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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

385.  The meaning of “legal prejudice” in the Trial Judgement is not clear. In any event, the Appeals Chamber clarifies that any form of prejudice that a party allegedly suffered as a result of undue delay ought to be considered. The Appeals Chamber finds that the Trial Chamber’s failure to expressly address the entirety of the co‑Accused’s arguments[1] and conduct a comprehensive assessment of their alleged prejudice in the Trial Judgement infringed the co‑Accused’s rights to a reasoned opinion under Article 22 of the Statute and Rule 88(C) of the Rules.


388.  However, the Appeals Chamber recalls its finding that the present proceedings were unduly delayed as a result of the Prosecution’s conduct and the Trial Chamber judges’ simultaneous assignment to multiple proceedings, delays which are not attributable to the co-Accused.[2] These delays prolonged the detention of the co‑Accused. The Appeals Chamber finds that these delays and the resulting prolonged detention constitute prejudice per se and that the Trial Chamber erred in concluding that the co‑Accused did not suffer prejudice.[3]

[1] The Appeals Chamber observes that Nyiramasuhuko and Ntahobali raised lengthy arguments regarding their prejudice that the Trial Chamber did not address in the 20 February 2004 Decision and 26 November 2008 Decision. See Nyiramasuhuko Appeal Brief, paras. 59-64, referring to 24 June 2003 Motion, paras. 164-190, 20 February 2004 Decision, para. 16; Ntahobali Appeal Brief, para. 4, referring to22 August 2008 Motion, paras. 53, 120, 134-136, 145‑152, 182, 183, 26 November 2008 Decision, paras. 54, 55, 59-61.

[2] See supra, para. 378.

[3] Cf. Gatete Appeal Judgement, paras. 44, 45.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

406. While the possibility is not ruled out that decisions rendered by a judge or a chamber could suffice to establish bias, it was held that this would be “truly extraordinary”.[1] In this regard, the Appeals Chamber notes that the European Court of Human Rights has affirmed on several occasions that complaints concerning judges’ lack of independence and impartiality grounded on the content of judicial decisions cannot be considered objectively justified.[2]

See also paras. 95, 771, 2843.

[1] Ferdinand Nahimana v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52B-R, Decision on Request for Disqualification of Judge Pocar, 6 June 2012, para. 17, referring to Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević et al., Case No. IT-02-60-PT, Decision on Blagojević’s Application Pursuant to Rule 15(B), 19 March 2003, para. 14.

[2] See, e.g., Dimitrov and others v. Bulgaria, ECtHR, No. 77938/11, Judgement, 1 July 2014, para. 159 (“Under the subjective test, the personal impartiality of a judge must be presumed until there is proof to the contrary […]. The facts that some of the judges hearing the case ruled against them on some points or decided to proceed in a certain manner do not constitute such proof”); Previti v. Italy, ECtHR, No. 45291/06, Décision sur la recevabilité, 8 December 2009, para. 258 ("La Cour a cependant eu l’occasion de souligner que des craintes quant à un manque d’indépendance et d’impartialité des juges nationaux se fondant uniquement sur le contenu des décisions judiciaires prononcées contre un requérant (Bracci précité, § 52) ou sur les simples circonstances qu’une juridiction interne a commis des erreurs de fait ou de droit et que sa décision a été annulée par une instance supérieure (Sofri et autres, décision précitée) ne sauraient passer pour objectivement justifiées.”); Bracci v. Italy, ECtHR, No. 36822/02, Arrêt, 15 February 2006, para. 52 (“La Cour observe également que les craintes du requérant d'un manque d'indépendance et d'impartialité des juges nationaux se fondent uniquement sur le contenu des décisions judiciaires prononcées à son encontre. Elles ne sauraient dès lors passer pour objectivement justifiées.”); Sofri and others v. Italy, ECtHR, No. 37234/97, Decision, 4 March 2003, Section B.2.a (“Moreover, the fact that a domestic court has erred in fact or law or that its decision has been set aside by a higher court is not capable by itself of raising objectively justified doubts about its impartiality.”).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

435. The Appeals Chamber observes that the Rules, which specifically impose the disclosure of all witnesses’ statements and their identity, do not provide for the disclosure of the identity of the witnesses’ parents.[1] Nyiramasuhuko’s submissions, in fact, merely reflect her disagreement with the Trial Chamber’s exercise of its discretion in denying disclosure to the Defence of the identity of the Prosecution witnesses’ parents. […]

[1] See Rules 66(A) and 69(C) of the Rules.

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ICTR Rule Rule 66(A);
Rule 69(C)
ICTY Rule Rule 66(A);
Rule 69(C)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

450. The Appeals Chamber notes that the requirement in Rule 50(A)(ii) of the Rules for granting leave to amend an indictment was only introduced in the Rules on 15 May 2004, following the 14th plenary session held on 23 and 24 April 2004.[1] According to this amendment, trial chambers shall examine each of the counts and any supporting materials the Prosecution may provide to determine, applying the standard set forth in Article 18 of the Statute, whether a case exists against the accused. The Appeals Chamber also observes that, prior to the enactment of Rule 50(A)(ii) of the Rules, the practice of the trial chambers of the Tribunal regarding the need to establish a prima facie case before granting leave to amend an indictment was not uniform. In several cases, trial chambers found that granting leave to amend an indictment was a matter for their discretion and only required the Prosecution to establish the factual and legal basis in support of its motion to amend.[2] In other cases, trial chambers examined whether prima facie evidence supported the motion to amend.[3] When seised with appeals against decisions related to the amendment of the indictment prior to the modification of Rule 50 of the Rules, the Appeals Chamber did not provide guidance on this issue.[4] Against this background, the Appeals Chamber, Judge Pocar and Judge Liu dissenting, finds Nyiramasuhuko’s allegation that the Trial Chamber erred in law by not requiring the Prosecution to present a prima facie case in support of the new counts to be without merit and deems it unnecessary to discuss Nyiramasuhuko’s remaining arguments premised on this alleged error of law.

[1] See Amendments – 14th Plenary Session (23-24 April 2004), pp. 6, 7.

[2] See, e.g., The Prosecutor v. Juvénal Kajelijeli, Case No. ICTR-98-44A-T, Decision on Prosecutor’s Motion to Correct the Indictment Dated 22 December 2000 and Motion for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, 25 January 2001, paras. 26, 40; The Prosecutor v. Éliezer Niyitegeka, Case No. ICTR-96-14-I, Decision on Prosecutor’s Request for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, 21 June 2000, paras. 43-45; The Prosecutor v. Jean Bosco Barayagwiza, Case No. ICTR-97-19-I, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Request for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, 11 April 2000, pp. 3, 4; The Prosecutor v. Ferdinand Nahimana, Case No. ICTR-96-11-T, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Request for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, signed 5 November 1999, filed 10 November 1999, paras. 7, 14, 15; The Prosecutor v. Gratien Kabiligi and Aloys Ntabakuze, Case Nos. ICTR-97-34-I & ICTR-97-30-I, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Motion to Amend the Indictment, 8 October 1999 (“Kabiligi8 October 1999 Decision”), paras. 42, 43.

[3] See, e.g., The Prosecutor v. Édouard Karemera et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-T, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Motion for Leave to Amend the Indictment, 13 February 2004, para. 35 (originally filed in French, English version filed on 14 May 2004); The Prosecutor v. Alfred Musema, Case No. ICTR-96-13-T, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Request for Leave to Amend the Indictment, dated 6 May 1999, signed 24 May 1999, filed 25 May 1999, para. 19. See also Prosecutor v. Fatmir Limaj et al., Case No. IT-03-66-PT, Decision on Prosecution’s Motion to Amend the Amended Indictment, signed 12 February 2004, filed 13 February 2004, para. 8; Prosecutor v. Enver Hadžihasanović and Amir Kubura, Case No. IT-01-47-PT, Decision on Form of Indictment, 17 September 2003, paras. 35, 36.

[4] See The Prosecutor v. Édouard Karemera et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-AR73, Decision on Prosecutor’s Interlocutory Appeal Against Trial Chamber III Decision of 8 October 2003 Denying Leave to File an Amended Indictment, 19 December 2003; The Prosecutor v. Casimir Bizimungu et al., Case No. ICTR-99-50-AR50, Decision on Prosecutor’s Interlocutory Appeal Against Trial Chamber II Decision of 6 October 2003 Denying Leave to File Amended Indictment, 12 February 2004 (“Bizimungu et al. 12 February 2004 Appeal Decision”). See also Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 390-393. This issue was subject to disagreement among the judges of the Tribunal. See Bizimungu et al. 12 February 2004 Appeal Decision, Individual Opinion of Judge Pocar.

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ICTR Statute Article 18 ICTY Statute Article 19 ICTR Rule Rule 50 ICTY Rule Rule 50
Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

1276.            The Appeals Chamber rejects Ntahobali’s claim that the Trial Chamber applied the wrong legal criterion in evaluating the cumulative effect of the defects in the Indictment. Although the Trial Chamber mainly relied on its finding that the defects of the Indictment concerning allegations on which it made factual findings were cured, its analysis reflects that it did not limit its examination to this matter but, in accordance with the jurisprudence that it expressly recalled, examined whether the Defence had sufficient time and resources to investigate properly all the new material facts and that it was not prejudiced by the addition of numerous material facts. The Appeals Chamber refers in particular to the Trial Chamber’s reliance on the additional time allotted to the co-Accused to prepare their case[1] and its findings throughout the Trial Judgement that, where remedied, the original lack of notice had not caused prejudice.[2]

1277.            The Appeals Chamber also finds no merit in Ntahobali’s argument that the number of defects in an indictment that can be cured is limited. The Appeals Chamber considers that, in instances where it is found that defective charges have not only been cured but also that the initial lack of notice did not result in prejudice, the question of the number of defects cured becomes secondary. It is clear from the Appeals Chamber’s jurisprudence that the key question remains whether or not the accused was materially prejudiced in the preparation of his defence.[3]

[1] Trial Judgement, para. 130.

[2] See, e.g., Trial Judgement, paras. 1464, 2166, 2932, 2942, 3161.

[3] See Bagosora et al. Appeal Decision on Exclusion of Evidence [The Prosecutor v. Théoneste Bagosora et al., Case No. ICTR-98-41-AR73, Decision on Aloys Ntabakuze’s Interlocutory Appeal on Questions of Law Raised by the 29 June 2006 Trial Chamber I Decision on Motion for Exclusion of Evidence, 18 September 2006], para. 26:

[…] Further, while the addition of a few material facts may not prejudice the Defence in the preparation of its case, the addition of numerous material facts increases the risk of prejudice as the Defence may not have sufficient time and resources to investigate properly all the new material facts. Thus, where a Trial Chamber considers that a defective indictment has been subsequently cured by the Prosecution, it should further consider whether the extent of the defects in the indictment materially prejudice an accused’s right to a fair trial by hindering the preparation of a proper defence.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

468. As a preliminary matter, the Appeals Chamber clarifies that it considers that the Prosecution did not exceed the scope of its response brief by arguing that the Indictment was not defective regarding the count of conspiracy to commit genocide. The purpose of a response brief is to give a full answer to the issues raised in the relevant appeal brief[1] and there is nothing in the Rules or the relevant practice directions prohibiting a party from raising an allegation of error in the Trial Judgement in response to an issue raised by the other party. Therefore, the Appeals Chamber finds no merit in Nyiramasuhuko’s argument that the Prosecution should have requested leave to argue that the Trial Chamber erred in finding that the Indictment was defective as regards the charge of conspiracy to commit genocide.

[1] Cf. 21 August 2007 Appeal Decision [The Prosecutor v. Pauline Nyiramasuhuko et al., Case No. ICTR-98-42-AR73, Decision on Joseph Kanyabashi’s Appeal Against the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 21 March 2007 Concerning the Dismissal of Motions to Vary His Witness List, 21 August 2007], para. 11. See also Practice Direction on Formal Requirements on Appeal [Practice Direction on Formal Requirements for Appeals from Judgement, 4 July 2005], para. 5.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

469. The Appeals Chamber recalls that when an accused is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide pursuant to Article 2(3)(b) of the Statute, the Prosecution must plead in the indictment: (i) an agreement between individuals aimed at the commission of genocide; and (ii) the fact that the individuals taking part in the agreement possessed the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such.[1] […]


473. The Appeals Chamber is of the view that, contrary to the Trial Chamber’s determination,[2] there is no requirement for the Prosecution to specify in the Indictment when the conspiracy ended. The crime of conspiracy to commit genocide is an inchoate offence, the actus reus of which is “a concerted agreement to act for the purpose of committing genocide”,[3] and does not require evidence of the time range and end of the conspiracy. Of significance is when the agreement was formed, not when it ended. Therefore, the Appeals Chamber finds that the Trial Chamber erred in determining that the Indictment was defective because it failed to specify “when the conspiracy ended”.

474. […] Moreover, contrary to Nyiramasuhuko’s assertion, the Appeals Chamber considers that the specific individuals with whom the accused is alleged to have reached the agreement aimed at the commission of genocide do not necessarily have to be identified by name and that identification by general category in the Indictment can be sufficient to provide adequate notice to the accused.[4]

[1] Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 255; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 344.

[2] See Trial Judgement, para. 5661.

[3] See Karemera and Ngirumpatse Appeal Judgement, para. 643, quoting Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 896. See also Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 391; Gatete Appeal Judgement, para. 260; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 894.

[4] Cf. Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 400; Karemera and Ngirumpatse Appeal Judgement, para. 370. The Appeals Chamber further finds that the fact that other members of the Interim Government were not convicted for conspiracy before the Tribunal is irrelevant to the question of whether Nyiramasuhuko was put on notice of the charges against her and is not inconsistent with the fact that Nyiramasuhuko was charged with having conspired with other members of the Interim Government. Cf. Bagosora and Nsengiyumva Appeal Judgement, para. 121.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

561. The Appeals Chamber considers that a witness’s membership in an association of survivors alone does not imply a desire or motive to implicate the accused, nor does it render the witness’s evidence tainted or his accounts unreliable or partial. The Appeals Chamber therefore sees no reason to require, as a matter of principle, a trial chamber to apply particular caution in treating the evidence of witnesses who are members of such associations. The Appeals Chamber also recalls its position that a “statement by Professor Reynt[j]ens that the Ibuka Organization paid people to give false evidence cannot, per se, constitute a sufficient ground for excluding, in a general manner, the testimony of Prosecution witnesses”.[1]

[1] Rutaganda Appeal Judgement, para. 205.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

3322.            The Appeals Chamber has held in relation to genocide that “committing” under Article 6(1) of the Statute, which envisions the physical perpetration of a crime, does not only mean physical killing and that other acts can constitute direct participation in the actus reus of the crime.[1] The question is whether an accused’s conduct was “as much an integral part of the [crimes] as were the killings which it enabled.”[2] In the cases where the Appeals Chamber has concluded that an accused’s role constituted an integral part of the crimes, the accused were present at the crime scene and conducted, supervised, directed, played a leading role, or otherwise fully exercised influence over the physical perpetrators.[3]

3323.            Even if the Appeals Chamber were to overturn the Trial Chamber’s findings that Kanyabashi’s Speech was not inflammatory and did not substantially contribute to the subsequent killings, it is not convinced that Kanyabashi’s approval of Kambanda’s and Sindikubwabo’s Speeches, his position of authority, and the contents of his speech are sufficient to qualify Kanyabashi’s overall conduct as that of “committing” genocide. The Appeals Chamber considers that, where it is not established that the accused was present at the scene of the crimes, conducted, supervised, directed, played a leading role, or otherwise fully exercised influence over the physical perpetrators, making a speech days, if not weeks, before the physical perpetration of killings cannot be deemed to constitute “direct participation in the actus reus” of the killings. Nor can such circumstances compel the conclusion that the conduct of the individual who gave the speech was as much an integral part of the genocide as were the killings which it allegedly enabled. In the view of the Appeals Chamber, the notion of commission by playing an integral part in the crime is not as expansive as the Prosecution argues in the present case. […]

[1] Munyakazi Appeal Judgement, para. 135; Kalimanzira Appeal Judgement, para. 219; Seromba Appeal Judgement, para. 161; Gacumbitsi Appeal Judgement, para. 60.

[2] Munyakazi Appeal Judgement, para. 135; Kalimanzira Appeal Judgement, para. 219; Seromba Appeal Judgement, para. 161; Gacumbitsi Appeal Judgement, para. 60. See also Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 477.

[3] See Munyakazi Appeal Judgement, paras. 135, 136; Seromba Appeal Judgement, paras. 171, 172; Gacumbitsi Appeal Judgement, paras. 60, 61. See also Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 477; Kalimanzira Appeal Judgement, paras. 219, 220.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

3327.            The Appeals Chamber recalls that the actus reus of instigating is to prompt another person to commit an offence.[1] It is not necessary to prove that the accused was present when the instigated crime was committed[2] or that the crime would not have been perpetrated without the involvement of the accused; it is sufficient to demonstrate that the instigation was a factor substantially contributing to the conduct of another person committing the crime.[3]

3328.            […] The Appeals Chamber considers that Kanyabashi’s commitment to execute the directives and instructions announced by Kambanda and Sindikubwabo to identify and kill Tutsis does not necessarily amount to prompting the attendees or the people in Butare Prefecture to kill Tutsis.[4] In the absence of any evidence discussed by the Trial Chamber or pointed out by the Prosecution that Kanyabashi’s Speech was understood as instigating the killing of Tutsis or had any impact on the conduct of those who subsequently committed killings,[5] the Appeals Chamber finds that a reasonable trier of fact could have concluded that Kanyabashi did not instigate genocide through his speech.

[1] See, e.g., Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 146; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 480; Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 27.

[2] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 660. See also Boškoski and Tarčulovski Appeal Judgement, para. 125, fn. 347.

[3] See, e.g., Nzabonimana Appeal Judgement, para. 146; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, paras. 480, 660; Kordić and Čerkez Appeal Judgement, para. 27.

[4] The Black's Law Dictionary defines the verb “prompt” as “to incite, especially to immediate action”. See Black’s Law Dictionary, 9th edition, 2009. In the Oxford Dictionary the verb “prompt” is defined as “to incite to action; to move or induce (a person, etc.) to or to do something”. See Oxford English Dictionary, 2015.

[5] See also infra, para. 3333.

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

3404.            The Appeals Chamber notes that nothing precludes a trial chamber from imposing a term of life imprisonment when the gravity of the offence so requires,[1] and that neither Article 7 nor Article 10 of the ICCPR prohibits life imprisonment.[2] The Appeals Chamber considers that Ntahobali’s submissions concerning the enforcement of his sentence are speculative. Furthermore, the Appeals Chamber observes that sentence enforcement issues were not matters for the Trial Chamber and that, as such, there can be no error on behalf of the Trial Chamber in this respect. His arguments concerning pardon, commutation of sentence, and early release are therefore dismissed.

3405.            The Appeals Chamber further dismisses Ntahobali’s contention that the absence in the Residual Mechanism Statute of a mandatory review of his life sentence after a fixed period would violate his fundamental rights. The Appeals Chamber observes that Ntahobali will retain the possibility to directly petition the President of the Residual Mechanism for pardon, commutation of sentence, or early release.[3]


3517.            The Appeals Chamber also dismisses Ndayambaje’s claim that imposing a single life sentence deprived him of the benefit of any credit based on the period already spent in detention and that the Trial Chamber erred in failing to provide a reasoned opinion in this regard. Rule 101(C) of the Rules states that “[c]redit shall be given to the convicted person for the period, if any, during which the convicted person was detained in custody pending his surrender to the Tribunal or pending trial or appeal”. This provision, however, does not affect the ability of a trial chamber to impose the maximum sentence, as provided for by Rule 101(A) of the Rules.[4]

[1] See Rule 101(A) of the Rules; Ntawukulilyayo Appeal Judgement, fn. 581; Munyakazi Appeal Judgement, para. 186, quoting Rukundo Appeal Judgement, para. 260 (“there is no category of cases within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal where the imposition of life imprisonment is per se barred, there is also no category of cases where it is per se mandated.”).

[2] See Stakić Appeal Judgement, para. 395.

[3] See Practice Direction on the Procedure for the Determination of Applications for Pardon, Commutation of Sentence, and Early Release of Persons Convicted by the ICTR, the ICTY or the Mechanism, MICT/3, 5 July 2012, para. 3.

[4] See Karera Appeal Judgement, para. 397.

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ICTR Rule Rule 101 ICTY Rule Rule 101
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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

42.    As regards Nyiramasuhuko’s request for an appropriate remedy for the violations found at trial, the Appeals Chamber observes that the only violations determined to have occurred were the violations of her rights to be informed of the charges against her and of initial appearance without delay recognised in the 12 October 2000 Decision [The Prosecutor v. Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, Case No. ICTR-97-21-T, Decision on the Defence Motion for Exclusion of Evidence and Restitution of Property Seized, 12 October 2000 (originally filed in French, English translation filed on the same day)].[1] The Appeals Chamber recalls that “any violation, even if it entails a relative degree of prejudice, requires a proportionate remedy”.[2] The nature and form of the effective remedy should be proportional to the gravity of harm that is suffered.[3] In practice, “the effective remedy accorded by a Chamber for violations of an accused’s fair trial rights will almost always take the form of equitable or declaratory relief.”[4] The Appeals Chamber considers that, in situations where the violation has not materially prejudiced the accused, a formal recognition of the violation may be considered an effective remedy.[5] Nyiramasuhuko has not developed any argument to demonstrate that the recognition of the violations of her rights to be informed of the charges against her and of initial appearance without delay by Judge Kama in the 12 October 2000 Decision was not an effective remedy. Nyiramasuhuko’s claim is therefore dismissed.

See also para. 50.

[1] See Nyiramasuhuko Appeal Brief, para. 71 (p. 21). The Appeals Chamber notes that Nyiramasuhuko has failed to identify in her submissions any other violation recognised by the Trial Chamber that may require remedy and will therefore limit its consideration to the violations of her rights to be informed of the charges against her and of initial appearance without delay, which are expressly discussed in her submissions under this ground of appeal.

[2] André Rwamakuba v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-98-44C-A, Decision on Appeal Against Decision on Appropriate Remedy, 13 September 2007 (“Rwamakuba Appeal Decision”), para. 24. See also Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 255.

[3] Rwamakuba Appeal Decision, para. 27.

[4] Rwamakuba Appeal Decision, para. 27 and references cited therein.

[5] Cf. Rwamakuba Appeal Decision, para. 27; The Prosecutor v. André Rwamakuba, Case No. ICTR-98-44C-T, Decision on Appropriate Remedy, 31 January 2007 (“Rwamakuba Decision”), para. 69; Bagosora et al. Trial Judgement, para. 97.

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

63.    The Appeals Chamber recalls that, if a party raises no objection to a particular issue before the Trial Chamber, in the absence of special circumstances, the Appeals Chamber will find that the party has waived its right to adduce the issue as a valid ground of appeal.[1] The Appeals Chamber, Judge Agius dissenting, does not consider that the seriousness of the violations alleged by Ndayambaje constitutes special circumstances warranting the consideration on the merits of these allegations raised for the first time in the Ndayambaje Appeal Brief or at the appeals hearing. In these circumstances, the Appeals Chamber, Judge Agius dissenting, dismisses without further consideration this part of Ground 15 of Ndayambaje’s appeal as well as Ndayambaje’s new allegation of error raised at the appeals hearing.

[1] See supra, fn. 157. This waiver principle has been applied to allegations of fair trial violations. See Bagosora and Nsengiyumva Appeal Judgement, para. 31 (right to initial appearance without delay); Musema Appeal Judgement, paras. 127 (right to effective cross-examination), 341 (right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of the defence); Akayesu Appeal Judgement, paras. 361, 370, 375, 376 (right to be informed promptly and in detail of the nature of the charges); Čelebići Appeal Judgement, paras. 640, 649, 650 (alleged violation of fair trial right to the attention of judges to the proceedings); Kambanda Appeal Judgement, paras. 25, 28 (right to counsel of own choosing); Tadić Appeal Judgement, para. 55 (right to equality of arms).

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

108. As to whether the joinder created undue delay and thus required the severance of the cases, the Appeals Chamber finds no error in the Trial Chamber’s finding that the fact that a joint trial might last longer than that of a single accused does not necessarily encroach the co‑accused’s right to be tried without undue delay.[1] The Appeals Chamber recalls that Article 20(4)(c) of the Statute makes clear that the right to be tried without undue delay does not protect against any delay in the proceedings; it protects against undue delay.[2] […] The Appeals Chamber finds that, although the joinder added some degree of complexity to the proceedings, the mere allegation that separate trials would have proceeded faster is insufficient to substantiate a claim that undue delay occurred as a result of the joinder and that it was unreasonable for the Trial Chamber to deny the severance of Nyiramasuhuko’s case.[3]

See also para. 365.

[1] See 7 April 2006 Decision, para. 75.

[2] Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilović, Case No. IT-01-48-A, Decision on Defence Motion for Prompt Scheduling of Appeal Hearing, 27 October 2006 (“Halilović Appeal Decision”), para. 17. See also Ndindiliyimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 43; Mugenzi and Mugiraneza Appeal Judgement, para. 30; Gatete Appeal Judgement, para. 18; Renzaho Appeal Judgement, para. 238; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 1074.

[3] Gotovina Appeal Decision on Joinder [Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina et al., Cases Nos. IT-01-45-AR73.1, IT‑03-73-AR73.1, IT-03-73-AR73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeals Against the Trial Chamber’s Decision to Amend the Indictment and for Joinder, 25 October 2006], para. 44. See also Neumeister v. Austria, European Court of Human Rights, No. 1936/63, Judgment, 27 June 1968 (“ECHR Neumeister Judgment”), para. 21 (“[t]he course of the investigation would probably have been accelerated had the Applicant’s case been severed from those of his co-accused, but nothing suggests that such a severance would here have been compatible with the good administration of justice”.).

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

249. As to Ntahobali’s contention that Exhibit P113 lacked sufficient probative value to be admitted under Rule 89(C) of the Rules, the Appeals Chambers considers that the mere fact that a statement is made by a co-accused does not ipso facto render the document’s contents so unreliable that it could not be admitted under Rule 89(C) of the Rules.[1]

See also para. 260.

[1] See Prosecutor v. Vujadin Popović et al., Case No. IT-05-88-AR73.1, Decision on Appeals against Decision Admitting Material Related to Borovčanin’s Questioning, 14 December 2007, para. 50 (“However, it would be wrong to exclude certain evidence solely because of the supposedly intrinsic lack of reliability of the content of a suspect’s questioning in relation to persons who later became that suspect’s co-accused.”).

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ICTR Rule Rule 89 ICTY Rule Rule 89
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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

331. Likewise, the Appeals Chamber finds no merit in Nyiramasuhuko’s and Ntahobali’s argument that the fact that the witnesses lied required that their testimonies be excluded. In support of this claim, Ntahobali refers to national jurisprudence.[1] However, the Appeals Chamber highlights that Rule 89(A) of the Rules specifically provides that the Tribunal is not bound by national rules of evidence,[2] and recalls that decisions on the admission or exclusion of evidence fall within the trial chambers’ discretion.[3] […]

[1] See Ntahobali Appeal Brief, para. 822 and references cited therein.

[2] See also Simba Appeal Judgement, para. 38; Akayesu Appeal Judgement, fn. 577.

[3] See Gaspard Kanyarukiga v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-02-78-AR73.2, Decision on Gaspard Kanyarukiga’s Interlocutory Appeal of a Decision on the Exclusion of Evidence, 23 March 2010 (“Kanyarukiga Appeal Decision”), para. 7; Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prliæ et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR73.13, Decision on Jadranko Prlić Consolidated Interlocutory Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Orders of 6 and 9 October 2008 on Admission of Evidence, 12 January 2009 (“Prliæ et al. Appeal Decision”), para. 15; The Prosecutor v. Arsène Shalom Ntahobali and Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, Case No. ICTR-97-21-AR73, Decision on “Appeal of Accused Arsène Shalom Ntahobali Against the Decision on Kanyabashi’s Oral Motion to Cross-Examine Ntahobali Using Ntahobali’s Statements to Prosecution Investigators in July 1997”, 27 October 2006 (“27 October 2006 Decision”), para. 10.

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ICTR Rule Rule 89 ICTY Rule Rule 89
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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

1616.            The Appeals Chamber recalls that neither the Rules nor the jurisprudence of the Tribunal oblige a trial chamber to require a particular type of identification evidence[1] and that trial chambers have the discretion to consider cautiously and rely on hearsay evidence.[2] The Appeals Chamber further recalls that a witness’s prior knowledge of, or level of familiarity with, an accused is a relevant factor in the assessment of identification evidence; however, contrary to what Ntahobali suggests, the fact that a witness did not personally know an accused prior to the events does not necessarily undermine the reliability of his identification evidence.[3] In the present case, the Trial Chamber correctly recalled generally the law concerning reliance on hearsay evidence in an introductory section of the Trial Judgement and specifically when considering such evidence with respect to Ntahobali’s identification at the prefectoral office.[4] The Trial Chamber considered the hearsay nature of various witnesses’ identifications of Ntahobali at the prefectoral office and concluded that they were reliable for a variety of reasons.[5] Ntahobali’s general contentions concerning the Trial Chamber’s use of hearsay, which do not discuss this analysis,[6] fail to demonstrate that the Trial Chamber erred in this regard.

See also fn. 5590.

[1] Gatete Appeal Judgement, para. 193; Kalimanzira Appeal Judgement, para. 96. See also Musema Appeal Judgement, para. 90.

[2] See, e.g., Nizeyimana Appeal Judgement, para. 95; Munyakazi Appeal Judgement, para. 77; Kalimanzira Appeal Judgement, para. 96; Karera Appeal Judgement, para. 39.

[3] Lukić and Lukić Appeal Judgement, para. 118; Renzaho Appeal Judgement, para. 530. Cf. Kayishema and Ruzindana Appeal Judgement, paras. 327, 328.

[4] Trial Judgement, paras. 168, 169, 2638, 2679.

[5] Trial Judgement, paras. 2633, 2638, 2678-2680.

[6] See Ntahobali Appeal Brief, paras. 716-720.

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

2891.            The Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber’s statement that “Ndayambaje’s testimony must be treated with appropriate caution as he has a personal interest in demonstrating that he was not present at Ngiryi Bridge on the morning of 20 April 1994”[1] followed the Trial Chamber’s assessment of Ndayambaje’s and Witness Tiziano’s evidence placing Ndayambaje at his home around 9.00 a.m.[2] The Trial Chamber did not find this aspect of Ndayambaje’s and Witness Tiziano’s testimonies credible as it was contradicted by Witness RV’s evidence.[3] The Appeals Chamber finds that a reasonable trier of fact could have considered the possibility of Ndayambaje’s incentive to provide exculpatory evidence in the context of all the relevant evidence and that the Trial Chamber’s consideration does not denote a violation of the presumption of innocence.[4]

See also para. 3226.

[1] Trial Judgement, paras. 1203, 1401.

[2] Trial Judgement, para. 1200.

[3] Trial Judgement, para. 1200.

[4] Cf. Musema Appeal Judgement, para. 50 (“It is correct to state that the sole fact that evidence is proffered by the accused is no reason to find that it is, ipso facto, less reliable. Nevertheless, the source of a document may be relevant to the Trial Chamber’s assessment of the reliability and credibility of that document. Where such a document is tendered by an accused, a Trial Chamber may determine, for example, if the accused had the opportunity to concoct the evidence presented and whether or not he or she had cause to do so. This is part of the Trial Chamber’s duty to assess the evidence before it.”).

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

576. The Appeals Chamber underlines that trial chambers are tasked with determining the guilt or innocence of the accused and must do so in light of the entirety of the evidence admitted into the record and that neither the Statute nor the Rules prevent a trial chamber from relying on the testimony of the accused to convict that accused, unless the accused’s self-incriminating evidence was compelled in violation of Article 20(4)(g) of the Statute.[1] […]

[1] See Karera Appeal Judgement, para. 19, quoting, in part, Galić Appeal Judgement, para. 17 (“While ‘[t]here is a fundamental difference between being an accused, who might testify if he so chooses, and a witness’, this does not imply that the rules applied to assess the testimony of an accused are different from those applied with respect to the testimony of an ‘ordinary witness’.”). See also Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadžić, Case No. IT-95-5/18-AR73.11, Decision on Appeal Against the Decision on the Accused’s Motion to Subpoena Zdravko Tolimir, 13 November 2013, para. 50 (“The Appeals Chamber emphasises that an accused or appellant may be compelled to testify in other cases before the Tribunal due to the fact that any self-incriminating information elicited in those proceedings cannot be directly or derivatively used against him in his own case. By contrast, an accused or appellant is not compellable in his own case […] as this may violate his right under Article 21(4)(g) of the [ICTY] Statute.”).

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Appeal Judgement - 14.12.2015 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

359. Turning to the merits of the submissions before it, the Appeals Chamber recalls that, as previously held, the length of an accused’s detention does not in itself constitute undue delay, and the fact that the co-Appellants had been detained for many years at the time of the issuance of the Trial Judgement is insufficient, in itself, to show that the Trial Chamber erred in its determination that there was no undue delay in the proceedings.[1] Because of the Tribunal’s mandate and of the inherent complexity of the cases before it, it is not unreasonable to expect that the judicial process will not always be as expeditious as before domestic courts.[2]

360.  It is well established in the Tribunal’s jurisprudence that the complexity of a case is one of the factors to be taken into account when assessing whether undue delay has occurred.[3] A number of factors are relevant to determining the level of complexity of a particular case, including the number of counts, the number of accused, the number of witnesses, the quantity of evidence, and the complexity of the facts and of the law.[4]

[1] See Ntabakuze Appeal Judgement, para. 20.

[2] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 1076. See also Mugenzi and Mugiraneza Appeal Judgement, para. 32.

[3] Cf. Mugenzi and Mugiraneza Appeal Judgement, para. 30; Gatete Appeal Judgement, para. 18; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 1074.

[4] Cf. Renzaho Appeal Judgement, para. 238; Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 1074. See also Rwamakuba Appeal Decision, para. 13.

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