasizes that a Trial Chamber has the discretion to infer (or not) as true statements unchallenged during cross-examination, and to take into account the absence of cross-examination of a particular witness when assessing his credibility.[12]

30. The Appeals Chamber notes that in this instance, the Appellant, who testified at the end of the case, had consistently denied the allegations against him throughout the proceedings and claimed that he did not know anything about the crimes alleged.[13] The Prosecution cross-examined the Appellant on a number of issues.[14] Under this sub-ground of appeal, the Appellant has failed to point to any finding allegedly affected by the lack of cross-examination by the Prosecution but merely makes a general reference to his oral arguments at trial.[15] In these circumstances, the Appellant has not demonstrated that the Trial Chamber committed an error of law in not considering as established those portions of his testimony on which the Prosecution did not cross-examine him.[16]

See also, below under “Development of the existing case-law”.

[1] Notice of Appeal [Defence Notice of Appeal, 14 January 2008], para. 25. The authoritative French version of this paragraph reads: “La Chambre de première instance a erré en droit en [ne] concluant pas que les portions du témoignage de l’appelant sur lesquelles il n’avait pas été contre-interrogé devraient être tenues pour avérées.” The English translation inaccurately reads: “The Trial Chamber erred in law in finding that those portions of the Appellant’s testimony on which he was not cross-examined were to be considered established”, while it should read: “The Trial Chamber erred in law in not finding that those portions of the Appellant’s testimony on which he was not cross-examined were to be considered established”. Appellant’s Brief, paras. 25, 26.

[2] Rutaganda Appeal Judgement, para. 310.

[3] Appellant’s Brief, para. 26 (citation omitted); Notice of Appeal, para. 26.

[4] Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brđanin and Momir Talić, Case No. IT-99-36-AR73.7, Decision on the Interlocutory Appeal against a Decision of the Trial Chamber, as of Right, 6 June 2002, p. 4.

[5] On this issue, the Appeals Chamber approves of the language used by the Trial Chamber in Prosecutor v. Vujadin Popović et al., Case No. IT-05-88-T, Order Setting Forth Guidelines for the Procedure Under Rule 90(H)(ii), 6 March 2007 (“Popović Order”), para. 1.

[6] On this issue, the Appeals Chamber approves of the language used by the Trial Chamber in Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brđanin and Momir Talić, Case No. IT-99-36-T, Decision on “Motion to Declare Rule 90(H) (ii) Void to the Extent It Is in Violation of Article 21 of the Statute of the International Tribunal” by the Accused Radoslav Brđanin and on “Rule 90(H) (ii) Submissions” by the Accused Momir Talić, 22 March 2002 (“Brđanin Decision”), paras. 13, 14; Prosecutor v. Naser Orić, Case No. IT-03-68-T, Decision on Partly Confidential Defence Motion Regarding the Consequences of a Party Failing to Put its Case to Witnesses Pursuant to Rule 90(H)(ii), 17 January 2006, pp. 1-2; Popović Order, para. 2.

[7] The Appeals Chamber notes that the case of Browne v. Dunn (on which the Brđanin Decision, confirmed by the Appeals Chamber, relies) states that the requirement to put the case to the witness does not apply when it is “otherwise perfectly clear that he has had full notice beforehand that there is an intention to impeach the credibility of the story which he is telling. Of course I do not deny for a moment that there are cases in which that notice has been so distinctly and unmistakably given, and the point upon which he is impeached, and is to be impeached, is so manifest, that it is not necessary to waste time in putting questions to him upon it”. Browne v. Dunn (1893) 6 R. 67 (H.L.).

[8] Prlić et al, Decision of 5 September 2008, para. 11.

[9] The question of the lack of notice will be treated separately by the Appeals Chamber , see below Chapter VIII(D) and Chapter X.

[10] Rutaganda Appeal Judgement, para. 310 (footnote omitted). The Appeals Chamber notes that the English version does not accurately reflect the French authoritative version. The English version reads: “The Appeals Chamber considers that a party who fails to cross-examine a witness upon a particular statement tacitly accepts the truth of the witness’s evidence on the matter. Therefore the Trial Chamber did not commit an error of law in the case at bar, in inferring that the Appellant’s failure to cross-examine Witness Q on the weapons distribution meant that he did not challenge the truth of the witness’s evidence on the matter. That being said, it is unclear from the Trial Judgement whether the Trial Chamber drew inferences from this failure. Rather, it appears that it only noted that the Appellant failed to cross-examine Witness Q regarding the specific statement, without making any inferences in its factual conclusions. It is the opinion of the Appeals Chamber that this argument is without foundation.” In order to fully reflect the nuances introduced by the Appeals Chamber in its finding, the English translation of the first two sentences of this paragraph should read: “The Appeals Chamber considers that, [in general], a party who fails to cross-examine a witness upon a particular statement tacitly accepts the truth of the witness’s evidence on the matter. Therefore the Trial Chamber [would have] not commit[ted] an error of law in the case at bar, in inferring that the Appellant’s failure to cross-examine Witness Q on the weapons distribution meant that he did not challenge the truth of the witness’s evidence on the matter.”

[11] Kamuhanda Appeal Judgement, para. 204.

[12] Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 26; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 820, 824 and fn. 1893.

[13]T. 21 August 2006; T. 22 August 2006; T. 23 August 2006.

[14]T. 22 August 2006 pp. 31-61; T. 23 August 2006 pp. 1-44.

[15] See Notice of Appeal, paras. 24-26; Appellant’s Brief [Appellant’s Brief, 7 April 2008], paras. 25, 26.

[16] Any specific arguments raised by the Appellant in relation to this allegation will be dealt with below in the respective Chapters.

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ICTR Rule Rule 90(G) ICTY Rule Rule 90(H)