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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Additional Evidence - 09.04.2009 MILOŠEVIĆ Dragomir

18. The Appeals Chamber reiterates that a party seeking the admission of additional evidence on appeal must provide the Appeals Chamber with the evidence sought to be admitted.[1] […]

[1] Mrkšić Rule 115 Decision [Prosecutor v. Mile Mrkšić and Veselin [ljivančanin, Case No. IT-95-13/1-A, Decision on Mile Mrkšić’s Second Rule 115 Motion, 13 February 2009], para. 13; Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza’s Motion for Leave to Present Additional Evidence Pursuant to Rule 115, 5 May 2006, para. 18; Ferdinand Nahimana et al., Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Hasan Ngeze’s Motion for Leave to Present Additional Evidence, 14 February 2005, p. 3. 

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ICTR Rule Rule 115 ICTY Rule Rule 115
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Additional Evidence - 09.04.2009 MILOŠEVIĆ Dragomir

The Appeals Chamber dismissed Milošević’s previous motion seeking to have the same evidence admitted because he did not identify the manner in which that evidence could have affected the Trial Chamber’s findings referred to in the First Motion “or even which particular portions of the Diary would be relevant to such findings”. However, considering the special circumstances related to disclosure of the evidence by the Prosecution, the Appeals Chamber decided to give Milošević a further opportunity to substantiate his claim (see D. Milošević Decision on First Rule 115 Motion).

In this decision, the Appeals Chamber found

19. […] that the Second Motion also fails to meet the requirements of the specificity recalled above.[1] In particular, instead of “specifying with sufficient clarity the impact the additional evidence could have had upon the Trial Chamber’s decision”, Milošević provides a list of the Diary portions identified by dates, often with no reference to a particular part of the entry, which, in his view, could contradict certain paragraphs of the Trial Judgement. Significantly, he does not specify why the Trial Chamber could have come to a different conclusion despite the existence of the evidence it relied upon in the Trial Judgement. This approach does not meet the requirements for the purposes of a motion filed pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules. In the instances where Milošević refers to the arguments presented in the Defence Appeal Brief regarding the alleged impact on the civilian status of Sarajevo,[2] the Appeals Chamber finds these references insufficient for the purposes of a motion under Rule 115 of the Rules, given that those paragraphs mainly reiterate his arguments rejected by the Trial Judgement without explaining why the Trial Chamber’s relevant conclusions could be different.[3]

20. Consequently, the Appeals Chamber rejects Milošević’s request to have the portions of the Diary admitted as additional evidence on appeal without further analysis. […]

[1] See supra, para. 8 [“The applicant bears the burden of identifying with precision the specific finding of fact made by the Trial Chamber to which the additional evidence is directed, and of specifying with sufficient clarity the impact the additional evidence could have had upon the Trial Chamber’s decision. The evidence may otherwise be summarily rejected.” (footnotes omitted)].

[2] See supra, para. 10.

[3] In particular, Milošević does not address the fact that the Trial Chamber took into account the fact that there were military targets, population fluctuations and confrontation lines within Sarajevo but concluded that they did not ultimately alter the civilian status of the relevant urban areas (Trial Judgement, paras 889-913, as well as paras 141-173, describing the supporting evidence).

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ICTR Rule Rule 115 ICTY Rule Rule 115
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 08.04.2009 HARAQIJA & MORINA

4. Pursuant to Rule 102(A) of the Rules, “as soon as notice of appeal is given, the enforcement of a judgement shall thereupon be stayed until the decision on the appeal has been delivered, the convicted person meanwhile remaining in detention”.[1] Haraqija and the Prosecution filed notices of appeal on 2 January 2009, respectively challenging his conviction and sentence. As a result, the remainder of the sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber against Haraqija will not have expired on 10 April 2009 since it has been stayed pending the disposition of the appeal. Therefore, contrary to Haraqija’s submissions, in these circumstances, the fact that his sentence as imposed by the Trial Chamber would have expired on 10 April 2009 does not itself provide a basis for his release.

[1] See also Morina Provisional Release Decision [Decision on Motion of Bajrush Morina for Provisional Release, 9 February 2009], para. 3.

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ICTR Rule Rule 102(A) ICTY Rule Rule 102(A)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 08.04.2009 HARAQIJA & MORINA

12. The Appeals Chamber has already determined in this case, with respect to Haraqija’s co-accused Bajrush Morina, that the fact that an appellant would have already served the entire sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber were it not for the filing of the notices of appeal may constitute a special circumstance.[1] As Haraqija is in the same position, the Appeals Chamber also considers that special circumstances exist warranting his provisional release.

[1] Morina Provisional Release Decision, para. 10. See also Prosecutor v. Mile Mrksić and Veselin Šljivančanin, Case No. IT-95-13/1-A, Decision on the Motion of Veselin Šljivančanin for Provisional Release, 11 December 2007, p. 3 (noting that the fact that Šljivančanin had served 90 percent of his sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber constituted a special circumstance); Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka et al., Case No. IT-98-30/1-A, Decision on Kvočka’s Request for Provisional Release, 17 December 2003, pp. 3, 4 (noting that the fact that Kvočka had served around 80 percent of the sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber amounted to a special circumstance). 

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 08.04.2009 HARAQIJA & MORINA

8. The Appeals Chamber notes that Haraqija has not submitted any State guarantees in support of his Motion and requests the Appeals Chamber to direct the Registry to enquire about the willingness and ability of the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo (“UNMIK”) to ensure compliance with any conditions imposed on release.[1] While the submission of State guarantees is not a pre-requisite for provisional release, it is generally advisable for an applicant seeking provisional release to submit guarantees in order to satisfy the International Tribunal that he will appear when required.[2] In the instant case, the Appeals Chamber understands that UNMIK has indicated in consultations with the Registry that it would be prepared to provide similar guarantees for Haraqija as imposed on his co-accused Bajrush Morina and to honour any directions provided by the Appeals Chamber in the event of provisional release. The Appeals Chamber accepts this as a sufficient guarantee of compliance.

14. The Appeals Chamber notes that, although at the time of his release, Haraqija would have already served the entire sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber, he still maintains the status of a convicted person pursuant to Rule 102 of the Rules. As such, he is not in the same position as a person who has finished serving his sentence after completion of criminal proceedings against him. Further, an appeal against his sentence is still pending which may result in an increase in his sentence. Given these circumstances, the Appeals Chamber finds that there is a need to have in place conditions restricting his movement so as to ensure that Haraqija will be available to surrender into detention when required to do so by the Appeals Chamber. Thus, the Appeals Chamber denies Haraqija’s requests relating to his conditions of provisional release. Instead, the Appeals Chamber considers it appropriate to impose on Haraqija the same conditions of provisional release in force during the trial.[3]

[1] Motion[Motion for Release on Expiration of Sentence or, in the Alternative, Release Pending Appeal, 1 April 2009], para. 25(ii).

[2] Morina Provisional Release Decision, para. 6; Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević et al., Case No. IT-02-53-AR65, Decision on Application by Dragan Jokić for Leave to Appeal, 18 April 2002, paras 7-8. See also Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-PT, Order on Provisional Release of Berislav Pusić, 30 July 2004, para. 32.

[3] Second Decision on Haraqija’s Provisional Release, pp. 6-8; Prosecutor v. Astrit Haraqija and Bajrush Morina, Case No. IT-0484-R77.4, Decision on Astit Haraqija’s Request to Vary Condition of Provisional Release, 7 October 2008, p. 3.

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 07.04.2009 KAREMERA et al.

12. The Appeals Chamber understands from the Impugned Decision that, in the absence of a State’s guarantees, the Trial Chamber considered that it could not be satisfied that, if released, Ngirumpatse would appear for trial. The Appeals Chamber considers that, in concluding that it was not satisfied that Ngirumpatse would not flee if released on this sole basis, the Trial Chamber regarded the production of guarantees as a prerequisite to obtaining provisional release. The Appeals Chamber finds that the Trial Chamber erred in the exercise of its discretion in doing so.

13. The Appeals Chamber has repeatedly held that Rule 65 of the Rules places no obligation upon an accused applying for provisional release to provide guarantees from a State as a prerequisite to obtaining provisional release.[1] Whilst a State’s guarantees may carry considerable weight in support of an application for provisional release, a Trial Chamber is under the obligation to consider all relevant factors which a reasonable Trial Chamber would be expected to take into account before deciding whether the requirements of Rule 65(B) of the Rules have been met.[2] It must also provide a reasoned opinion indicating its view on those relevant factors.[3] In the present case, the Trial Chamber should have primarily considered whether, even in the absence of a State’s guarantees, Ngirumpatse’s personal circumstances could satisfy the Trial Chamber that he would appear for trial if released. Although it is within a Trial Chamber’s discretion to impose the condition of production of guarantees from the potential host State to ensure the presence of the accused at trial pursuant to Rule 65(C) of the Rules,[4] it should not be the threshold consideration. This becomes most relevant where a Trial Chamber has concerns about the applicant’s personal guarantees and considers that assurances from the host State would alter the balance in favour of provisional release.  

[1] Prosecutor v. Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović, Case No. IT-03-69-AR65.4, Decision on Prosecution Appeal of Decision on Provisional Release and Motions to Present Additional Evidence Pursuant to Rule 115, 26 June 2008 (“Stanišić Decision”), para. 48; Prosecutor v. Hormisdas Nsengimana, Case No. ICTR-01-69-AR65, Decision on Application by Hormisdas Nsengimana for Leave to Appeal the Trial Chamber’s Decision on Provisional Release, 23 August 2005 (“Nsengimana Decision”), p. 3; Emmanuel Rukundo v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-01-70-AR65D).2, Décision relative à la Demande d’autorisation d’interjeter appel (Mise en liberté provisoire), 28 April 2004, p. 3; Prosecutor v. Zdravko Tolimir et al., Case No. IT-04-80-AR65.1, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal against Trial Chamber’s Decisions Granting Provisional Release, 19 October 2005 (“Tolimir Decision”), para. 9; Prosecutor v. Ivan Čermak and Mladen Markač, Case No. IT-03-73-AR65.1, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal against Trial Chamber’s Decision Denying Provisional Release, 2 December 2004 (“Čermak Decision”), para. 30. See also Prosecutor v. Astrid Haraqija and Bajrush Morina, Case No. IT-04-84-R77.4-A, Decision on Motion on Bajrush Morina for Provisional Release, 9 February 2009, para. 6; Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević et al., Case No IT-02-53-AR65, Decision on Application by Dragan Jokić for Leave to Appeal, 18 April 2002 (“Blagojević Decision”), para. 7.

[2] See, e.g., Prlić 16 December 2008 Decision [Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No IT-04-74-AR65.11, Decision on Praljak’s Appeal of the Trial Chamber’s 2 December 2008 Decision on Provisional Release, 16 December 2008], para. 7; Popović Decision [Prosecutor v. Vujadin Popović et al., Case No. IT-05-88-AR65.7, Decision on Vujadin Popović’s Interlocutory Appeal Against the Decision on Popović’s Motion for Provisional Release], 1 July 2008, paras. 8, 24; Stanišić Decision, para. 35; Prosecutor v. Jadranko Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR65.6, Reasons for Decision on Prosecution’s Urgent Appeal Against “Décision relative à la demande de mise en liberté provisoire de l’accusé Pušić” Issued on 14 April 2008, 23 April 2008 (“Prlić 23 April 2008 Decision”), para. 7; Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina et al., Case No. IT-06-90-AR65.1, Decision on Ante Gotovina’s Appeal Against Denial of Provisional Release, 17 January 2008, para. 8; Prosecutor v. Ljube Boškoski and Johan Tarčulovski, Case No. IT-04-82-AR65.4, Decision on Johan Tarčulovski’s Interlocutory Appeal on Provisional Release, 27 July 2007 (“Boškoski Decision”), para. 6; Prosecutor v. Ramush Haradinaj et al., Case No. IT-04-84-AR65.2, Decision on Lahi Brahimaj’s Interlocutory Appeal Against the Trial Chamber’s Decision Denying his Provisional Release, 9 March 2006, para. 10.

[3] Ibid. [footnote 2].

[4] Stanišić Decision, para. 48; Nsengimana Decision, p. 3; Tolimir Decision, para. 9; Čermak Decision, para. 30. See also Blagojević Decision, para. 8 and Impugned Decision[The Prosecutor v. Karemera et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-T, Decision on the Various Motions Relating to Matthieu Ngirumpatse’s Health, 6 February 2009], para. 15.

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Provisional Release - 07.04.2009 KAREMERA et al.

14. In addition, the Appeals Chamber emphasizes that the humanitarian and medical grounds advanced by Ngirumpatse in support of his application[1] were relevant factors in deciding whether he will return for trial.[2] As such, they deserved consideration in the assessment of whether Ngirumpatse is a flight risk. In limiting itself to concluding that Ngirumpatse would not receive a better medical treatment in Europe or anywhere else without considering the humanitarian and medical grounds put forward by Ngirumpatse,[3] the Trial Chamber erred in the exercise of its discretion.

15. The Appeals Chamber therefore finds that the Trial Chamber erred in failing to take into account all the factors which were relevant to its taking a fully informed and reasoned decision as to whether, pursuant to Rule 65 of the Rules, Ngirumpatse will appear for trial if provisionally released and, more generally, as to whether or not he should be granted provisional release. […]

[1] See Motion [The Prosecutor v. Édouard Karemera et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-T, Requête de M. Ngirumpatse aux fins de mise en liberté provisoire pour motif médical, et de transfert en urgence dans l’attente qu’il soit statué sur les conditions matérielles susceptibles d’assortir sa mise en liberté, 3 November 2008] , paras. 7, 18-21.

[2] Cf. Popović Decision, para. 18; Prlić 23 April 2008 Decision, para. 14; Boškoski Decision, para. 14. If the requirements of Rule 65(B) are met, the existence of humanitarian reasons can also be a salient and relevant factor in assessing whether to exercise discretion to grant provisional release: see Prlić 23 April 2008 Decision, para. 14.

[3] Impugned Decision, para. 22, referring to the testimony of the Tribunal’s Chief Medical Officer. 

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ICTR Rule Rule 65 ICTY Rule Rule 65
Notion(s) Filing Case
Writ of Mandamus Decision - 27.03.2009 GOTOVINA et al.

5. The Appeals Chamber considers that the issue in the present case is not whether it is competent to issue a writ of mandamus but rather whether the Trial Chamber complied with the Appeals Chamber’s Decision. It is established case-law before the International Tribunal that “a proper construction of the Statute requires that the ratio decidendi of its decisions is binding on Trial Chambers”.[1] When remanding the 9 October 2008 Decision to the Trial Chamber for reconsideration, the Appeals Chamber did not request that the Trial Chamber review its entire decision, but rather that it review it in light of the two errors identified by the Appeals Chamber. To the extent that the Joint Defence now submits that the Trial Chamber failed to address the two errors identified by the Appeals Chamber and thus challenges the same issues for which leave to appeal the 9 October 2008 Decision was originally granted, the Appeals Chamber remains competent to address the Joint Request.[2]

[1] Prosecutor v. Zlatko Aleksovski, Case No. IT-95-14/1-A, Judgement, 24 March 2000, para. 113.

[2] Prosecutor v. Prlić et al., Case No. IT-04-74-AR73.4, Decision on Prosecution’s Appeal Following Trial Chamber’s Decision on Remand and Further Clarification, 11 May 2007, para. 18.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Notice of Appeal - 26.03.2009 BOŠKOSKI & TARČULOVSKI

15. With regard to the Motion for Sur-Reply, the Appeals Chamber recalls that full answers to issues raised in motions should be provided at the response stage and that no provision of the Rules nor the Practice Direction authorizes a party to file a sur-reply.[1]  However, leave to file a sur-reply may be granted “where the reply raises a new issue to which the respondent has not already had the opportunity to respond”.[2]  In the present case, the issue of waiver was implicitly raised by the Prosecution in its Response and Motion to Strike[3] and Tarčulovski had the opportunity to respond to it.[4]  Therefore, the issue of waiver does not require leave to file a sur-reply. Given that the proposed Amended Notice of Appeal was filed as an annex to Tarčulovski’s Reply and Response to Motion to Strike, the Appeals Chamber considers that the Prosecution could only have raised matters related to it in its Reply to Motion to Strike.  Therefore, the Appeals Chamber accepts the Sur-Reply as validly filed to the extent that it refers to the compliance of the proposed Amended Notice of Appeal with the Practice Direction.

[1] Prosecutor v. Nikola Šainović & Dragoljub Ojdanić, Case No. IT-99-37-AR65, Decision on Provisional Release, 30 October 2002, para. 5. See also Ferdinand Nahimana, Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza & Hassan Ngeze v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Formal Requirements Applicable to the Parties’ Filings Related to the Appellant Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza’s Motion for Leave to Present Additional Evidence, 23 January 2006, p. 5.

[2] Prosecutor v. Mlađo Radić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-R.1, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Leave to File Sur-Reply to Defence Reply in Request for Review by Mlađo Radić, 9 May 2006, p. 3. See also Practice Direction of the Tribunal on Procedure for the Filing of Written Submissions in Appeal Proceedings Before the International Tribunal, IT/155 Rev 3, 16 September 2005, para. 19.

[3] Prosecution Response and Motion to Strike [Prosecution Response to Johan Tarčulovski’s Motion of 12 January 2009, and Motion to Strike, 22 January 2009], paras 18-20.

[4] Tarčulovski Reply and Response to Motion to Strike [1) Reply of Tarčulovski on Motion 2) Response to Prosecution’s Motion to Strike, 26 January 2009], paras 12-13.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Notice of Appeal - 26.03.2009 BOŠKOSKI & TARČULOVSKI

19. The grounds of appeal and the arguments in an Appellant’s brief must be set out and numbered in the same order as in the Appellant’s Notice of Appeal, unless otherwise varied with leave of the Appeals Chamber.[1] Any variation of the grounds of appeal must be done by way of a motion in accordance to the Rules setting out the specific Rule under which the variation is sought and the arguments in support of the request to vary the grounds of appeal as required by that Rule.[2]

30. […] While Tarčulovski’s proposed Amended Notice of Appeal refers to ranges of paragraphs in the Trial Judgement, which correspond to his grounds of appeal, the Appeals Chamber finds that this does not satisfy the express requirement of the Practice Direction that a notice of appeal contain an identification of the finding or ruling challenged in the judgement with specific reference to the page number and paragraph number.  Accordingly, the Appeals Chamber orders Tarčulovski to file an amended Notice of Appeal that fully complies with the Practice Direction.

[1] Practice Direction, para. 4.

[2] Practice Direction, para. 2.

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ICTR Rule Rule 108 ICTY Rule Rule 108
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Notice of Appeal - 26.03.2009 BOŠKOSKI & TARČULOVSKI

17. The Appeals Chamber may authorise leave to amend a notice of appeal upon the showing of “good cause”. The concept of “good cause” covers both good reason for including the new or amended grounds of appeal sought and good reason showing why those grounds were not included (or were not correctly phrased) in the original notice of appeal.[1] The “good cause” requirement is assessed on a case by case basis,[2] and several factors can be taken into account.[3] The Appeals Chamber has summarized these factors as follows:

These have included the fact that the variation is so minor that it does not affect the content of the notice of appeal; the fact that the opposing party would not be prejudiced by the variation or has not objected to it; and the fact that the variation would bring the notice of appeal into conformity with the appeal brief. Where the appellant seeks a substantive amendment broadening the scope of the appeal, “good cause” might also, under some circumstances, be established. The Appeals Chamber notes that it has never established a cumulative list of requirements that must be met each time a substantive amendment is to be granted. [4]

18. The Appeals Chamber recalls that the good cause requirement is to be interpreted more restrictively at later stages in the appeal proceedings when variations to the grounds of appeal may substantially affect the efficient administration of justice.[5] 

In the present case, the Appeals Chamber was seized of a motion to reorganise the grounds of appeal listed in Tarčulovski’s Appeal Brief in an order different from that set forth in his Notice of Appeal. Tarčulovski contended that good cause existed to amend his Notice of Appeal because two of his current counsels were appointed after it was filed. At the time the motion was filed, Tarčulovski believed that his Defence team had just received a fresh perspective on the significance of the alleged errors committed by the Trial Chamber because his entire team was then able to review the extensive record and transcript in the case.

25. The Appeals Chamber considers that, in the circumstances of this case, the change of counsel constitutes good reason for showing why those grounds were not included in the original Notice of Appeal. In addition, it takes note of the fact that the proposed variation to the Notice of Appeal would bring it into conformity with the Appeal Brief, that any potential prejudice caused to the Prosecution is cured through the Appeals Chamber’s decision to grant the Prosecution’s request for an extension of time to file its Respondent’s Brief,[6] and that the inclusion of these grounds of appeal in an amended notice of appeal would not unduly interfere with the expeditious administration of justice as these arguments do not reflect a change to an appeal strategy by Tarčulovski subsequent to reading the Prosecution’s Respondent’s brief, which has not yet been filed.[7] Therefore, the Appeals Chamber finds that Tarčulovski has shown good cause for amending his notice of appeal.

[1] The Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Motion of Dragan Jokić for Leave to File Third Amended Notice of Appeal and Amended Appellate Brief, 26 June 2006 (“Blagojević and Jokić  Decision of 26 June 2006”), para. 7.

[2] The Prosecutor v. Kordić and Čerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-A, Decision Granting Leave to Dario Kordić to Amend his Grounds of Appeal, 9 May 2002, para. 5.

[3] The Prosecutor v. Blagojević and Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Motions Related to the Pleadings in Dragan Jokić’s Appeal, 24 November 2005, para. 7.

[4] Blagojević and Jokić Decision of 26 June 2006, para. 7.

[5] Prosecutor v. Miroslav Bralo, Case No. IT-95-17-A, Decision on Miroslav Bralo’s Motion for leave to Supplement Appeal Brief in Light of New Information Concerning Ex Parte Portion of the Trial Record, 9 January 2007, para. 11.

[6] Boškoski and Tarčulovski Decision, 19 February 2009 [Prosecutor v. Ljube Boškoski and Johan Tarčulovski, Case No. IT-04-82-A, Decision on Prosecution’s Urgent Motion for Extension of Time, 19 February 2009], p. 3.

[7] Mrkšić Decision [Prosecutor v. Mrkšić and Veselin Šljivančanin, IT-95-13/1-A, Decision on the Prosecution’s Motion to Order Veselin Šljivančanin to Seek Leave to File an Amended Notice of Appeal and to Strike New Grounds Contained in His Appeal Brief, 25 August 2008], para. 41.

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ICTR Rule Rule 108 ICTY Rule Rule 108
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Extension of Time - 23.03.2009 MILUTINOVIĆ et al.

p. 3: NOTING that Pavković’s and Lukić’s Motions seek authorization to file their notices of appeal within 60 days from the filing of the B/C/S translation of the Trial Judgement on the ground that neither of them understand English;[1]

CONSIDERING that Counsel for Pavković and Lukić work in English;

RECALLING that, pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules, the Appeals Chamber may, after the filing of the notice of appeal by a party and on good cause being shown by motion, authorize a variation of grounds of appeal;

CONSIDERING therefore that Pavković and Lukić will have the opportunity, if they so wish, to request variation of their grounds of appeal after having read the B/C/S translation of the Trial Judgement, provided that they show good cause under Rule 108 of the Rules;

FURTHER CONSIDERING that it would be unreasonable to delay the appellate proceedings until the filing of the B/C/S translation of the Trial Judgement;

FINDING therefore that Pavković and Lukić have not shown good cause for the requested extension;


pp. 3-4: CONSIDERING that the length of the Trial Judgement is unprecedented and that, in conjunction with the other factors referred by the Joint Motion, this case raises issues of significant complexity;[2]

CONSIDERING that it is in the interests of justice to ensure that the parties have sufficient time to prepare meaningful notices of appeal in full conformity with the applicable provisions;

FINDING that good cause exists for granting an extension on that basis[.]

See also, Decision on Joint Defence Motion Seeking Extension of Time to File Appeal Briefs, 29 June 2009.

[1] Pavković’s Motion [Motion for an Extension of Time to File Notice of Appeal with Annex” filed by the Defence for Nebojša Pavković, 9 March 2009], paras 2-4; Lukić’s Motion, para. 3.

[2] Cf. Prosecutor v. Enver Hadžihasanović and Amir Kubura, Case No. IT-01-47-A, Decision on Motions for Extension of Time, Request to Exceed Page Limit, and Motion to File a Consolidated Response to Appeal Briefs, 27 June 2006, para. 7 in which the Pre-Appeal Judge noted the “unusual length” of the Trial Judgement rendered in that case; Prosecutor v. Milomir Stakić, Case No. IT-97-24-A, Decision on the Defence Motion for Extension of Time, 26 April 2004, para. 5 mentioning the complexity of issues in that appeal as one of the factors in favour of an extension of time; Prosecutor v. Dario Kordić & Mario Čerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-A, Decision on Motions to Extend Time for Filing Appellant’s Briefs, 11 May 2001, para. 19 referring to the length and the complexity of the trial.

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ICTR Rule Rule 108 ICTY Rule Rule 108
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Variation of Appeal - 19.03.2009 HARAQIJA & MORINA

5. Rule 108 of the Rules provides that the “Appeals Chamber may, on good cause being shown by motion, authorise a variation of the grounds of appeal” contained in a notice of appeal. Motions for variation of the notice of appeal should be submitted as soon as possible after identifying the new alleged error of the Trial Chamber to be included in the notice of appeal or after discovering any other basis for seeking variation of the notice of appeal.[1] Generally, “a request to amend a notice of appeal must, at least, explain precisely what amendments are sought and why, with respect to each amendment, the ‘good cause’ requirement of Rule 108 is satisfied”.[2] It is the Appellant’s burden to demonstrate that each amendment should be permitted under the standards outlined above, including establishing lack of prejudice to the Prosecution.[3] The “good cause” requirement under Rule 108 encompasses both good reason for including the new or amended grounds of appeal sought and good reason as to why those grounds were not included in the original notice of appeal.[4]

6. In its previous determinations that proposed variations to the notice of appeal may be authorized within the scope of the good cause requirement, the Appeals Chamber has considered the following factors to be of relevance: (i) the variation is minor but clarifies the notice of appeal without affecting its content;[5] (ii) the opposing party has not opposed the variation or would not be prejudiced by it; (iii) the variation would bring the notice of appeal into conformity with the appeal brief; (iv) the variation does not unduly delay the appeal proceedings; or (v) the variation could be of substantial importance to the success of the appeal such as to lead to a miscarriage of justice if it is excluded.[6]

8. Nevertheless, the Appeals Chamber is not satisfied that there is good cause to allow Morina to amend his Notice of Appeal and as a corollary his Appellant’s brief to add the proposed new ground of appeal. The briefing in this case is complete, and the proposed variation would therefore unduly delay the appeal proceedings by requiring additional submissions on this point from the parties. Moreover, Morina fails to substantiate his claim that by excluding it, this would equate to a miscarriage of justice. In this sense, he has not identified any aspect of his criminal responsibility or his sentence that is implicated by the alleged error. Rather, his concern is mainly for his professional reputation[7] because, in his view, the language employed by the Trial Judgement leaves the impression that he was arrested by force. This does not amount to good cause.

[1] Ferdinand Nahimana et al. v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza’s Motions for Leave to Submit Additional Grounds of Appeal, to Amend and to Correct his Appellant’s Brief, 17 August 2006 (“Nahimana et al. Decision of 17 August 2006”), para. 9; Prosecutor v. Mladen Naletilić, a.k.a. “Tuta”, and Vinko Martinović, a.k.a. “[tela”, Case No. IT-98-34-A, Decision on Mladen Naletilić’s Motion for Leave to File Pre-Submission Brief, 13 October 2005, pp. 2-3.

[2] Nahimana et al. Decision of 17 August 2006, para. 9; Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Dragan Jokić’s Motion to Amend Notice of Appeal, 14 October 2005, para. 7. See also Practice Direction on Formal Requirements for Appeals from Judgement (IT/201), 7 March 2002, paras 2-3.

[3] Nahimana et al. Decision of 17 August 2006, para. 14; Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Motion of Dragan Jokić for Leave to File Third Amended Notice of Appeal and Amended Appellate Brief, 26 June 2006 (“Blagojević Decision of 26 June 2006”), para. 14.

[4] Blagojević Decision of 26 June 2006, para. 7. See also Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Motions Related to the Pleadings in Dragan Jokić’s Appeal, 24 November 2005 (“Blagojević Decision of 24 November 2005”), para. 10; Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Defence Motion for Extension of Time in Which to File the Defence Notice of Appeal, 15 February 2005, pp. 2-3.

[5] Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević and Dragan Jokić, Case No. IT-02-60-A, Decision on Prosecution’s Request for Leave to Amend Notice of Appeal in Relation to Vidoje Blagojević, 20 July 2005, pp. 2-3.

[6] Tharcisse Muvunyi v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-2000-55A-A, Decision on “Accused Tharcisse Muvunyi’s Motion for Leave to Amend His Grounds for Appeal to Extend Time to File His Brief on Appeal” and “Prosecutor’s Motion Objecting to ‘Accused Tharcisse Muvunyi’s Amended Grounds of Appeal’”, 19 March 2007, para. 7; Nahimana et al. Decision of 17 August 2006, para. 13; cf. Blagojević Decision of 26 June 2006, paras 7-9.

[7] Motion [ Bajrush Morina’s Application for a Variation of the Grounds of Appeal (confidential), 13 February 2009], para. 15.

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10. The combined effect of Article 26 of the Statute and Rules 119 and 120 of the Rules is such that for a moving party to succeed in persuading a Chamber to review its judgement, the party must show that: (1) there is a new fact; (2) the new fact was not known to the moving party at the time of the original proceedings; (3) the lack of discovery of that new fact was not the result of a lack of due diligence by the moving party; and (4) the new fact could have been a decisive factor in reaching the original decision.[1] In wholly exceptional circumstances, review may still be permitted even though the new fact was known to the moving party at the time of the original proceedings or was discoverable by it through the exercise of due diligence, if ignoring such new fact would result in a miscarriage of justice.[2] Review of a final judgement is an exceptional procedure and not an additional opportunity for a party to re-litigate arguments that failed at trial or on appeal.[3]

[1] Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaškić, Case No. IT-95-14-R, Decision on Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration (Public Redacted Version), 23 November 2006 (“Blaškić Review Decision”), para. 7; Prosecutor v. Mlađo Radić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-R.1, Decision on Defence Request for Review (Public Redacted Version), 31 October 2006 (“Radić Review Decision”), paras 9-10; Prosecutor v. Zoran Žigić, Case No. IT-98-30/1-R.2, Decision on Zoran Žigić’s Request for Review under Rule 119, 25 August 2006, para. 8; Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Case No. IT-94-1-R, Decision on Request for Review, 30 July 2002 (French), 8 August 2002 (English) (“Tadić Review Decision”), para. 20. See also George A. N. Rutaganda v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-96-03-R, Decision on Requests for Reconsideration, Review, Assignment of Counsel, Disclosure, and Clarification, 8 December 2006 (“Rutaganda Review Decision”), para. 8; The Prosecutor v. Aloys Simba, Case No. ICTR-01-76-A, Decision on Aloys Simba’s Requests for Suspension of Appeal Proceedings and Review, 9 January 2007, para. 8; Eliezer Niyitegeka v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-96-14-R, Decision on Third Request for Review, 23 January 2008 (“Niyitegeka Review Decision”), para. 13.

[2] Blaškić Review Decision, para. 8; Radić Review Decision, para. 11; Tadić Review Decision, paras 26-27. See also Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 8; Niyitegeka Review Decision, para. 13.

[3] Vidoje Blagojević v. Prosecutor, Case No. IT-02-60-R, Decision on Vidoje Blagojević’s Request for Review, 15 July 2008, para. 4; Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 8. See also Niyitegeka Review Decision, para. 13; Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, Decision (Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration), 31 March 2000, para. 43.

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Rule 121
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7. The Appeals Chamber notes the Applicant’s failure to comply with the formal requirements for filings before the International Tribunal and to follow the instructions provided by the Registry and reminds the Applicant of the importance of respecting these requirements. The Appeals Chamber is further compelled to observe that the three letters of submission from the Applicant fall far below the average standard for motions to the International Tribunal. Finally, the Appeals Chamber notes the poor language of the Application and reminds the Applicant that it may lodge submissions in any of the official languages of the International Tribunal.

8. Nevertheless, in the interests of justice and specifically in order to avoid prejudice arising to the Applicant from the poor diligence of Counsel, the Appeals Chamber decided to examine the merits of the Application.

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33. With respect to the request to have access to all correspondence prior to 1997, the Appeals Chamber also notes that any request to order a State to produce documents or information is subject to the provisions of Rule 54 bis of the Rules and that the Applicant fails to indicate whether any reasonable steps were previously taken to obtain the documents or information from Croatia.[1]

[1] Rule 54 bis of the Rules provides, in part: “(A) A party requesting an order under Rule 54 that a State produce documents or information shall apply in writing to the relevant Judge or Trial Chamber and shall: (i) identify as far as possible the documents or information to which the application relates; (ii) indicate how they are relevant to any matter in issue before the Judge or Trial Chamber and necessary for a fair determination of that matter; and (iii) explain the steps that have been taken by the applicant to secure the State’s assistance.”

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The Appeals Chamber addressed the Applicant’s submission that he was unlawfully detained in Croatia before being brought before the Tribunal and that this should have been taken into account as a mitigating factor in his sentence. After having found that this allegation did not constitute a new fact, the Appeals Chamber considered whether ignoring this allegation would amount to a miscarriage of justice and concluded for the negative.

31. Neither does the Appeals Chamber consider that ignoring the alleged new facts submitted by the Applicant would result in a miscarriage of justice. The Appeals Chamber finds that none of the alleged new facts submitted by the Applicant demonstrate that his detention by the Croatian authorities prior to 18 October 1999 should be impugned to the International Tribunal. The Trial Chamber was thus not under the obligation to take that detention into account as a mitigating factor in sentencing. In this regard, the Appeals Chamber notes that in a letter dated 21 May 1999, the Croatian authorities informed the International Tribunal that the Applicant had been detained in Croatia on the basis of serious charges unrelated to the crimes over which the International Tribunal has jurisdiction.[1] The Appeals Chamber considers that the Applicant has failed to substantiate his claims to the contrary.

[1] Letter, Prof. Zvonimir Separović, President of the Council for the Cooperation with ICTY, Republic of Croatia Ministry of Justice, to Ms. Dorothee de Sampayo-Garrido Nijgh, Registrar, International Tribunal, 21 May 1999.

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The Applicant alleged the existence of new facts demonstrating that the testimony of one key-witness was false and thus proving the Applicant’s innocence in relation to the crimes for which he was convicted. The Appeals Chamber found that none of the allegations constituted new facts that would justify a review. Nonetheless, it went on observing that the Applicant also failed to demonstrate that some of the evidence provided could not have been discovered through the exercise of due diligence and presented at trial. It finally considered that, in any event, the Applicant failed to demonstrate that these alleged new facts could have been a decisive factor in the Trial or Appeal Judgement (see paras 24-37).

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11. The Appeals Chamber recalls that the term “new fact” refers to new evidentiary information supporting a fact that was not at issue during the trial or appeal proceedings.[1] The requirement that the fact was not at issue during the proceedings means that “it must not have been among the factors that the deciding body could have taken into account in reaching its verdict.”[2] Essentially, the moving party must show that the Chamber did not know about the fact in reaching its decision.[3]


[1] Blaškić Review Decision, paras 14-15; Tadić Review Decision, para. 25. See also Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Niyitegeka Review Decision, para. 14.

[2] Blaškić Review Decision, para. 14; Tadić Review Decision, para. 25. See also Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Niyitegeka Review Decision, para. 14.

[3] Blaškić Review Decision, para. 14. See also Rutaganda Review Decision, para. 9; Niyitegeka Review Decision, para. 14.


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25. The Appeals Chamber further recalls that the term “new fact” for the purposes of review refers to new evidentiary information supporting a fact that was not in issue or considered in the original proceedings.[1] Accordingly, as the issue of Simang’s credibility was considered during the trial and appeal proceedings in light of allegations regarding the promises made by the Prosecution to Simang and Mrachaz, the Appeals Chamber finds that the Applicant has failed to demonstrate that the evidence submitted in the Application regarding Simang’s credibility constitutes a new fact for the purposes of review.[2]

[1] See supra, para. 11, fn. [4].

[2] See Prosecutor v. Tholimir Blaškić, Case No. IT-95-14-R, Confidential Decision on Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration, 23 November 2006, paras 15-17, 60-61. See also, Rutaganda Review Decision, paras 15-17, where the Appeals Chamber found that some information concerning the credibility of two witnesses constituted new facts, notwithstanding the circumstance that those witnesses’ credibility was already litigated throughout the case. In the Rutaganda Decision, the Appeals Chamber based its finding on the circumstance that, in contrast to the present case, the allegations presented by the moving party in relation to witness credibility were not in issue during the original proceedings and amounted to new facts.

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