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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.11.2007 SIMBA Aloys

Pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules, the Appeals Chamber summarily dismissed a number of Prosecution arguments on the ground that they exceeded the scope of its Notice of Appeal: (i) that the Trial Chamber erred in applying mens rea for the first category of JCE (Decision on ´Prosecutor’s Motion for Variation of the Notice of Appeal Pursuant to Rule 108’ of  17 August 2006); (ii) that the Trial Chamber erred in not taking into account the Appellant’s sadism and zeal as an aggravating factor (para. 319); (iii) that the Trial Chamber erred in According Weight in Mitigation to the Selective Assistance Provided by the Appellant to Members of his Family (paras 325-326); (iv) that the Sentence is Inconsistent with the Tribunal’s Sentencing Practice (para. 238); (v) that the Sentence is Inconsistent with the Rwanda’s Sentencing Practice (Decision on ´Prosecutor’s Motion for Variation of the Notice of Appeal Pursuant to Rule 108’ of 17 August 2006).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.11.2007 SIMBA Aloys

16. The Appeals Chamber notes that “managerial decisions, such as whether to make a site visit, are left to the discretion of the Trial Chamber”.[1] In the instant case, the Appellant does not demonstrate that the Trial Chamber abused its discretion in finding that site visits were unnecessary to assess the credibility of the evidence and the charges against the Appellant. […]

[1] Galić Appeal Judgement, para. 50.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.11.2007 SIMBA Aloys

31. Turning to the Appellant’s contention in relation to Witness YH,[1] the Appeals Chamber recalls that the Prosecutor has independent authority to initiate investigations on statutory crimes and to assess whether the information forms a sufficient basis to proceed against persons suspected of having committed such crimes.[2] However, Rule 91(B)(i) of the Rules specifically provides that “[i]f a Chamber has strong grounds for believing that a witness has knowingly and wilfully given false testimony, it may direct the Prosecutor to investigate the matter with a view to the preparation and submission of an indictment for false testimony”. Such action lies within the discretion of the Trial Chamber and is contingent on its conviction that a witness “has knowingly and wilfully given false testimony”.[3] On the other hand, a credibility determination may be based, but does not necessarily depend, on a judicial finding that a witness has given false testimony.[4]

32. The Appeals Chamber stresses that the mere existence of discrepancies between a witness’s testimony and his earlier statements does not constitute strong grounds for believing that a witness may have knowingly and wilfully given false testimony.[5] […]

33. In any event, the Appeals Chamber is only required to grant relief for a violation of the Rules where a party has objected in a timely manner and has suffered material prejudice.[6] The Appellant clearly fails to show how the Oral Decision of 23 September 2004 has prejudiced him. The Appeals Chamber recalls that an investigation for false testimony is only ancillary to proceedings and does not necessarily affect the rights of an accused.

[1] Simba Notice of Appeal, III-3 and III-6.

[2] See Articles 15(2) and 17(1) of the Statute.

[3] The Appeals Chamber finds the following statement persuasive: “[F]alse testimony is a deliberate offence which requires wilful intent on the part of the perpetrator to mislead the Judge and thus to cause harm” (Rutaganda Trial Judgement, para. 20).

[4] The Prosecutor v. Georges Anderson Nderumwe Rutaganda, Case No. ICTR 96-3-A, Decision on Appeals Against the Decisions by Trial Chamber I Rejecting the Defence Motions to Direct the Prosecutor to Investigate the Matter of False Testimony by Witnesses “E” and “CC”, 8 June 1998 (“Rutaganda Decision Rejecting the Defence Motions to Direct the Prosecutor to Investigate the Matter of False Testimony by Witnesses “E” and “CC” of 8 June 1998”), para. 28.

[5] Rutaganda Trial Judgement, para. 20.

[6] Gacumbitsi Appeal Judgement, para. 11, fn. 24, referring to Rule 5 of the Rules.

[7] See The Prosecutor v. Georges Anderson Nderumwe Rutaganda, Case No. ICTR 96-3-A, Decision on Appeals Against the Decisions by Trial Chamber I Rejecting the Defence Motions to Direct the Prosecutor to Investigate the Matter of False Testimony by Witnesses “E” and “CC”, 8 June 1998, para. 28.

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ICTR Rule Rule 91 ICTY Rule Rule 91
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

19. The Appeals Chamber has further elaborated that a conflict of interest arises “where, by reason of certain circumstances, representation by such an attorney prejudices, or could prejudice, the interests of the client and the wider interests of justice”.[1]

[1] Gotovina Decision of 29 June 2007 [Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina et al., Case No. IT-06-90-AR73.2, Decision on Ivan Čermak’s Interlocutory Appeal against the Trial Chamber’s Decision on Conflict of Interest of Attorneys Čedo Prodanović and Jadraska Sloković, 29 June 2007], para. 16 citing Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR73.1, Decision on Appeal by Bruno Stokić Against Trial Chamber’s Decision on Request for Appointment of Counsel, 24 November 2004 (Stojić Decision), para. 22. The substance of the arguments of the parties relate to actual versus potential prejudice to the accused (Prlić Appeal, paras 39-43; Prlić Reply, paras 9 and 17; Prosecution Response, paras 37-41). The Appeals Chamber considers that the Trial Chamber simply required a particularized showing of how Prlić’s Counsel failed in fulfilling his professional and ethical obligations.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

28. Article 26 of the Code of Conduct further provides that, subject to three exceptions, “[c]ounsel shall not act as an advocate in a proceeding in which counsel is likely to be a necessary witness”.[1]

29. […] At the time of the questioning, the investigators were only able to provide Prlić with a list of general questions reflecting the nature of subjects which were of interest to the Prosecution, and not specific questions they wished to have answered.[2] Considering these circumstances, and even assuming that Salahović knew about the subject-matter interest of the Prosecution when the questioning began, the Appeals Chamber concludes that, on the basis of the facts before it, a trier of fact could reasonably conclude that there was, at that stage, no likelihood that Salahović would become a witness.[3] Thus, this part of the Prlić Appeal is also rejected. As a consequence, the Appeals Chamber further dismisses Prlić’s arguments related to the fact that the alleged conflict of interest would have affected not just him, but the administration of justice as a whole.[4]

[1] Code of Conduct, Article 26.

[2] Motion to Suppress Statement, para. 2.

[3] Cf. Gotovina Decision of 25 October 2006, paras 31-33.

[4] Prlić Appeal, para. 38; see also Prosecution Response, para. 37.

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Other instruments Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel Appearing Before the International Tribunal
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

21. […] A mere listing of evidentiary documents and witness statements as proof of Salahović [Prlić’ counsel]’s political activity does not […] suffice to establish prejudice to Prlić’s interests. The Prlić Appeal does not generally connect Salahović’s interests and activities to actual or potential conflicts of interest with his client. In particular, Prlić does not provide examples of how he was potentially or actually prejudiced by the alleged conflict of interest. He does not show any basis for a potential or actual risk that Salahović’s political and personal activities would “limit the choice of defence strategies”[1] in relation to Prlić’s case.

[1] Gotovina Decision of 29 June 2007, para. 28. Cf. also Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina, Cases Nos. IT-01-45-AR73.1, IT-03-73-AR73.1 and IT-03-73-AR.73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeals against the Trial Chamber’s Decision to Amend the Indictment and for Joinder, 25 October 2006 (“Gotovina Decision of 25 October 2006”), para. 28.

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Other instruments Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel Appearing before the International Tribunal
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

24. […] Indeed, Prlić had already shown in September 2005 that a divergence on personal and political views might have ensued at the time of the questioning; the Trial Chamber concluded, however, that such a divergence did not create a legal conflict of interest.[1] Even the additional material brought at the trial stage on possible personal and political disagreements between Prlić and Salahović did not convince the Trial Chamber that a conflict of interest existed. In practice, it is unclear how the defence strategy could be influenced by the fact that Salahović was Prlić’s counsel.[2]

25. The Appeals Chamber therefore finds that it fell within the Trial Chamber’s discretion to conclude that, in light of the circumstances of the case and the acquaintance of the two individuals in question, their divergence of political and personal views in the indictment period would not adversely affect Salahović’s professional judgement and amount, as such, to the legal conflict of interest posited by Prlić at the time of the questioning. Prlić Appeal in this respect is therefore dismissed.

26. […] without linking the differing political and personal interests and activities with any actual or potential effects these differences would have on Salahović’s “duty of loyalty to … put [the interests of justice] before his own”,[3] a trier of fact could reasonably find that no conflict of interest was established. Prlić Appeal in this respect is therefore dismissed.

[1] Pre-Trial Decision on Statement, para. 17.

[2] See, in this respect, Prosecutor v. Željko Mejakić et al., Case No. IT-02-65-AR73.1, Decision on Appeal by the Prosecution to Resolve Conflict of Interest Regarding Attorney Jovan Simić, 6 October 2004, para. 15.

[3] Code of Conduct, Article 14(A).

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Other instruments Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel Appearing Before the International Tribunal
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

57. The Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber did refer to the principle according to which untested evidence relating to the acts and conduct of the accused may be admitted into the trial record, but must be corroborated by other evidence in order to form, if it comes to that, a basis for a conviction of an accused.[1] This principle is undoubtedly premised on the recognition that professional judges are better able to weigh evidence and consider it in its proper context than members of a jury. Furthermore, as opposed to a jury’s verdict, professional judges have to write a reasoned decision, which is subject to appeal.

58. The principle of fairness that a conviction may not be based solely or in a decisive manner on the deposition of an individual whom the accused has had no opportunity to examine[2] is not equivalent to the restriction that material related to the acts and conduct of the accused is inadmissible except through “live” testimony.[3] The former principle is both wider and narrower in scope.

59. On the one hand, “acts and conduct” of the accused have been interpreted extensively in the jurisprudence of the Tribunal.[4] The scope of the principle expressed above, however, appears to cover more than just this material: it clearly applies to any “critical element” of the Prosecution case,[5] that is, to any fact which is indispensable for a conviction (including those used as an aggravating circumstance in sentencing).[6] These are, in fact, the findings that a trier of fact has to reach beyond reasonable doubt. It would run counter to the principles of fairness discussed above to allow a conviction based on evidence of this kind without sufficient corroboration. In other words, the scope of the rule that sufficient corroboration is necessary has to be expanded to cover evidence beyond that relating to the acts and conduct of the accused stricto sensu.

60. On the other hand, a transcript of the questioning of an accused might contain evidence of his acts and conduct that do not relate to the allegations in the case at hand and may not, as such, form any basis for his conviction.

[1] Impugned Decision, para. 18. On the contrary, evidence that could be subject to cross-examination at trial does not require corroboration under Tribunal’s law (Aleksovski Appeal Judgement, paras 62-63).

[2] A.M. v. Italy, supra, note 5

[3] Rule 92bis.

[4] See, in general, Galić Decision [Prosecutor v. Stanislav Galić, Case No IT-98-29-AR73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Rule 92bis(C) , 7 June 2002]

[5] Prosecutor v. Duško Sikirica et al., Case No. IT-95-8-T, Decision on Prosecution’s Application to Admit Transcripts under Rule 92bis, 23 May 2001, paras 4, 8, 11.

[6] See, inter alia, Halilović Appeal Judgement, [Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilović, Case No. IT-01-48-A Judgment, 16 October 2007], para. 125; Blagojević and Jokić Appeal Judgement, [Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Halilović, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Judgment, 9 May 2007], para. 226.

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ICTR Rule Rule 92 bis ICTY Rule Rule 92 bis
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

38. In this respect, the Appeals Chamber agrees that, under the Tribunal’s law, the Prosecution may not summon an accused as a witness in his own case, due to the special protection he enjoys.[1] The Appeals Chamber however notes that the Prosecution is not attempting to call Prlić as a witness in this trial. A request to admit a transcript of a suspect’s questioning into the trial record cannot be equated with a request to add the person in question to the Prosecution’s witness list. […] On the other hand, written evidence such as the December 2001 Transcript, although strictly speaking evidence stemming from the declarations of an individual, is not the “testimony” of that person.

[1] Rule 85(A). See also Galić Appeal Judgement, paras 17- 18 and Kvočka et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 125.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

43. […] While one of the purposes of Rule 92bis is to place some restrictions on the admissibility of hearsay evidence,[1] its general aim at the time of its introduction was to make trials more expeditious, while not preventing examination and cross-examination of the witness as such.[2] Rule 92bis even states that a Trial Chamber “may dispense” with the attendance of a witness in person – thus providing a clear indication that there is a choice to be made, in order to properly balance the interests to an expeditious trial with the rights of the accused.[3]

[1] Galić Decision, para. 31.

[2] See Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.4, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on the Admissibility of Evidence-in-Chief in the Form of Written Statements, 30 September 2003, paras 15-18.

[3] See also Galić Decision, paras 28-30. In this respect, the Appeals Chamber notes that the Joint Defence did identify portions of the December 2001 Transcript which would go to the acts and conduct of the various co-accused (Joint Defence Appeal, para. 18, referring to Joint Response, Annex).

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ICTR Rule Rule 92 bis ICTY Rule Rule 92 bis
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

48. [...] It is true that [Rule 92quater] provides for a mechanism to allow for the admission of written evidence when the person giving the statement is unavailable – but this is so because the individual in question is objectively unable to attend a court hearing, either because he is deceased or because of physical or mental impairment. […] It is true, however, as the Prosecution submits,[1] that Rule 92quater does provide an example of a provision explicitly allowing for the admission into evidence of a statement – even regarding the acts and conduct of the accused – where cross-examination is impossible.

[1] Prosecution Response, para. 61.

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ICTY Rule Rule 92 quater
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

40. The Rules do not provide explicitly for the case of a transcript of the questioning of a suspect to be admitted into evidence in the trial of that person and other accused. A Chamber is therefore called in such a case to apply rules of evidence that “will best favour a fair determination of the matter before it and are consonant with the spirit of the Statute and the general principles of law”.[1] This is a delicate exercise for, while the system under which the Tribunal’s rules of evidence operates is predominantly adversarial, the jurisprudence – and the Rules themselves – have recognized from the beginning the necessity, and desirability, of certain features which do not accord with a strictly adversarial criminal procedure.

41. One of the central tenets of the procedure before the Tribunal is the right of all accused to a fair and public hearing.[2] While such a hearing generally entails the examination of evidence against the accused, this principle is not absolute.[3] In fact, there are various provisions that, by balancing the rights of the accused against other relevant interests, safeguard the overall fairness of the proceedings. The Appeals Chamber recalls that this is a complex feat, since under the cloak of “fairness”, a court may be led to construe troublesome curtailments of the rights of the accused in specific instances, which in turn might impact on fundamental rights of the accused. Trial Chambers are called to be vigilant and effective in protecting these rights.

43. The Appeals Chamber considers the analysis of Rule 92bis inapposite to the present situation. Rule 92bis provides an answer to a question different, both in aim and in scope, from the one posed by the present situation. […]

44. Moreover, as the Trial Chamber correctly noted, the transcript of a questioning taken pursuant to Rules 42 and 43 is not a “statement” according to Rule 92bis.[4] A recorded questioning includes, by definition, all questions, all answers, every pause and request for clarifications by all attendees. The parties and the Judges also have the possibility to listen to the audio recording itself, which might provide additional guidance in the understanding of the overall demeanor of the questioned person as well as of those questioning him. The danger that the Prosecution uses this type of questioning to “craft” evidence against the (other) accused persons at trial as argued by the Joint Defence is, in such instances, reduced to a minimum. In this sense, a recorded questioning may be considered more reliable than a statement prepared and then admitted under Rule 92bis.

45. […] Conversely, the questioning of a suspect pursuant to Rules 42 and 43 affords stringent safeguards in order to protect the questioned individual’s right not to incriminate himself.[5] Thus, the suspect is motivated to be more circumspect in his responses and, while he might wish to try and shift the blame to other individuals if he considers himself in a difficult position,[6] he will certainly bear in mind that the Prosecution has, at its disposal, a variety of sources to check the accuracy of his words. In other words, and bearing in mind the different purpose behind the questioning of a suspect as opposed to the gathering of a witness statement by the Prosecution, in cases similar to the one under review here there is undoubtedly less concern about a “collaborative effort” between the suspect and the Prosecution, than in cases where the Prosecution approaches a prospective witness. Of course, this does not say much about the veracity of the answers and explanations provided by the suspect who was being questioned – but this is not determinative of the issue, in this case.

47. A trier of fact is of course called upon to carefully consider the context in which the suspect was questioned. Nonetheless, a transcript of a suspect questioning is different from a statement introduced at trial pursuant to Rule 92bis. This shows that there are substantial differences between the transcript of a questioning conducted according to Rules 42 and 43 and a statement prepared with a view to introducing it into the trial proceedings pursuant to Rule 92bis.

[1] Rule 89(B).

[2] Article 21(2) of the Statute.

[3] See, e.g., Prosecutor v. Žejnil Delalic et al., Case No. IT-96-21-AR73.2, Decision on Application of Defendant Zejnil Delalić for Leave to Appeal Against the Decision of the Trial Chamber of 19 January 1998 for the Admissibility of Evidence, 4 March 1998, para. 22.

[4] Impugned Decision [Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-T, Decision on Request for Admission of the Statement of Jadranko Prlić, 22 August 2007], paras 26-28.

[5] See, for example, Halilović Appeal Judgement, especially paras 36-40, on the reliability of a summarized statement and Rules 42 and 43.

[6] Joint Defence Appeal, para. 16.

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ICTY Rule Rule 42;
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

46. Additionally, a document such as the December 2001 Transcript, after a suspect has become an accused, does not merely provide the judges in his case with a written summary of the answers of a person about whom they know nothing. In the normal course of events, during the proceedings those judges will hear evidence on the individual who was questioned and, by the end of the trial, they will therefore be able – and required – to put the questioning in context in order to assess it in light of the rest of the information received. This does not happen with witness statements, which are based on evidence proffered by an individual about whom the trier of fact knows little, even considering the possibility that he be called for cross-examination.

48. […] In the case at hand, however, the witness is theoretically able to attend – as shown by the fact that he can choose to testify – but is not required to do so in order to protect his own fundamental rights. In this sense, his rights are weighed ex ante against the other interests involved and actually form part of wider considerations falling within the “interests of justice”. […]

50. In construing the “spirit of the Statute and the general principles of law” pursuant to Rule 89(B), the Appeals Chamber will also note that, due to the nature of the issue at hand, domestic legal systems do not provide much guidance. In a very broad sense, in systems that allow an accused to testify in his own trial under a solemn declaration – and not merely expressing himself as an accused – a document such as the December 2001 Transcript would be inadmissible because it could not be tested by cross-examination.[1] On the contrary, those systems where declarations gathered in the pre-trial stages according to certain procedures may be admitted in writing at trial are also the ones that generally do not allow accused persons to testify as witnesses in their own trials – they may be questioned, not in a manner equivalent to an examination under a solemn declaration.[2] Thus, no discernible “general principle” may be inferred from domestic practice in this area.

[1] See, for example: Cruz v. New York, 481 US 186, 189-190 (1987) and Lilly v. Virginia, 527 US 116 (1999), 139 (United States of America); R. v. Mazza (1978), 40 C.C.C. (2d) 134 (S.C.C.) and R. v. Deol, Gill and Randev (1981), 58 C.C.C. (2d) 524 (Alta.C.A.) (Canada); R v. Gunewardene [1951] 2 KB 600 and Lobban v. R, [1995] 2 All ER 602 (England).

[2] See, for example: Code de procédure pénale, articles 105, 113(7), 180, and 181 (France); Strafprozeßordnung (Code of Criminal Procedure), Sections 198-206, 245, 252(1)(3) and Oberster Gerichshof, 12Os26/89 of 30 March 1989, paras 152-153 (Austria); Strafprozeßordnung (Code of Criminal Procedure), Sections 245, 254(1) mutatis mutandis, 255a as regards an audio- and videotape mutatis mutandis (Germany). See in particular Bundesgerichtshof [BGH] [Federal Supreme Court of Justice] 14 May 1969, Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs in Strafsachen [BGHSt] 32, 372 (374). The case of Italy is more complex, as Articles 210, 500, 511, 513 and 514 of the Code of Criminal Procedure effectively prevent admission into evidence of previous statements by the co-accused, unless the questioning took place at the presence of the counsel of the accused, or when the accused cannot be questioned in court because dead, objectively unable to attend, or does not appear in court due to subornation.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

38. […] Witnesses, under the Tribunal’s rules, are generally questioned by the parties in court after having made a solemn declaration; they may be subjected to cross-examination by the opposing party, as well as to questions from the bench. In particular, judges are thus in a position to observe a witness’s demeanour while he gives evidence.[1] […]

[1] See, inter alia, Rules 85(B) and 90. The issues raised by Rules 92bis and 92quater are discussed below; suffice it to say here that, in these cases, cross-examination by the opposing party is allowed (where possible) and that evidence on the acts and conduct of the accused constitutes a ground to exclude such statements from the proceedings. Moreover, the Appeals Chamber has already noted the difference between statements admitted pursuant to Rule 92bis and others. See Prosecutor v. Stanislav Galić, Case No IT-98-29-AR73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Rule 92bis(C) (“Galić Decision”), 7 June 2002, para. 31.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Admission of Transcript - 23.11.2007 PRLIĆ et al.

52. The Appeals Chamber has already held that the right to cross-examination is not absolute.[1] It further noted that

application of a fair trial in favour of both parties is understandable because the Prosecution acts on behalf of and in the interests of the community, including the victims of the offences charged (in cases before the Tribunal the Prosecutor acts on behalf of the international community) […] Seen in this way, it is difficult to see how a trial could ever be considered fair where the accused is favoured at the expense of the Prosecution beyond a strict compliance with those fundamental protections.[2]

Of even more relevance for the issue at hand, since the Tribunal’s first cases, the jurisprudence has been constant in holding that, under the Tribunal’s system, a statement of a person made otherwise than in the proceedings in which it is tendered, whether orally by a witness or in writing is not inadmissible, in particular when the source of hearsay is known and subject to potential evaluation by a Chamber.[3] In particular, the Appeals Chamber found that Trial Chambers have a wide discretion in admitting hearsay evidence, although establishing the reliability of this type of evidence is of paramount importance when hearsay evidence is admitted as substantive evidence in order to prove the truth of its contents.[4]

53. A different matter is, of course, what weight a trier of fact is allowed to give to evidence not subjected to the testing of cross-examination. It is in this matter that the jurisprudence of the ECtHR is valuable, as it has authoritatively stated the principle that “all the evidence must normally be produced at a public hearing, in the presence of the accused, with a view to adversarial argument. There are exceptions to this principle, but they must not infringe the rights of the defence.”[5] Unacceptable infringements of the rights of the defence, in this sense, occur when a conviction is based solely, or in a decisive manner, on the depositions of a witness whom the accused has had no opportunity to examine or to have examined either during the investigation or at trial.[6] The ECtHR applied this reasoning to the statement of a co-accused in pre-trial proceedings in a case where neither the applicant nor his lawyer had been given the opportunity to question the co-accused at any stage of the proceedings.[7] The Appeals Chamber has already had occasion to elaborate on the fact that these principles serve as guidelines before the Tribunal.[8]

[1] Prosecutor v. Milan Martić, Case No. IT-95-11-AR73.2, Decision on Appeal against the Trial Chamber’s Decision on the Evidence of Witness Milan Babić, 14 September 2006 (“Martić Decision”), para. 12.

[2] Prosecutor v. Zlatko Aleksovski, Case No. IT-95-14/1-AR73, Decision on Prosecutor’s Appeal on Admissibility of Evidence, 16 February 1999 (“Aleksovski Decision on Admissibility of Evidence”), para. 25, cited with approval in Martić Decision, para. 13.

[3] Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Case No. IT-94-1-T, Decision on Defence Motion on Hearsay, 5 August 1996, paras 5, 7, 15, 18-19; Aleksovski Decision on Admissibility of Evidence, paras 14-15; Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, paras 280-284.

[4] Aleksovski Decision on Admissibility of Evidence, para. 15.

[5] A.M. v. Italy, no. 37019/97, para. 25, ECHR 1999-IX. supra, note 6

[6] Apart from the A.M. case, see also Saïdi v. France, judgment of 20 September 1993, Series A no. 261-C, pp. 56-57, paras 43-44 and Unterpertinger v. Austria, judgment of 24 November 1986, Series A no. 110, pp. 14-15, paras 31-33.

[7] Lucà v. Italy, no. 33354/96, paras 39-45, ECHR 2001-II.

[8] Martić Decision, para. 20 and cited references.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 16.10.2007 HALILOVIĆ Sefer

11. The same standard of reasonableness and the same deference to factual findings of the Trial Chamber apply when the Prosecution appeals against an acquittal. Thus, when considering an appeal by the Prosecution, the Appeals Chamber will only hold that an error of fact was committed when it determines that no reasonable trier of fact could have made the impugned finding.[1] However, since the Prosecution must establish the guilt of the accused at trial, the significance of an error of fact occasioning a miscarriage of justice takes on a specific character when alleged by the Prosecution.[2] In this context, the Appeals Chamber has endorsed the following holding by the ICTR Appeals Chamber:

[b]ecause the Prosecution bears the burden at trial of proving the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt, the significance of an error of fact occasioning a miscarriage of justice is somewhat different for a Prosecution appeal against acquittal than for a defence appeal against conviction. An accused must show that the Trial Chamber’s factual errors create a reasonable doubt as to his guilt. The Prosecution faces a more difficult task. It must show that, when account is taken of the errors of fact committed by the Trial Chamber, all reasonable doubt of the accused’s guilt has been eliminated.[3]

16. The Appeals Chamber notes that Halilović does not identify any authority for his assertion that the Prosecution’s right to appeal against acquittals should be exercised only exceptionally, nor does he provide support for his claim that such an appeal would have to reach a higher threshold of “diligence” to be exercised by the appellant in such a case.[4] Similarly, Halilović fails to specify on what ground he bases his assertion that an appeal against acquittal by the Prosecution would have, as a pre-condition, to serve the “purposes for which th[e] [International] Tribunal has been created”,[5] in a manner different from all other appeals against judgements rendered by the International Tribunal. The Appeals Chamber also stresses that it is not its task, as suggested by Halilović, to ascertain whether the Prosecutor has fulfilled her responsibilities in accordance with the Completion Strategy laid out in Security Council Resolution 1503 (2003).[6] The Appeals Chamber further considers that Halilović has failed to point to any element suggesting that the Prosecution abused its discretion in appealing his acquittal. It should also be recalled that the Appeals Chamber has already dismissed Halilović’s request to dismiss the appeal without hearing the parties’ arguments.[7] Thus, Halilović’s request for summary dismissal of the entire appeal is denied.

[1] Blagojević and Jokić Appeal Judgement, para. 9; Brđanin Appeal Judgement, para. 14; Bagilishema Appeal Judgement, para. 13.

[2] Krnojelac Appeal Judgement, para. 14.

[3] Bagilishema Appeal Judgement, para. 14, cited with approval in Limaj et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 13.

[4] In this context, the Appeals Chamber recalls (see supra, para. 11) that the Prosecution’s task in the case of appealing an acquittal is “more difficult”, in as much as it has “to show that, when account is taken of the errors of fact committed by the Trial Chamber, all reasonable doubt of the accused’s guilt has been eliminated” (Bagilishema Appeal Judgement, para. 14).

[5] Respondent’s Brief, para. 6.

[6] See, in particular, Security Council Resolution 1503, S/RES/1503 (2003), adopted on 28 August 2003, para. 6, as well as Security Council Resolution 1534, S/RES/1534 (2004), adopted on 26 March 2004, paras 4 and 6, requesting the Prosecutor to review the case load of the International Tribunal and to explain, in its progress reports submitted to the Security Council every six months, “what measures have been taken to implement the Completion Strategy and what measures remain to be taken”.

[7] See Decision on Defence Motion for Prompt Scheduling of Appeals Hearing, 27 October 2006, paras 8-9, where the Appeals Chamber found that, since the Prosecution opposed the request for summary disposition of the appeal, the question of whether or not it was open to the parties to waive their entitlement to an oral hearing did not arise.

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Appeal Judgement - 16.10.2007 HALILOVIĆ Sefer

The Trial Chamber had denied admission of a statement given by Halilović to the Prosecution at a time when he was questioned only as a witness, which was not taped or video-recorded according to Rule 43. On appeal, both parties agreed that the procedure under Rules 42 and 43 had not been followed since the Prosecution did not consider Halilović a suspect at that time, although it did inform him of his rights to counsel and to remain silent.

36. The Trial Chamber found that:

in order to protect the right of the Accused to a fair trial, in accordance with Article 21 of the Statute, it should be taken into account whether the safeguards of Rules 42, 43 and 63 of the Rules have been fully respected when deciding on the admission of any former statement of an accused irrespective of the status of the accused at the time of taking the statement.[1]

The Trial Chamber’s understanding of the protections afforded by the Statute and the Rules is consistent with the principles expressed in the case law of the International Tribunal and the ICTR[2] as well as the law of other jurisdictions.[3]

37. The Decision of 8 July 2005 dealt with the issue of whether the Statement had been taken in accordance with Rules 42, 43, 63, 89 and 95 of the Rules.[4] The Trial Chamber reasoned that the main question at issue was “what safeguards should have been applied by the Prosecution in order for a former statement of a now accused person to be admissible into evidence”.[5] The Trial Chamber concluded that:

[…] In the present case, Rule 43 [of the Rules] was not applied at the time of taking the Statement. Sefer Halilović has not chosen to waive his right to remain silent during trial. Thus, the Trial Chamber finds that the admission of the Statement would infringe upon the Accused’s right to a fair trial.[6]

38. Whether the statement would also be inadmissible due to a retroactive reading of Rule 43 of the Rules was not a decisive consideration in the Trial Chamber’s reasoning.[7] […]

[1] Decision of 8 July 2005 [Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilović, Case No. IT-01-48-T, Decision on Motion for Exclusion of Statement of Accused, 8 July 2005], para. 21.

[2] See, for example, Prosecutor v. Jean-Paul Akayesu, Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, Decision on Defendant’s Motion for Summonses and Protection of Witnesses called by the Defence, 17 February 1998; Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić et al., Case No. IT-96-21-T, Decision on Zdravko Mucić’s Motion for the Exclusion of Evidence, 2 September 1997.

[3] The European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR”) has dealt with this issue mostly in the context of punishment (in a broad sense) of accused persons relying on their right to remain silent. However, the Appeals Chamber finds the ECtHR case law to be informative of the principles that “[t]he right not to incriminate oneself is primarily concerned … with respecting the will of an accused person to remain silent” (Heaney and McGuinness v. Ireland, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 2000-XII, para. 40) and that the status of a person (not yet formally charged) is modified when that individual’s situation has been “substantially affected” therefore anticipating the right to remain silent, the right against self-incrimination and the related warnings (Id., 41-42, 45). See also Serves v. France, Reports 1997-VI, para. 42; Saunders v. the United Kingdom, Reports 1996-VI, para. 74; Shannon v. United Kingdom, no. 6563/03, judgement of 4 October 2005 (consulted in the Internet).

[4] Decision of 8 July 2005, paras 21 and 24.

[5] Decision of 8 July 2005, para. 19.

[6] Decision of 8 July 2005, para. 26.

[7] See, in this respect, Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 533 and Kvočka Appeal Judgement, para. 128.

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ICTY Rule Rule 42;
Rule 43
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Appeal Judgement - 16.10.2007 HALILOVIĆ Sefer

38.    […] It is clear that the Trial Chamber instead excluded the Statement because, in accordance with Rule 89(D) of the Rules, it did not deem the statement reliable enough, so that it could have threatened the fairness of the proceedings.[1] The Appeals Chamber is only called to decide on whether this specific decision was unreasonable.

39.     The language used by the Trial Chamber throughout its decision shows that, with no way to test the accuracy of the Statement or its interpretation, its reliability was in doubt.[2] The circumstances of the case, which included the fact that the Statement was being tendered from the bar table, the summary format of the document and the fact that no record of any kind was offered to show its reliability, had an impact upon Halilović’s ability to challenge the content of the Statement and prepare an effective defence without forfeiting his right to remain silent. […]

40.     The Appeals Chamber is not satisfied that the Prosecution has shown that the Trial Chamber in this instance abused its discretion. The issue of whether the Statement contained relevant and probative evidence, in the sense of Rule 89(C) of the Rules, is therefore moot.

See below for separate  opinions on the matter.

[1] Decision of 8 July [2005], in particular paras 17 and 27, referring to Rule 89(D) of the Rules.

[2] [Decision of 8 July 2005], para. 25.

[3] Cf. Naletilić and Martinović Appeal Judgement, paras 530 and 544; Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 533 (concerning the Appeals Chamber’s power to intervene to exclude evidence when it finds that a Trial Chamber committed a discernible error in the exercise of its discretion to admit evidence and that this error resulted in unfair prejudice to the appellant, thereby rendering his trial unfair). See also Gacumbitsi Appeal Judgement, para. 19 (concerning a Trial Chamber’s abuse of discretion in relation to a scheduling decision).

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ICTY Rule Rule 89(D)
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39. […] In this respect, the Appeals Chamber emphasizes the large measure of discretion afforded under the Rules to Trial Chambers in establishing the authenticity of a document.[1] Considering that Trial Chambers’ decisions on issues of evaluation of evidence must generally be given a margin of deference,[2] it is only where an abuse of such discretion can be established that the Appeals Chamber should reverse such decisions.[3]

[1] See Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilović, Case No. IT-01-48-AR73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Admission of Record of Interview of the Accused from the Bar Table, 19 August 2005, para. 19.

[2]   Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 533, where the Appeals Chamber stated that “a Trial Chamber exercises consi­derable discretion in deciding on issues of admissibility of evidence” and that, as a result, “a Trial Chamber should be afforded […] deference in making decisions based on the circumstances of the case before it”.

[3] See, for example, Prosecutor v. Dario Kordić and Mario Čerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-AR73.5, Decision on Appeal Regarding Statement of a Deceased Witness, 21 July 2000; Prosecutor v. Dario Kordić and Mario Čerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-AR73.6, Decision on Appeal Regarding the Admission into Evidence of Seven Affidavits and One Formal Statement, 18 September 2000.

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ICTY Rule Rule 89(D)
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Appeal Judgement - 16.10.2007 HALILOVIĆ Sefer

59. […] the Appeals Chamber recalls that the concept of effective control over a subordinate – in the sense of a material ability to prevent or punish criminal conduct, however that control is exercised – is the threshold to be reached in establishing a superior-subordinate relationship for the purpose of Article 7(3) of the Statute. Against this backdrop, the Appeals Chamber recalls that the necessity of proving that the perpetrator was the “subordinate” of the accused (against whom charges have been brought under Article 7(3) of the Statute) does not require direct or formal subordination. Rather, the accused has to be, by virtue of his position, senior in some sort of formal or informal hierarchy to the perpetrator.

210. In any event, even assuming that Halilović had the ability to contribute to an investigation or to the punishment of the perpetrators of the crimes committed in Grabovica, these abilities can only amount to effective control relevant for Article 7(3) of the Statute if they are the consequence of a relationship of subordination between Halilović and these perpetrators.[2] Indeed, the Appeals Chamber recalls that the material ability to punish and its corresponding duty to punish can only amount to effective control over the perpetrators if they are premised upon a pre-existing superior-subordinate relationship between the accused and the perpetrators. In this regard, the ability to exercise effective control in the sense of a material power to prevent or punish necessitates a pre-existing relationship of subordination, hierarchy or chain of command.[3] Of course, the concepts of subordination, hierarchy and chains of command need not be established in the sense of formal organisational structures so long as the fundamental requirement of effective control over the subordinate, in the sense of material ability to prevent or punish criminal conduct, is satisfied.[4]

[1] Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 256.

[2] See supra, para. 59.

[3] Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 303, where the Appeals Chamber explained that the doctrine of command responsibility “developed with an emphasis on persons who, by virtue of the position which they occupy, have authority over others”. This approach also underlies the reasoning in the Blaškić Appeal Judgement, paras 372ff: the Appeals Chamber first ascertained whether Blaškić had “command authority” over the Military Police (an authority it found he could have for ad hoc missions pursuant to specific requests, paras 375-381), before assessing whether he had effective control over said Military Police (paras 382 ff). In the Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement (paras 85-86), the ICTR Appeals Chamber first recalled that “a superior is one who possesses power or authority over subordinates either de jure or de facto” (para. 85), before outlining the threshold to be reached in establishing a superior-subordinate relationship, namely “that it be found beyond reasonable doubt that the accused was able to exercise effective control over his or her subordinates” (para. 86). See also Blagojević and Jokiæ Appeal Judgement, paras 301-303.

[4] Čelebići Appeal Judgement, para. 254.

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ICTR Statute Article 6(3) ICTY Statute Article 7(3)