Crimes committed by adversaries

Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 19.03.2019 KARADŽIĆ Radovan

321. The Appeals Chamber recalls that, pursuant to Rule 89(C) of the ICTY Rules, trial chambers have discretion to admit relevant evidence that has probative value.[1] The admissibility of evidence related to crimes committed by adversaries depends on the purpose for which it is adduced and whether it tends to refute allegations made in the indictment, while it is for the defence to clarify to the trial chamber the purpose of tendering such evidence.[2] In determining the admissibility of evidence, trial chambers enjoy considerable discretion and the Appeals Chamber must accord deference to their decisions in this respect.[3] The Appeals Chamber’s examination of challenges concerning a trial chamber’s refusal to admit material into evidence is limited to establishing whether the trial chamber abused its discretion by committing a discernible error.[4]

322. […] Considering that it is for the party tendering material to show the indicia of relevance required for it to be admissible under Rule 89(C) of the ICTY Rules,[5] […].

323. […] [C]onsidering that the criteria for admission of evidence set out in Rule 89(C) of the Rules are cumulative, that the tendering party bears the burden of showing that these are met, and the deference accorded to trial chambers on matters related to the admissibility of evidence,[6] […].

[1] Tolimir Appeal Judgement, para. 564; Kupreškić et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 31.

[2] See, e.g., Kunarac et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 88, n. 104. Cf. Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-T, Decision on Praljak Defence Motion for Admission of Documentary Evidence, 1 April 2010 (originally filed in French, English translation filed on 23 April 2010), para. 80; Prosecutor v. Enver Hadžihasanović and Amir Kubura, Case No. IT‑01-47-T, Decision on Defence Motion for Clarification of the Oral Decision of 17 December 2003 Regarding the Scope of Cross-Examination Pursuant to Rule 90 (H) of the Rules, 28 January 2004 (originally filed in French, English translation filed on 4 February 2004), p. 4; Prosecutor v. Zoran Kupreškić et al., Case No. IT-95-16-T, Decision on Evidence of the Good Character of the Accused and the Defence of Tu Quoque, 17 February 1999, p. 5.

[3] Prlić et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 143, 151; Šainović et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 152, 161.

[4] Šainović et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 152, 161, referring to [Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR73.13, Decision on Jadranko Prlić’s Consolidated Interlocutory Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Orders of 6 and 9 October 2008 on Admission of Evidence, 12 January 2009 (“Prlić et al. Decision of 12 January 2009”)], para. 5.

[5] Šainović et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 162, referring to Prlić et al. Decision of 12 January 2009, para. 17.

[6] Prlić et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 143; Šainović et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 163, referring to Prlić et al. Decision of 12 January 2009, para. 17.

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ICTY Rule Rule 89(C)