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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision Concerning Rule 92bis(C) - 07.06.2002 GALIĆ Stanislav

23. [...] [T]he maxim expressio unius est exclusio alterius[...][1] [...] must always be applied with great care in statutory interpretation, for it is not of universal application. [...]

[1]    The express mention of one person or thing is the exclusion of another (Co Litt 210a).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision Concerning Rule 92bis(C) - 07.06.2002 GALIĆ Stanislav

44. […] The appeal process is not designed for the purpose of allowing parties to remedy their own failings or oversights at the trial.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision Concerning Rule 92bis(C) - 07.06.2002 GALIĆ Stanislav

7. The certificate given by the Trial Chamber pursuant to Rule 73(C) (as it then stood)[[1]] – that it was appropriate for the continuation of the trial that an interlocutory appeal be determined – related only to [one of several] issues […]. It is, however, within the discretion of the Appeals Chamber to determine also other, related, issues where it considers it appropriate to do so, at least where they have been raised in the interlocutory appeal and the respondent to the appeal has had the opportunity to put his or its arguments in relation to those related issues. […]

[1] [“The Trial Chamber may certify that an interlocutory appeal during trial from a decision involving evidence or procedure is appropriate for the continuation of the trial, upon a request being made within seven days of the issuing of the decision. If such certification is given, a party may appeal to the Appeals Chamber without leave, within seven days of the filing of the certification.”]

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ICTR Rule Rule 73 ICTY Rule Rule 73
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Access - 16.05.2002 BLAŠKIĆ Tihomir

14. Access to confidential material may be granted whenever the Chamber is satisfied that the party seeking access has established that such material may be of material assistance to his case.[1] A party is always entitled to seek material from any source to assist in the preparation of his case if the material sought has been identified or described by its general nature and if a legitimate forensic purpose for such access has been shown.[2]

15. The relevance of the material sought by a party may be determined by showing the existence of a nexus between the applicant’s case and the cases from which such material is sought, i.e. if the cases stem from events alleged to have occurred in the same geographic area and at the same time.[3] It is sufficient that access to the material sought is likely to assist the applicant’s case materially, or that there is at least a good chance that it would.[4]

16. Not always would mere geographical and temporal overlap between two cases be sufficient in every instance to conclude that there is a legitimate forensic purpose. […]

[1] Prosecutor v. Enver Hadžihasanović, et al, Decision on Motion by Mario Čerkez for Access to Confidential Supporting Material, Case No. IT-01-47-PT, 10 October 2001, at para 10.

[2] Ibidem.

[3] See Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brđanin and Momir Talić, Case No. IT-99-36-PT, Decision on Motion by Momir Talić for Access to Confidential Documents, 31 July 2000, at para 8.

[4] See The Prosecutor v. Blaškić, Decision on Appellant’s Motion Requesting Assistance of the Appeals Chamber in Gaining Access to Non-Public Transcripts and Exhibits From the Aleksovski Case, 8 March 2002, at page 3. Where the Appeals Chamber held that the Appellant had described the documents sought by their general nature as clearly as he possibly could, and had shown that such access was likely to assist his appeal materially.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Access - 16.05.2002 BLAŠKIĆ Tihomir

19. […] Equality of arms is a broad concept that constitutes an inherent element of a fair trial. According to the principle of equality of arms each party must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present his case under conditions that do not place him at a disadvantage vis-à-vis his opponent. It is a protection afforded to the accused to ensure that he is given procedural rights equal to those of the Prosecution in the course of criminal proceedings. Those procedural rights include giving the accused effective ways to challenge evidence produced by the Prosecution.

20. The principle of "equality of arms" inheres in the requirement that the accused be recognised the right to a fair trial. Basically, this principle embodies the notion that the accused should be afforded procedural equality with respect to the Prosecution. Its purpose is to give each party equal access to the processes of the Tribunal, or an equal opportunity to seek procedural relief where relief is needed.[4] The right to equality of arms does not include a right to equality of relief.[5] […]

[1] See Foucher v. France, 25 Eur. H.R.Rep. 234 para 34 (1997).

[2] See Prosecutor v. Aleksovski, Decision on Prosecutor's Appeal on Admissibility of Evidence, Case No. I-95-14/1-A, 16 February 1999, at paras 23-25. Where the Appeals Chamber refers to a number of judgements of the European Court of Human Rights that discuss the concept of the principle of equality of arms. The Appeals Chamber in Tadić held that “under the Statute of the International Tribunal the principle of equality of arms must be given a more liberal interpretation than that normally upheld with regard to proceedings before domestic courts.” Additionally, noting that the Chambers are empowered to issue any necessary orders, summonses, subpoenas, warrants, and transfer orders to aid an investigation or effectuate a trial, the Appeals Chamber determined that a Chamber therefore, “shall provide every practicable facility it is capable of granting under the Rules and Statute when faced with a request by a party for assistance in presenting its case.” Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Judgement, Case No.: IT-94-1-A, 15 July 1999, at para 52.

[3] Niderost - Huber v. Switzerland, 1997 - I Eur. Ct. H.R. 101, 107 (1997).

[4] Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Judgement, Case No.: IT-94-1-A, 15 July 1999, at paras. 48,50, 51.

[5] Prosecutor v. Kordić, Decision on Application by Mario Čerkez for Extension of Time to File his Respondent’s Brief, 11 September 2001, paras. 7-9.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Refusal to Grant Access - 23.04.2002 HADŽIHASANOVIĆ et al.

CONSIDERING that a party may not engage in a fishing expedition, but that, provided it does not do so, it may seek access to confidential material in another case if it is able to describe the documents sought by their general nature as clearly as possible even though it cannot describe them in detail, and if it can show that such access is likely to assist his case materially;


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Notion(s) Filing Case
Reasons for Decision on Refusal to Order Joinder - 18.04.2002 MILOŠEVIĆ Slobodan
(IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73)

15. […] Rule 7 (“Authentic Texts”) provides that the English and French texts of the Rules are equally authentic.  In the case of a discrepancy, the Rule requires the version which is “more consonant with the spirit of the Statute and the Rules” to prevail, but this provision would normally be applied only where the discrepancy between the two versions is intractable. […]

16. Although neither the Tribunal’s Statute nor its Rules of Procedure and Evidence are, strictly speaking, treaties, the principles of treaty interpretation have been used by the Appeals Chamber as guidance in the interpretation of the Tribunal’s Statute, as reflecting customary rules.[1]  Such principles may also be used appropriately as guidance in the interpretation of the Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence. […]

[1]    Tadić Conviction Appeal, par 282;  Delalić Appeal, pars 67-70. See also Aleksovski Appeal, par 98; [see infra footnotes 3, 10 for the full references] Prosecutor v Bagosora, ICTR-98-37-A, Decision on the Admissibility of the Prosecutor’s Appeal From the Decision of a Confirming Judge Dismissing an Indictment Against Théoneste Bagosora and 28 Others, 9 June 1998, par 28.

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ICTR Rule Rule 7 ICTY Rule Rule 7
Notion(s) Filing Case
Reasons for Decision on Refusal to Order Joinder - 18.04.2002 MILOŠEVIĆ Slobodan
(IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73)

31. A person’s state of mind is no different to any other fact concerning that person which is not usually visible or audible to others. It may be established by way of inference from other facts in evidence. Where, as here, the state of mind to be established is an essential ingredient of the basis of criminal responsibility charged, the inference must be established beyond reasonable doubt. If there is any other inference reasonably open from the evidence which is consistent with the innocence of the accused, the required inference will not have been established to the necessary standard of proof. Any words of or conduct by the accused which point to or identify a particular state of mind on his part is relevant to the existence of that state of mind. It does not matter whether such words or conduct precede the time of the crime charged, or succeed it. Provided that such evidence has some probative value, the remoteness of those words or conduct to the time of the crime charged goes to the weight to be afforded to the evidence, not its admissibility. [...]

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Reasons for Decision on Refusal to Order Joinder - 18.04.2002 MILOŠEVIĆ Slobodan
(IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73)

3. The prosecution accepts, correctly, that the decision of a Trial Chamber as to whether two or more crimes should be joined in the one indictment pursuant to Rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence (“Rules”) is a discretionary one.[1] A Trial Chamber exercises a discretion in many different situations – such as when imposing sentence,[2] in determining whether provisional release should be granted,[3] in relation to the admissibility of some types of evidence,[4] in evaluating evidence,[5] and (more frequently) in deciding points of practice or procedure.[6]

4. Where an appeal is brought from a discretionary decision of a Trial Chamber, the issue in that appeal is not whether the decision was correct, in the sense that the Appeals Chamber agrees with that decision, but rather whether the Trial Chamber has correctly exercised its discretion in reaching that decision. Provided that the Trial Chamber has properly exercised its discretion, its decision will not be disturbed on appeal, even though the Appeals Chamber itself may have exercised the discretion differently. That is fundamental to any discretionary decision. It is only where an error in the exercise of the discretion has been demonstrated that the Appeals Chamber may substitute its own exercise of discretion in the place of the discretion exercised by the Trial Chamber.

5. It is for the party challenging the exercise of a discretion to identify for the Appeals Chamber a “discernible” error made by the Trial Chamber.[7] It must be demonstrated that the Trial Chamber misdirected itself either as to the principle to be applied, or as to the law which is relevant to the exercise of the discretion, or that it has given weight to extraneous or irrelevant considerations, or that it has failed to give weight or sufficient weight to relevant considerations, or that it has made an error as to the facts upon which it has exercised its discretion.[8]

6. In relation to the Trial Chamber’s findings of fact upon which it based its exercise of discretion, the party challenging any such finding must demonstrate that the particular finding was one which no reasonable tribunal of fact could have reached,[9] or that it was invalidated by an error of law. Both in determining whether the Trial Chamber incorrectly exercised its discretion and (in the event that it becomes necessary to do so) in the exercise of its own discretion, the Appeals Chamber is in the same position as was the Trial Chamber to decide the correct principle to be applied or any other issue of law which is relevant to the exercise of the discretion. Even if the precise nature of the error made in the exercise of the discretion may not be apparent on the face of the impugned decision, the result may nevertheless be so unreasonable or plainly unjust that the Appeals Chamber is able to infer that the Trial Chamber must have failed to exercise its discretion properly.[10] Once the Appeals Chamber is satisfied that the error in the exercise of the Trial Chamber’s discretion has prejudiced the party which complains of the exercise, it will review the order made and, if appropriate and without fetter, substitute its own exercise of discretion for that of the Trial Chamber.[11]

[1] Interlocutory Appeal of the Prosecution Against “Decision on Prosecution’s Motion for Joinder”, 15 Jan 2002 (“Appellant’s Written Submissions”), par 6. Rule 49, the full terms of which are discussed later, states: “Two or more crimes may be joined [...]” (the emphasis has been added).

[2] Prosecutor v Tadić, IT-94-1-A and IT-94-1-Abis, Judgment in Sentencing Appeals, 26 Jan 2000 (“Tadić Sentencing Appeal”), par 22; Prosecutor v Aleksovski, IT-95-14/1-A, Judgment, 24 Mar 2000 (“Aleksovski Appeal”), par 187; Prosecutor v Furundžija, IT-95-17/1-A, Judgment, 21 July 2000 (“Furundžija Appeal”), par 239; Prosecutor v Delalić et al, IT-96-21-A, Judgment 20 Feb 2001 (“Delalić Appeal”), pars 712, 725, 780; Prosecutor v Kupreškić et al, IT-96-16-A, Appeal Judgment, 23 Oct 2001 (“Kupreškić Appeal”), pars 408, 456-457, 460.

[3] Prosecutor v Brđanin & Talić, IT-99-36-PT, Decision on Motion by Radoslav Brđanin for Provisional Release, 25 July 2000, par 22 (Leave to appeal denied: Prosecutor v Brđanin & Talić, IT-99-36-AR65, Decision on Application for Leave to Appeal, 7 Sept 2000, p 3); Prosecutor v Krajišnik & Plašvić, IT-00-39&40-AR73.2, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal by Momčilo Krajišnik, 26 Feb 2002, pars 16, 22.

[4] Prosecutor v Aleksovski, Decision on Prosecutor’s Appeal on Admissibility of Evidence, 16 Feb 1999, par 19; Prosecutor v Kordić & Čerkez, IT-95-14/2-73.5, Decision on Appeal Regarding Statement of a Deceased Witness, 21 July 2000, par 20; Delalić Appeal, pars 532-533.

[5] Aleksovski Appeal, par 64; Kupreškić Appeal, par 32.

[6] For example, granting leave to amend an indictment: Prosecutor v Galić, IT-98-29-AR72, Decision on Application by Defence for Leave to Appeal, 30 Nov 2001, par 17; determining the limits to be imposed upon the length of time available to the prosecution for presenting evidence: Prosecutor v Galić, IT-98-29-AR73, Decision on Application by Prosecution for Leave to Appeal, 14 Dec 2001, par 7.

[7]  Tadić Sentencing Appeal, par 22; Aleksovski Appeal, par 187; Furundžija Appeal, par 239; Delalić Appeal, par 725; Kupreškić Appeal, par 408.

[8] Tadić Sentencing Appeal, par 20; Furundžija Appeal, par 239; Delalić Appeal, pars 725, 780; Kupreškić Appeal, par 408. See also Serushago v Prosecutor, ICTR-98-39-A, Reasons for Judgment, 6 Apr 2000, par 23.

[9] Prosecutor v Tadić, IT-94-1-A, Judgment, 15 July 1999 (“Tadić Conviction Appeal”), par 64; Aleksovski Appeal, par 63; Furundžija Appeal, par 37; Delalić Appeal, pars 434-435, 459, 491, 595; Kupreškić Appeal, par 30.

[10] Aleksovski Appeal, par 186.

[11] cf Tribunal’s Statute, Article 25.2.

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ICTR Rule Rule 49 ICTY Rule Rule 49
Notion(s) Filing Case
Reasons for Decision on Refusal to Order Joinder - 18.04.2002 MILOŠEVIĆ Slobodan
(IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73)

13. Rule 49 (“Joinder of Crimes”) has necessarily to be considered in conjunction with Rule 48 (“Joinder of Accused”), as each is based upon events which must form “the same transaction”. That phrase is defined in Rule 2. [...]


17. The words in the English version of Rule 49 [...] may also reasonably be interpreted as “if the series of acts committed [by the accused] together [in the sense of ‘considered together as a whole’] form the same transaction”. Such an interpretation would be fully consistent with the French version, and there would be no discrepancy between the two versions, or inconsistency with the definition of “transaction” in Rule 2 or with Rule 48, such as is produced by the interpretation which the Trial Chamber adopted.

See also paras 13-16 for a discussion of the discrepancies between the English and French versions of Rule 49.

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ICTR Rule Rule 49 ICTY Rule Rule 49
Notion(s) Filing Case
Order on Variation of Protective Measures - 19.03.2002 KORDIĆ & ČERKEZ

CONSIDERING […] that the obligation of Counsel not to disclose the name of protected witnesses or the content of protected material is […] implicit in his or her responsibility as Counsel, and that this obligation underlay any order of a Chamber rendered pursuant to Rule 75;


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ICTR Rule Rule 75 ICTY Rule Rule 75
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Access to Aleksovski case - 08.03.2002 BLAŠKIĆ Tihomir

CONSIDERING that the Appeals Chamber is satisfied that the Appellant is entitled to access the material sought since he has described the documents sought by general nature as clearly as he possibly could, and has shown that such access is likely to assist his appeal materially;

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Interlocutory Appeal - 26.02.2002 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

9. [...] [R]equirement in Rule 28(B) that the duty Judge is to be “available at all times, including out of normal Registry hours, for dealing with applications pursuant to paragraphs (C) and (D)”. Rule 28 thus necessarily contemplates that the duty Judge will have power during normal Registry hours to deal with applications in cases which have already been assigned to a Trial Chamber. Rule 28(D) must be interpreted in a way which will correspond with what is clearly intended by Rule 28(B). It is therefore necessarily implicit in Rule 28(D) that the Judge will deal during normal Registry hours with applications which have already been assigned to a Trial Chamber. Rule 28(B) gives to the judge the discretion to refuse to do so where the application is not urgent. The exercise of that discretion will depend upon whether the application is of such a nature that it is appropriate that it be dealt with by the duty Judge rather than by the Trial Chamber to which the case has been assigned. This situation would usually arise during the official court recesses, but it would also arise where the Trial Chamber is, for reasons other than a court recess, not available to deal with the application.

10. The obvious example of where it would be appropriate – indeed, necessary – for the duty Judge to exercise the powers of the Trial Chamber (whether or not the relief sought should be granted) is where the application is an urgent one which cannot await for its resolution the return of the Trial Chamber to which the case is assigned. Another obvious example of where it would be at least appropriate for the duty Judge to exercise the power to deal with the application (again, whether or not the relief sought should be granted) is where it is an application pursuant to Rule 127 to enlarge the time prescribed by the Rules for the doing of an act, and where the time for doing that act expires during the unavailability of the Trial Chamber by reason of the court recess or other reason, or very shortly thereafter. In considering whether it is appropriate for the duty Judge to deal with any particular matter, it is important to keep in mind that the Trial Chamber will usually be in a better position to deal with a matter which requires detailed knowledge of the case.


14. Where a case has already been assigned to a Trial Chamber, urgency would usually be established where the subject matter of the application is of such a nature that the relief sought can only be granted if the application is determined at a time before that Trial Chamber is available to determine it, and where the applicant would suffer significant prejudice if the application is not determined within that time. The circumstances which could constitute urgency in any particular case cannot be precisely defined in advance. [...]


17. [...] Where an application is made in a case assigned to a Trial Chamber, but the Trial Chamber is not available to deal with it so that it comes before the duty Judge, and where that Judge correctly refuses to deal with that application because he or she has not been satisfied that it was urgent, the only ruling which should or could be made by that Judge is to refuse to deal with that application as the duty Judge. It would then be left to the Trial Chamber to deal with the application when the Trial Chamber is available to do so. This would appear to be so whether the application is addressed to the Trial Chamber or to the duty Judge directly. If the application is dismissed by the duty Judge, the Trial Chamber would necessarily be prevented from dealing with it in the ordinary course. That is not the intention of Rule 28.

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ICTY Rule Rule 28
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Interlocutory Appeal - 26.02.2002 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

20. The issue which the Appeals Chamber must now determine is whether the duty judge, had he not made the erroneous finding in relation to urgency, would have proceeded to grant the application for provisional release.  If the application would have been dismissed in any event, there can be no miscarriage of justice because it had been dismissed upon a wrong basis.  If a Trial Chamber acquits an accused upon a wrong basis (even a grossly unfair basis), but should have done so on another basis, there has been no miscarriage of justice, and the acquittal would not be reversed.[1]  In determining this issue, the Appeals Chamber is entitled to have regard to the events which have occurred following the duty Judge’s decision.

[1] Statute of the Tribunal, Article 25.1(b).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Interlocutory Appeal - 26.02.2002 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

13. The duty Judge’s decision as to whether to deal with an application out of normal Registry hours is a discretionary one once the Judge is satisfied as to its urgency.[1] […] [T]he finding of fact as to whether the matter is or is not urgent is, however, the same as any other finding of fact. The finding by the duty Judge that there was no urgency in the Appellant’s application cannot be reversed on appeal unless it is one which no reasonable tribunal of fact could have reached.[2] This is so whether the finding related to the application being dealt with out of, or during, normal Registry hours.

[1] Rule 28(B) states: “The duty Judge [...] may refuse to deal with any application out of normal Registry hours if not satisfied as to its urgency” (emphasis added). Rule 28(D) states: “The duty Judge may, in his or her discretion, if satisfied as to the urgency of the matter, deal with an application in a case already assigned to a Chamber out of normal Registry hours as an emergency application.”

[2] Prosecutor v Tadić, IT-94-1-A, Judgment, 15 July 1999, par 64; Prosecutor v. Aleksovski, IT-95-14/1-A, Judgment, 24 Mar 2000, par 63; Prosecutor v Furundžija, IT-95-17/1-A, Judgment, 21 July 2000 (“Furundžija Appeal”), par 37; Prosecutor v Delalić, IT-96-21-A, Judgment, 20 Feb 2001, pars 434-435, 459, 491, 595; Prosecutor v Kupreškić, IT-95-16-A, Appeal Judgment, 23 Oct 2001, par 30.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Interlocutory Appeal - 15.02.2002 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

CONSIDERING that Article 21(4) of the Statute of the Tribunal does not provide an accused and his counsel with a right to be present at a hearing of an application for provisional release of his co-accused, since an application for provisional release can not be construed as constituting proceedings in the determination of charges against the accused;

CONSIDERING that the Appellant has failed to show that, in law, a co-accused and his counsel are entitled to be present at a hearing of an application for provisional release of the other co-accused;

CONSIDERING that there was no breach of Rules 48 and 82(A) of the Rules, as the said Rules do not provide the Appellant with a right to attend the hearing of the application for provisional release by co-accused […];

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ICTR Statute Article 20(4)(d) ICTY Statute Article 21(4)(d)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Motion for Clarification - 25.01.2002 MILOŠEVIĆ Slobodan
(IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73)

4. In the opinion of the Appeals Chamber, Rule 111 requires an appellant to identify in the Appellant’s Brief the authorities upon which he or she relies for the arguments put forward by name and citation (including the relevant page or paragraph of those authorities) only. A Book of Authorities is produced only in order to assist the Appeals Chamber in its consideration of the appeal. It is not an appendix to a party’s Brief. Provided that the Book of Authorities does not contain any legal or factual arguments, and contains only source materials, its length is not limited by any of the provisions of the Practice Direction. However, parties should include within it only those authorities to which they believe the Appeals Chamber will need to refer. It is not usually necessary to include within a Book of Authorities copies of decisions of the Tribunal itself.

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ICTR Rule Rule 111 ICTY Rule Rule 111
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Leave to Appeal (Prosecution) - 14.12.2001 GALIĆ Stanislav

The Prosecution sought leave to appeal from two orders made by the Trial Chamber, neither of which had been sought by Stanislav Gali}, the accused, but rather were made proprio motu.

2. (1) (b) The prosecution has therefore very properly raised for determination an issue as to whether Rule 73, which is concerned with decisions upon all motions other than preliminary motions under Rule 72, is the appropriate rule governing its right to appeal from these two orders.  Although no motion was made by Galić for the relief which was granted, this Bench considers that:

(i) the relief granted proprio motu was nevertheless relief which may have been sought pursuant to Rule 73,

(ii) the fact that it was granted proprio motu cannot reasonably be interpreted as denying the prosecution the right to seek leave to appeal from the orders made, and

(iii) the provisions of Rule 73(D) are accordingly the appropriate ones to apply to this application for leave to appeal.

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ICTY Rule Rule 73(D)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Leave to Appeal (Prosecution) - 14.12.2001 GALIĆ Stanislav

13. A Trial Chamber may nevertheless always reconsider a decision it has previously made, not only because of a change of circumstances but also where it is realised that the
previous decision was erroneous or that it has caused an injustice.[1]  Where such a decision is changed, there will be a need in every case for the Trial Chamber to consider with great care and to deal with the consequences of the change upon the proceedings which have in the meantime been conducted in accordance with the original decision.


[1]     Although a Trial Chamber has held that motions for reconsideration of a previous decision are not provided for in the Rules and that they do not form part of the procedures of the Tribunal (Prosecutor v Kordić & Čerkez, Case IT-95-14/2-PT, Decision on Prosecutor’s Motion for Reconsideration, 15 Feb 1999, p 2), that ruling has not been followed.  In Prosecutor v Delalić et al, Case IT-96-21-A, Order of the Appeals Chamber on Hazim Delić’s Emergency Motion to Reconsider Denial of Request for Provisional Release, 1 June 1999, p 4, the Appeals Chamber held that it was appropriate to reconsider its previous decision (refusing provisional release of an appellant) where “particular circumstances” justified such reconsideration, although it rejected the application for reconsideration on its merits.  In Prosecutor v Brđanin & Talić, Case IT-99-36-PT, Order on the Prosecution’s Motion for Reconsideration of the Order Issued by the President on 11 September 2000, 11 Jan 2001, p 4, President Jorda also considered and rejected on its merits an application for reconsideration of a previous decision.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Leave to Appeal (Prosecution) - 14.12.2001 GALIĆ Stanislav

7. Rule 73[bis](E) is a powerful tool for preventing excessive and unnecessary time being taken by the prosecution, and it is intended to ensure that the prosecution litigates only those issues which are really in dispute and which are necessary to determine for the purposes of its case.  Its introduction followed serious excesses by prosecution teams in the past.  Taken by itself, or in conjunction with Rule 73bis(C) (which permits the Trial Chamber to set for itself the number of witnesses the prosecution may call), Rule 73bis(E) requires the Trial Chamber to consider with care whether the issues really in dispute have been clearly identified so that a proper assessment of the time needed for the prosecution can be made.  […]

12. Reference has already been made to Rule 73bis(F), which permits the Trial Chamber during the trial to grant a request by the prosecution for additional time to present evidence “if this is in the interests of justice”.[1]  This provision, however, appears to contemplate an extension of the time originally determined principally (although not necessarily wholly) because of circumstances which have arisen since the original determination was made.  The exercise of the power given by Rule 73bis(F) does not therefore automatically cure any prejudice created by an error made in the original determination.

[1]     Paragraph 3, supra.

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ICTY Rule Rule 73 bis