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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

119. […] In general, in the case of a third category joint criminal enterprise, the crimes must be committed by members of the joint criminal enterprise.[1] […]

120. Furthermore, the Appeals Chamber finds that Haradin Bala, even if he were a member of a systemic joint criminal enterprise, could not be convicted for having used “outsiders” to commit crimes in the camp. In this context, the Appeals Chamber recalls its finding in Brđanin that

to hold a member of a JCE responsible for crimes committed by non-members of the enterprise, it has to be shown that the crime can be imputed to one member of the joint criminal enterprise, and that this member – when using a principal perpetrator – acted in accordance with the common plan. The existence of this link is a matter to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.[2]

The Appeals Chamber notes, however, that it was neither argued at trial nor on appeal whether Haradin Bala could incur systemic joint criminal enterprise liability for crimes committed by non-members of the enterprise. Furthermore, the Appeals Chamber recalls its finding in Brđanin that it would be unfair to enter new convictions in that case on the basis that principal perpetrators do not need to be members of the joint criminal enterprise, as this was not litigated at trial.[3] This reasoning also applies in the present case.

[1] See Tadić Appeal Judgement, para. 220.

[2] Brđanin Appeal Judgement, para. 413.

[3] Brđanin Appeal Judgement, para. 361.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

109. The Appeals Chamber notes that motive is generally not an element of criminal liability. The Appeals Chamber has repeatedly confirmed the “‘inscrutability of motives in criminal law’ insofar as liability is concerned, where an intent […] is clear”.[1] […]

[1] Jelisić Appeal Judgement, para. 71, reference to Tadić Appeal Judgement, para. 269. See also Kvočka Appeal Judgement, para. 106. Motive may have a direct impact at sentencing as a mitigating or aggravating circumstance, Tadić Appeal Judgement, para. 269.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

218. The Appeals Chamber notes that other Trial Chambers have held that an accused’s proximity to an area of criminal activity can be a factor from which an accused’s knowledge of the crimes can be inferred.[1] However, in this case, the Appeals Chamber finds that the Trial Chamber reasonably refused to find that the alleged occasional presence of Fatmir Limaj in the immediate proximity of the Llapushnik/Lapušnik prison camp during and after the battle of 29 May 1998, and at one oath ceremony in June-July 1998,[2] proved his knowledge of the existence of the prison camp or his participation in it.

[1] See Blagojević and Jokić Trial Judgement, paras 483, 748; Aleksovski Trial Judgement, para. 80; Bagilishema Trial Judgement, para. 925.

[2] Trial Judgement, paras 569 and 591; Ruzhdi Karpuzi, T. 3096-3104 (7.2.2005), T. 3175-3176 (8.2.2005) (he testified about one oath ceremony in the yard of Bali’s house at the end of June-early July); Zeqir Gashi, T. 5618 (11.4.2005) (he testified about one oath ceremony somewhere in Llapushnik/Lapušnik); Witness L64, T. 4386 (15.3.2006), T. 4420-4421 (16.3.2005) (he testified about two oath ceremonies in early June/mid-June near the kitchen of HQ2 which is “Vojvoda’s” ‑ or Gzim Gashi’s, a.k.a. “Gzim Vojvoda” ‑ compound according to Trial Judgement, para. 693. See also Trial Judgement, para. 714 and Ruzhdi Karpuzi, T. 3091 (7.2.2005).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

135. The Appeals Chamber recalls its findings in Dragan Nikolić on the question of guidance that may be provided by previous sentences rendered before the International Tribunal:

The guidance that may be provided by previous sentences rendered by the International Tribunal and the ICTR is not only “very limited” but is also not necessarily a proper avenue to challenge a Trial Chamber’s finding in exercising its discretion to impose a sentence. The reason for this is twofold. First, whereas such comparison with previous cases may only be undertaken where the offences are the same and were committed in substantially similar circumstances, when differences are more significant than similarities or mitigating and aggravating factors differ, different sentencing might be justified.  Second, Trial Chambers have an overriding obligation to tailor a penalty to fit the individual circumstances of the accused and the gravity of the crime, with due regard to the entirety of the case, as the triers of fact. The Appeals Chamber recalls that it does not operate as a second Trial Chamber conducting a trial de novo, and that it will not revise a sentence unless the Appellant demonstrates that the Trial Chamber has committed a “discernible error” in exercising its discretion.[1]

[1] Dragan Nikolić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, para. 19 (internal quotations omitted).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

143. With respect to the Prosecution’s submission that Haradin Bala’s subordinate role was counted twice when assessing the gravity of the crimes and when determining the factors in mitigation, the Appeals Chamber recalls that double-counting for sentencing purposes is impermissible.[1] The Trial Chamber found in the section on the gravity of the offence that “Haradin Bala was not in a position of command“ and that his role was “that of a guard”.[2] Similarly, in the section on the “aggravating and mitigating circumstances”, the Trial Chamber held that Haradin Bala “was not a person with any commanding or authoritative role in the establishment of the camp, and essentially performed duties assigned to him, as essentially a ‘simple man’.”[3] Consequently, the Trial Chamber erred in considering twice in mitigation Haradin Bala’s subordinate role.

144. […] If the error is so slight as to be harmless, the Appeals Chamber may affirm the same sentence as imposed by the Trial Chamber: such is the case here. The Appeals Chamber has carefully reviewed the Trial Chamber’s reasoning and believes that the Trial Chamber’s double-counting error was, in fact, so insignificant that the Trial Chamber would have arrived at the same sentence of thirteen years even if it had not fallen into error.

[1] Deronjić Judgement on Sentencing Appeal, para. 107.

[2] Trial Judgement, para. 726.

[3] Trial Judgement, para. 732.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 27.09.2007 LIMAJ et al.

165. As to the possibility of unconscious transference, Professor Wagenaar’s expert report, which was admitted into evidence and relied upon by the Trial Chamber,[1] explained the rules for identification tests applicable to unfamiliar personsas follows:

Rule 1. […] [T]here should not be even a single occasion at which the witness might have seen the perpetrator before he encountered him at the scene of the crime.

Rule 2. […] [A]fter the crime the witness should not have seen any pictures of the suspect. […]. This phenomenon is called unconscious transference […]

166. In its challenged finding, the Trial Chamber reasonably considered Rule 2 on the possibility that unconscious transference will occur when the witness is exposed to an image of the perpetrator after the commission of the crime. […]

196. The Appeals Chamber is satisfied that the Trial Chamber was correct in finding that, after the events in the prison camp, all of these witnesses saw Fatmir Limaj in the media. Furthermore, none of the identification evidence of these witnesses was rejected on the basis of possible unconscious transference alone. Therefore, the Appeals Chamber is satisfied that the Trial Chamber reasonably took this possibility into account when refusing to accept the identification evidence of these witnesses.[5]

[1] Trial Judgement, para. 550 to be read in light of ibid., para. 19 in fine. See also ibid., para. 537 and fn. 1769.

[2] Ex. DM7 “1). Curriculum Vitae of Professor Wagenaar and 2). Expert Report of Professor Wagenaar ‘Report to the ICTY, IT-03-66 Against Fatmir Limaj, Haradin Bala and Isak Musliu’, dated 22 May 2005”, paras 6 and 8.

[3] Ibid., Rule 1, para. 10.

[4] Ibid., Rule 2, para. 11.

[5] See Trial Judgement, paras 534 (Ivan and Vojko Bakrač), 540 (Witnesses L06 and L10) and 544 (Witness L04).

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Compensation Decision - 13.09.2007 RWAMAKUBA André

23. There is no question that, as the Trial Chamber recognized and held in the Impugned Decision, Mr. Rwamakuba is entitled to an effective remedy for the violation of his right to legal assistance as well as his right to an initial appearance without delay. Trial Chamber II recognized the existence of these violations,[1] and the Appeals Chamber indicated that Mr. Rwamakuba could “seek reparation” for them.[2] Moreover, the Appeals Chamber, after considering nearly identical violations in the Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, reached the same conclusion and, accordingly, reduced the sentence imposed in that case.[3] The two principal questions for the Appeals Chamber are whether the Tribunal is empowered to award financial compensation as an effective remedy for a violation of the fundamental rights of the accused and, if so, whether it was appropriate to award Mr. Rwamakuba financial compensation as an effective remedy in the present case.

24. The Appeals Chamber has previously held that “any violation, even if it entails a relative degree of prejudice, requires a proportionate remedy.”[4] It follows very plainly from the Appeals Chamber’s decisions in the Barayagwiza and Semanza cases that a remedy for a violation of the rights of the accused may include an award of financial compensation, as both decisions envisioned financial compensation being fixed at the time of judgement, if the accused were acquitted.[5] In this respect, the Appeals Chamber is not persuaded by the Registrar’s submissions that the absence of an explicit provision providing for financial compensation in the Statute for violations of the rights of the accused as well as the Security Council’s decision not to amend the Statute to expressly include such a remedy indicate that it is not available.

25. First, while there is no right to compensation for an acquittal per se, there is a right in international law to an effective remedy for violations of the rights of the accused, as reflected in Article 2(3)(a) of the ICCPR.[6] In this respect, the ICCPR specifically envisions compensation as an appropriate remedy in certain circumstances, such as the case of unlawful arrest or detention.[7] The Appeals Chamber has previously held that the ICCPR is a persuasive authority in determining the Tribunal’s powers under international law.[8]

26. The authority in the Statute to provide an effective remedy flows from Article 19(1) of the Statute, which obliges the Trial Chambers to ensure a fair trial and full respect for the accused’s rights. The existence of fair trial guarantees in the Statute necessarily presumes their proper enforcement.[9] In this respect, the Appeals Chamber observes that the Statute and Rules do not expressly provide for other forms of effective remedy, such as the reduction of sentences, yet such a remedy has been accorded on several occasions.[10] Moreover, the submissions of the Presidents of this Tribunal and of the ICTY seeking an amendment of the Statute from the Security Council to provide for financial compensation do not suggest that an effective remedy in the form of financial compensation cannot be ordered and paid in the absence of an express provision. At the time of making the submissions, the Appeals Chamber had already issued two decisions envisioning possible awards of compensation to remedy fair trial rights violations and the submissions themselves recognized the authority of the Tribunals to order financial compensation as an effective remedy in the form of an “exceptional ruling” or an “ex gratia payment”. [11] The request for a statutory amendment merely expressed the preference of the Presidents for a specific statutory provision so that it would be beyond dispute that any award of compensation would be paid “according to law”.[12] Against this backdrop, the Appeals Chamber will not assume that the Security Council’s inaction was intended to interfere with the Tribunal’s inherent authority to order compensation in appropriate circumstances. Accordingly, the Appeals Chamber can identify no error of law on the part of the Trial Chamber in finding that it had the authority in general to award an effective remedy for the violations of Mr. Rwamakuba’s rights as an accused person, including financial compensation.

27. The question remains, however, whether it was appropriate for the Trial Chamber to award Mr. Rwamakuba financial compensation in the present case, as part of the remedy for the violations of his right to legal assistance and to an initial appearance without delay. The jurisprudence of the Appeals Chamber reflects that the nature and form of the effective remedy should be proportional to the gravity of harm that is suffered.[13] In practice, the effective remedy accorded by a Chamber for violations of an accused’s fair trial rights will almost always take the form of equitable or declaratory relief.[14] In the past, the Appeals Chamber has envisioned financial compensation as a form of effective remedy only in situations where, amongst other violations, an accused was impermissibly detained without being informed of the charges against him.[15] This is in line with Article 9(5) of the ICCPR which provides for an enforceable right to compensation in the event of an unlawful arrest or detention.[16]

28. Bearing this in mind, the Appeals Chamber recalls that Mr. Rwamakuba was detained in the Tribunal’s detention facilities for a total of 167 days from the date of his transfer on 22 October 1998 until his initial appearance held on 7 April 1999, of which he spent 125 days without assigned counsel.[17] As the Appeals Chamber in the Kajelijeli case already pointed out in relation to the rights of a suspect,[18] a judge is called upon to make an accused familiar with the charges, to verify an accused’s identity, to examine any obvious challenges to the case, to inquire into the medical condition of an accused, and to notify a person enjoying the confidence of the detainee[19] and consular officers.[20]  The Appeals Chamber further stressed that:

Rule 62 is unequivocal that an initial appearance is to be scheduled without delay. There are purposes for an initial appearance apart from entering a plea including: reading out the official charges against the accused, ascertaining the identity of the detainee, allowing the Trial Chamber or Judge to ensure that the rights of the accused while in detention are being respected, giving an opportunity for the accused to voice any complaints, and scheduling a trial date or date for a sentencing hearing, in the case of a guilty plea, without delay.[21]

The Appeals Chamber considers the violations of Mr. Rwamakuba’s rights attributable to the Tribunal and financial compensation to be an effective remedy. The nature of the violations suffered by Mr. Rwamakuba is no less significant than in other cases where such compensation was envisioned to be fixed at the time of judgement if the accused were found not guilty (as opposed to a reduction in sentence in case the accused were found guilty).[22] Accordingly, the Appeals Chamber can identify no error on the part of the Trial Chamber in finding that financial compensation is an appropriate form of an effective remedy to address the violations of Mr. Rwamakuba’s rights.

29. Moreover, the Appeals Chamber is not persuaded by the Registrar’s submission that the award of two thousand United States dollars has no basis in fact. It is not disputed that Mr. Rwamakuba’s suffered serious violations of his fundamental rights. In the Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, the Appeals Chamber did not demand or cite additional proof of specific harm in according an appropriate remedy in that case, which involved a significant reduction in sentence.[23] Moreover, as noted above, the Appeals Chamber in the Barayagwiza and Semanza cases envisioned the award of compensation, in the event of an acquittal, to be fixed at the time of judgement.[24]

30. Finally, the Appeals Chamber also agrees with the Trial Chamber that internal institutional considerations related to the execution of an order, including budgetary matters, are separate considerations from the Tribunal’s authority to award an effective remedy in the form of financial compensation in appropriate circumstances and in compliance with its international obligations.[25] Budgetary considerations cannot interfere with the Tribunal’s authority to award financial compensation as an effective remedy for a human rights violation; similarly, at the domestic level, a State cannot advance the argument that there are no budgetary resources available to justify a refusal to award compensation. The Appeals Chamber has confirmed the Tribunal’s general authority to award compensation in appropriate and limited circumstances. In addition, it has affirmed the reasonableness of the award in the present case.

[1] Rwamakuba Arrest and Detention Decision [The Prosecutor v. André Rwamakuba et al., Case No. ICTR-98-44-T, Decision on the Defence Motion Concerning the Illegal Arrest and Illegal Detention of the Accused, 12 December 2000], para. 43.

[2] Rwamakuba Appeal Decision [André Rwamakuba v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-98-44-A, Decision (Appeal Against Dismissal of Motion Concerning Illegal Arrest and Detention), 11 June 2001], p. 4.

[3] Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, paras. 237, 242-250, 253, 323, 324 (finding violations of the right to counsel, resulting from a failure to provide duty counsel in accord with Rule 44bis of the Rules, and the right to an initial appearance without delay). The Appeal Chamber noted that the accused was in the custody of the Tribunal for a total of 211 days prior to any initial appearance during which he was without assigned counsel for 147 days. Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 237. In the present case, Mr. Rwamakuba was detained in the Tribunal’s detention facilities for a total of 167 days from the date of his transfer on 22 October 1998 until his initial appearance held on 7 April 1999, of which he spent 125 days without assigned counsel. See supra para. 16. It should also be noted, however, that the Appeals Chamber found additional violations in the Kajelijeli case. See Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 251, 252 (finding that the rights of the accused were violated based on his arbitrary provisional detention in Benin without charge for 85 days, and detention in Benin without appearance before a Judge for a total of 95 days, which was attributable to the Prosecution).

[4] Laurent Semanza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-20-A, Decision, 31 May 2000, para. 125 (“Semanza Appeal Decision”).

[5] Semanza Appeal Decision, p. 34 (“[T]hat for the violation of his rights, the Appellant is entitled to a remedy which shall be given when judgement is rendered by the Trial Chamber, as follows:(a) If he is found not guilty, the Appellant shall be entitled to financial compensation [...]”)(emphasis added); Barayagwiza Appeal Decision, para 75(iii)(“DECIDES that for the violation of his rights the Appellant is entitled to a remedy, to be fixed at the time of judgement at first instance, as follows: a) If the Appellant is found not guilty, he shall receive financial compensation […]”)(emphasis added).

[6] Article 2(3) of the ICCPR states: “Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes: (a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy, notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity; (b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his right thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority provided for by the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy; (c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such remedies when granted.” See also Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, G.A. Res. 60/147 (16 December 2005).

[7] See, e.g., ICCPR, Article 9(5)(“Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.”).

[8] See Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 209. In addition, the Appeals Chamber has previously recognized that the rights of the accused in Article 20 of the Statute track the rights in the ICCPR. See, e.g., Protais Zigiranyirazo v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-2001-73-AR73, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal, 30 October 2006, para. 12, fn. 46 (“Zigiranyirazo Appeal Decision”).

[9] Cf. Stanković Appeal Decision, para. 14 (“It is true, as the Appellant points out, that the Statute of the Tribunal does not contain an explicit legal basis for Rule 11bis. But the explicit language of the Statute is neither an exclusive nor an exhaustive index of the Tribunal’s powers. It is axiomatic under Article 9 of the Statute that it was never the intention of those who drafted the Statute that the Tribunal try all those accused of committing war crimes or crimes against humanity in the Region. The Tribunal was granted primary – but explicitly not exclusive – jurisdiction over such crimes. In this regard, it is clear that alternative national jurisdictions have consistently been contemplated for the ’transfer’ of accused.”)(internal citations omitted).

[10] See generally Semanza Appeal Decision, p. 34; Barayagwiza, Appeal Decision [Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, Decision (Prosecutor’s Request for Review or Reconsideration), 31 March 2000], para. 75; Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 324.

[11] ICTR Submission, p. 4 (“Such mechanisms include, inter alia, arbitration, ex gratia payment, resolutions of the General Assembly authorizing limited liability and amendment of the Statute”); ICTY Submission p. 4 (“These mechanisms include, among other things, arbitration, exceptional ruling, General Assembly resolutions recognizing limited responsibility and amendment of the Tribunal’s Statute.”).

[12] ICTR Submission, p. 4 (“In this connection, it is essential to note that the United Nations would not be able to comply with its international obligations simply by paying the individuals concerned an appropriate sum in compensation. The obligations which are codified within article 9, paragraph 5, and article 14, paragraph 6, of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights are not simply to ensure that persons whose cases fall within the scope of these provisions are compensated simpliciter, but rather to guarantee that they are vested with ‘an enforceable right to compensation” (in the case of article 9(5)) and are compensated “according to the law” (in the case of article 14 (6)”); See also ICTY Submission p. 5.

[13] Semanza Appeal Decision, para. 125.

[14] See, e.g., Zigiranyirazo Appeal Decision, para. 24 (excluding testimony taken in violation of an accused’s right to be present during his trial); The Prosecutor v. André Ntagerura et al., Case No. ICTR-99-46-A, Judgement, 7 July 2006, paras. 164, 165 (setting aside a guilty verdict where accused’s right to notice of charges against him was violated); Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 324 (reduction of sentence for period of unlawful arrest and detention in Benin and right to legal assistance and initial appearance at Tribunal); Georges Rutaganda v. The Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-96-03-R, Decision on Requests for Reconsideration, Review, Assignment of Counsel, Disclosure, and Clarification, 8 December 2006, para. 37 (recognition of violation and warning of possible future sanctions for the Prosecution’s violation of Rule 68 of the Rules).

[15] Semanza Appeal Decision, paras. 87, 90; Barayagwiza Appeal Decision, paras. 54, 55.

[16] ICCPR, article 9(5)(“Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.”).

[17] See supra paragraph 16.

[18] Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 221.

[19] See Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, approved by ECOSOC Res. 663(C) (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and Res. 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1997 (UN Doc. E/5988 (1977)); Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, fn. 451.

[20]Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Article 36(B).

[21] Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 250 (internal citations omitted).

[22] See, e.g., Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, para. 323 (considering an accused’s detention without being informed of the charges against him and his detention without an initial appearance as equally impermissible).

[23] Kajelijeli Appeal Judgement, paras. 253, 323, 324. The Appeals Chamber set aside the convicted person’s two life-sentences and fifteen years’ sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber and converted them into a single sentence consisting of a fixed term of imprisonment of 45 years.

[24] Semanza Appeal Decision, p. 34; Barayagwiza Appeal Decision, para 75(iii).

[25] See Impugned Decision, para. 60.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Compensation Decision - 13.09.2007 RWAMAKUBA André

10. The Appeals Chamber can identify no error on the part of the Trial Chamber in finding that it lacked authority to award compensation to Mr. Rwamakuba for having been prosecuted and acquitted. As the Trial Chamber observed, the Statute and Rules of the Tribunal do not provide a basis for compensation in such circumstances.[1] Nor is any found in the jurisprudence of this Tribunal or of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (“ICTY”). In the past, the Presidents of this Tribunal and the ICTY requested the Security Council to amend the Statutes of the two Tribunals to provide for such authority.[2] These efforts were unsuccessful and underscore the inability of the Tribunal to provide such a remedy in either its express or implied powers.[3] As the Trial Chamber observed, the practice of providing compensation for an acquittal varies at both national and international levels.[4] In this respect, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (“ICCPR”) refers to a right of compensation only where an individual already convicted by a final decision has been exonerated by newly discovered facts.[5] A person in such circumstances who has been convicted and has suffered punishment as a result of the conviction may receive compensation.[6] Mr. Rwamakuba, however, was not convicted and punished; he was acquitted in the first instance.

[1] Impugned Decision, para. 21.

[2] See Letter dated 28 September 2000 from the Secretary General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, U.N. Doc. S/2000/925* (6 October 2000)(annexing letter from President Pillay of the Tribunal)(“ICTR Submission”). See also Letter dated 26 September 2000 from the Secretary General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, U.N. Doc. S/2000/904 (26 September 2000)(annexing letter from President Jorda of the ICTY)(“ICTY Submission”); Letter dated 18 March 2002 from the Secretary General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, U.N. Doc. S/2002/304 (18 March 2002)(annexing letter from President Jorda of the ICTY). These letters specifically annexed a copy of Article 85 of the ICC Statute.

[3] Cf. The Prosecutor v. Radovan Stanković, Case No. IT-96-23/2-AR11bis.1, Decision on Rule 11bis Appeal, 1 September 2005, paras. 14-17 (holding that the Security Council’s endorsement of the ICTY’s Completion Strategy, which included the referral of cases to national jurisdictions, reflected that the Tribunal was authorized to do so under the Statute)(“Stanković Appeal Decision”).

[4] Impugned Decision, paras. 25, 27.

[5] Article 14(6) of the ICCPR provides: “When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice, the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him.”

[6] Id.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

33. Privilege stems from the attorney-client relationship, as indicated in Article 21(4)(b) of the Statute and as set forth in Rule 97 of the Rules, which provides that all “communications between lawyer and client shall be regarded as privileged”. Where an accused has opted to self-represent instead of to have counsel represent him, the basis for the privilege is removed.  Mr. Krajišnik accordingly has no entitlement to privileged communications. Since the Registry has no obligation to provide him with privileged access to anyone, Mr. Krajišnik has no basis for objecting to the Registry's willingness to provide him with privileged access to up to three designated legal associates.

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ICTR Rule Rule 97 ICTY Rule Rule 97
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

34. With regard to confidential information, the Appeals Chamber generally sees no error in the Registry's determination that Mr. Krajišnik may only discuss confidential material with designated legal associates.  This is a difficult issue.  On the one hand, given Mr. Krajišnik's distance from the region and confinement in the UNDU, it is virtually impossible for him to personally undertake investigations relating to confidential material – investigations which may prove helpful in the preparation of his defence.  If he cannot discuss confidential material with those outside the UNDU, then he has no mechanism for enabling such investigations.[1]  On the other hand, if Mr. Krajišnik is permitted to share confidential information with anyone he considers to be part of his team, then the risks of leakage of confidential information or of inappropriate conduct of investigations are significantly higher than where investigations are conducted under the supervision of a legal professional.  Such an approach could endanger the protection of witnesses and victims (protections so important that they are specifically referenced in Article 22 of the Statute).  The Registry has sought to strike a balance between these competing interests by enabling Mr. Krajišnik to share confidential information only with designated legal associates, who in turn can provide the professional supervision needed to ensure appropriate use of the confidential information.  The Appeals Chamber considers that this approach does indeed strike a reasonable balance and upholds it, subject to one caveat that will be discussed in paragraph 44.

[1] Since Mr. Krajišnik's case is at the appeal stage, there is presumably little (if any) need for outside investigations.  Nonetheless, the Appeals Chamber cannot rule out a priori the possibility that some need exists, and so the Appeals Chamber addresses this issue.  Cf. Nahimana et al. v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on Appellant Hassan Ngeze’s Motions for Approval of Further Investigations on Specific Information Relating to the Additional Evidence of Potential Witnesses, 20 June 2006, para. 27.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

Article 21(4)(b) guarantees that an accused is entitled, inter alia, “to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defense”. Paragraphs 35 and 36 provided some content to what this guarantee means for a self-represented accused on appeal.

35. The third issue is quantity of access. The Registry has authorized Mr. Krajišnik to have unlimited communications with any designated legal associates, and Mr. Krajišnik can contact all other persons (e.g., investigators) in accordance with standard procedures at the UNDU. When designated legal associates exist, this approach is a reasonable one. The unlimited access to the designated legal associates would provide Mr. Krajišnik with a conduit for exchanging appropriate information with other members of his team where time limitations (or other limitations) imposed by UNDU standard procedures impede direct exchange. This in turn would satisfy the requirement pursuant to Article 21(4)(b) of the Statute that an accused have “adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence”.

36. If no legal associates have been designated, however, then the Appeals Chamber has some concerns about the Registry's approach. In this situation, pursuant to the Registry's approach a self-represented accused is limited only to the standard UNDU procedures for communication with the outside. If these procedures do not provide a self-represented accused with sufficient opportunity to exchange appropriate information with team members outside the UNDU during the preparation of his case, then this may amount to a lack of "adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence" in violation of Article 21(4)(b) of the Statute […]. Nonetheless, the Appeals Chamber informs the Registry that in the event that no legal associates are designated, the Registry should ensure that Mr. Krajišnik has adequate means of communicating with his defence team while he is preparing his appeal brief and his reply brief. If accommodations beyond those provided under standard UNDU procedures are thus necessary, the Appeals Chamber expresses its conviction that the Registry will provide such accommodations in the manner it deems most consistent with preserving order and security in the UNDU.

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ICTR Statute Article 20(4)(b) ICTY Statute Article 21(4)(b)
Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

Paragraphs 40 and 41 dealt with the issue of whether a self-represented accused is entitled to legal aid. In accordance with past practice, the Appeals Chamber held that an accused faces a binary choice of either self-representing or availing himself of legal aid.

40. In the Appeals Chamber's view, Article 21(4)(d) of the Statute does not support the proposition than an accused who elects to self-represent is nonetheless entitled to legal aid. Article 21(4)(d) gives the accused the right “to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing”. We have held that these two options stand in “binary opposition”.[1] An accused who chooses to self-represent is not entitled to legal assistance. Hence, he is not entitled to the subsidiary right mentioned later in Article 21(4)(d) to have legal assistance paid for by the Tribunal if he is indigent.

41. The question nonetheless remains whether some other provision of the Statute or source of law requires the Registry to provide an indigent self-representing accused with funded legal aid. Mr. Krajišnik suggests that the principle of equality referenced in Article 21(1) of the Statute and the fair trial rights referenced in Article 21(2) of the Statute have this effect.[2] The Appeals Chamber does not find these arguments convincing.  While Article 21(1) may require that accused in similar circumstances receive roughly comparable treatment, it does not require that an accused who opts for self-representation receive all the benefits held by an accused who opts for counsel. To the contrary, as “part of the choice to self-represent, Mr. Krajišnik must accept responsibility for the disadvantages this choice may bring”.[3] Moreover, the Appeals Chamber considers that where an accused elects to self-represent, he is asserting his ability to conduct his case without legal assistance and thus Tribunal funding for legal aid for him can be presumed to be unnecessary to the conduct of a fair trial. To the extent that the accused lacks the ability to conduct his own case and his self-representation is thus “substantially and persistently obstructing the proper and expeditious conduct of his trial”, then the remedy is restriction of his right to self-representation.[4]  To allow an accused to self-represent and yet also to receive full legal aid funding from the Tribunal would, as the saying goes, let him have his cake and eat it too.

The Appeals Chamber found that funding of legal associates presented a slightly different situation and that funding for such associates should be available.

42. [T]he Appeals Chamber considers whether Article 21(4)(b) of the Statute requires the Tribunal to provide some funding for the legal associates of self-represented accused.  The Appeals Chamber agrees with the Registry that the term “facilities” in Article 21(4)(b) does not normally encompass legal assistance. Nonetheless, the Appeals Chamber considers that in seeking otherwise to give effect to Article 21(4)(b) for a self-represented accused, the Registry has relied heavily on the concept of designated legal associates. To the extent that the Registry requires or encourages indigent self-representing accused to coordinate their defences through designated legal associates, it is appropriate for the Tribunal to provide some funding for such associates. Such funding should not be comparable to that paid to counsel for represented accused (particularly since work such as the drafting of written filings should be considered the responsibility of the self-representing accused), but nonetheless should adequately reimburse the legal associates for their coordinating work and for related legal consultation.

[1] Slobodan Milošević v. Prosecutor, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.7, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal of the Trial Chamber’s Decision on the Assignment of Counsel, 1 November 2004 (“Milošević Decision”), para 11.  See also Nahimana et al. v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Scheduling Order for Appeals Hearing and Decision on Hassan Ngeze’s Motion of 24 January 2006, 16 November 2006, p. 3.

[2] The Appeals Chamber notes that while the Šešelj Decision does not clearly ground its holding that an indigent self-represented accused is entitled to funded legal aid in any particular provision of the Statute, it appears to draw on these same principles.  See Prosecutor v. Vojislav Šešelj, Case No. IT-03-67-PT, Decision on the Financing [of] the Defence of the Accused, 30 July 2007, paras 42, 49-50. […]

[3] See Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.6, Decision on the Interlocutory Appeal by the Amici Curiae against the Trial Chamber Order Concerning the Presentation and Preparation of the Defence Case, 20 January 2004, para. 19 (“There is no doubt that, by choosing to conduct his own defence, the Accused deprived himself of resources a well-equipped legal defence team could have provided.  A defendant who decides to represent himself relinquishes many of the benefits associated with representation by counsel”). 

[4] Prosecutor v. Vojislav Šešelj, Case No. IT-03-67-AR-73.3, Decision on Appeal against the Trial Chamber’s Decision on Assignment of Counsel, 20 October 2006, para. 20.  

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Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

Finally, the Appeals Chamber noted that a self-represented accused might be entitled to free translation services.

44. The Appeals Chamber further notes that all sides appear to agree that as an indigent self-represented accused, Mr. Krajišnik is entitled to Tribunal-funded translation assistance.[1]  This does not mean, however, that Mr. Krajišnik is entitled to assistance from a translator/interpreter of his choosing . […]

[1] In light of this general agreement, the Appeals Chamber need not specifically determine whether this right is rooted in Article 21(4)(b) of the Statute, Article 21(4)(f) of the Statute, or in some other  principle. While most of Mr. Krajišnik’s translation needs may be met by existing translations of documents (such as the existing translation of the Trial Judgement into B/C/S), the Appeals Chamber considers that provision of an interpreter/translator is necessary to enable Mr. Krajišnik to access certain residual material that has not been translated.

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Decision on Modalities of Self-Representation - 11.09.2007 KRAJIŠNIK Momčilo

46. As to Mr. Krajišnik’s request for 24-hour access to a telephone, scanner, fax, and photocopier, the Appeals Chamber considers that the Registry's denial of such resources is reasonable.  While in the absence of designated legal associates, some variation from standard UNDU procedures may be warranted to enable an accused adequate means of exchanging appropriate information with his defence team, 24-hour access to such means of communication goes far beyond what is necessary to ensure the provision of adequate facilities.

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Decision on Witness List - 21.08.2007 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

11. […] While the Practice Direction does not specifically provide for the possibility for an accused in a joint trial to file submissions in appeal proceedings initiated by his co-accused, this may be allowed in the circumstances of a given case, particularly where such accused has a specific interest in the matter and where considering such filing as admissible would be in the interests of justice and would not be prejudicial to the other parties.[1]

14. The Appeals Chamber held that to grant an accused, who has not obtained the required certification the standing to challenge a Trial Chamber decision on appeal in his response to an appeal filed by a co-accused would open the interlocutory appeal process to abuse. Where certification in accordance with Rules 73 (B) and (C) of the Rules is required, parties must obtain such certification if they intend to appeal a decision. Consequently, the Appeals Chamber considers that it will only take into consideration those arguments made by Mr. Ndayambaje and Mr. Ntahobali that are legitimately made in response to the certified appeal of the Appellant.

[1] Gotovina Decision [Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina et al, Case No. IT-06-90-AR73.2, Decision on Ivan Čermak’s Interlocutory Appeal against Trial Chamber’s Decision on Conflict of Interest of Attorneys Čedo Prodanović and Jadranka Sloković, 29 June 2007], para. 12.

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Decision on Witness List - 21.08.2007 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

11. […] The Appeals Chamber notes that in the Blaškić case, the Appeals Chamber of the ICTY considered that “the purpose of a response is to give a full answer to the issues raised in a motion by the moving party”.[1] […]

12. […] Most of the submissions in Mr. Ndayambaje’s Response relate solely to his case and challenge the Impugned Decision with regard to its order to him to file a revised witness list containing a maximum of thirty witnesses.[2] The Appeals Chamber finds that these arguments are inadmissible with respect to the appeal of the Appellant as they are not made in response to that appeal. For Mr. Ndayambaje to raise these arguments on his own behalf with respect to the restriction on the number of witnesses he is permitted to call, he needs to have obtained certification. He cannot attempt to appeal the Impugned Decision with the objective of having the Trial Chamber’s reduction of the number of his witnesses reversed by filing a response to a certified appeal of a co-accused.

13. […] Accordingly, Mr. Ntahobali’s Response challenges the Impugned Decision and the Trial Chamber’s use of its discretion.[3] The Appeals Chamber considers that, as Mr. Ntahobali did not seek and was not granted certification to appeal from the Impugned Decision, his arguments in this regard are inadmissible before the Appeals Chamber.

[1] Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaškić, Case No. IT-95-14-R, Decision on the Prosecution’s Motion Seeking a Declaration, 20 June 2006, p. 4; Prosecutor v. Ante Gotovina et al, Case No. IT-06-90-AR73.2, Decision on Ivan Čermak’s Interlocutory Appeal against Trial Chamber’s Decision on Conflict of Interest of Attorneys Čedo Prodanović and Jadranka Sloković, 29 June 2007, para. 12 (“Gotovina Decision”).

[2] See Ndayambaje’s Response, paras. 16 - 49.

[3] Ntahobali’s Response, paras. 15 – 35.

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Decision on Witness List - 21.08.2007 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

21. As noted above, Trial Chambers exercise discretion in relation to the conduct of proceedings before them.[1] The Appeals Chamber notes that in the Orić case,[2] the ICTY Appeals Chamber held that:

[a]lthough Rule 73ter gives the Trial Chamber the authority to limit the length of time and the number of witnesses allocated to the defence case, such restrictions are always subject to the general requirement that the rights of the accused pursuant to Article 21 of the Statute of the International Tribunal be respected. Thus, in addition to the question whether, relative to the time allocated to the Prosecution, the time given to the Accused is reasonably proportional, a Trial Chamber must also consider whether the amount of time is objectively adequate to permit the Accused to set forth his case in a manner consistent with his rights. [3]

Consequently, the Appeals Chamber must determine whether in ordering the Appellant to reduce the number of his witnesses, the Trial Chamber took into consideration the complexity of the Appellant’s case and determined that the maximum number of witnesses allotted to him was sufficient to allow the Appellant a fair opportunity to present his defence.

24. […] As already stated, the Appeals Chamber is satisfied that it was well within the discretion of the Trial Chamber to reduce the number of witnesses to be called by the Appellant by reference to the Pre-Defence Brief and “will-say” statements. The Appeals Chamber is further satisfied that in basing its decision on a consideration of the evidence to be adduced by the proposed witnesses, the Trial Chamber properly considered whether reducing the number of the Appellant’s witnesses to a maximum of thirty would still allow the Appellant the opportunity to present an adequate defence. Accordingly, the Appeals Chamber finds no error on the part of the Trial Chamber.

[1] See para. 10 supra.

[2] Prosecutor v. Naser Orić, Case No. IT-03-68-AR73.2, Interlocutory Decision on Length of Defence Case, 20 July 2005, (“Orić Decision”).

[3] Orić Decision, para. 8.

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26. The Appeals Chamber recalls that in the Karemera et al. case, it endorsed the following reasoning of the ICTY Appeals Chamber in the Orić case:

The Appeals Chamber has long recognised that “the principle of equality of arms between the prosecutor and accused in a criminal trial goes to the heart of the fair trial guarantee.” At a minimum, “equality of arms obliges a judicial body to ensure that neither party is put at a disadvantage when presenting its case,” certainly in terms of procedural equity. This is not to say, however, that an [a]ccused is necessarily entitled to precisely the same amount of time or the same number of witnesses as the Prosecution. The Prosecution has the burden of telling an entire story, of putting together a coherent narrative and proving every necessary element of the crimes charged beyond a reasonable doubt. Defence strategy, by contrast, often focuses on poking specifically targeted holes in the Prosecution’s case, an endeavour which may require less time and fewer witnesses. This is sufficient reason to explain why a principle of basic proportionality, rather than a strict principle of mathematical equality, generally governs the relationship between the time and witnesses allocated to the two sides.[3]

The Appeals Chamber considered that all parties were not entitled to call precisely equal numbers of witnesses and the Trial Chamber has the discretion to limit the number of witnesses a party may call. This discretion may be exercised pursuant to Rules 73bis and 73ter of the Rules. Where the Trial Chamber exercises this discretion, it must be subject to the full respect of the rights of the party concerned. In cases where an exercise of this discretion leads to a situation where one party has more witnesses than the other, this does not necessarily mean that the principle of equality of arms is violated.

[1] Prosecutor v. Édouard Karemera et al., Case No.ICTR-98-44-AR 15bis 3, Decision on Appeal Pursuant to Rule 15 bis (D), 20 April 2007, para. 27.

[2] Orić Decision.

[3] Orić Decision, para. 7 (internal footnotes omitted).

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Decision on Witness List - 21.08.2007 NYIRAMASUHUKO et al. (Butare)

24.    The Appeals Chamber considers that the Trial Chamber’s duty to ensure the fairness and expeditiousness of trial proceedings entails a delicate balancing of interests, particularly in cases, as in the present one, where there are six accused. […]


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Decision on Flaten's Testimony - 17.07.2007 BIZIMUNGU et al. (Government II)

17. [...] If a Trial Chamber finds that the information has been provided in accordance with Rule 70(B), the information will benefit from the protections afforded under Rules 70(C) and (D).[1] However, the restrictions referred to under Rules 70(C) and (D) will only apply after the Trial Chamber has determined that the restrictions imposed by the government upon the witness’s testimony would not undermine the need to ensure a fair trial, and that the need to ensure a fair trial would not substantially outweigh the probative value of the testimony so as to lead to its exclusion.[2] Indeed, Rule 70(F) provides that Rule 70 restrictions shall not “affect a Trial Chamber’s power under Rule 89(C) to exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the need to ensure a fair trial.”[3]

18. By conducting the balancing exercise under Rule 70(F), a Trial Chamber ensures that the government’s legitimate confidentiality concerns are respected, and, at the same time, that the conduct of the trial remains fair and expeditious. While according due weight to legitimate State concerns related to national security and the need for States to safeguard their interests,[4] the Appeals Chamber adopts the holding of the ICTY Appeals Chamber in the Milutinović et al. case that “this deference to States’ interests does not go as far as to supersede a Trial Chamber’s authority to maintain control over the fair and expeditious conduct of the trial”.[5]

22. With regard to whether the limitations placed upon Ambassador Flaten’s testimony under Condition B would have resulted in substantial unfairness such as to outweigh the probative value of his testimony, the Appeals Chamber makes the following observations. On 24 January 2007, the Trial Chamber observed that “[a]s the prospective witness is a Defence witness, the limitations on cross-examination do not impact the rights of the Accused.”[6] The Appeals Chamber recalls that Rule 70(E) is indeed aimed at ensuring that the right of an accused to challenge evidence presented by the Prosecution under Rules 70(C) and (D) remains unaffected and, therefore, finds no error in the Trial Chamber’s statement.

26. Lastly, the Appeals Chamber reiterates that pursuant to Rule 70(F), the Trial Chamber would have been able to exclude the evidence provided by Ambassador Flaten if it found – during the course of his testimony – that the application of Condition B unfairly limited the rights of the co-accused or the Prosecution. Rule 70(F) provides a safeguard against any undue prejudice that could be caused to the parties as a result of the limitations imposed by a State for the protection of the confidential information in its possession. The Appeals Chamber recalls in this regard that the public interest served in ensuring that information given in confidence to one of the parties remains confidential finds its limitation in the obligation imposed on this Tribunal by Articles 20 and 21 of the Statute to ensure a fair trial. In the present case, the Trial Chamber stressed on 24 January 2007 that “Rule 70(F) clearly preserves the Chamber’s power to apply Rule 89(C) and exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the need to ensure a fair trial.”[7] The Appeals Chamber finds that such a safeguard in the Rules means that the Trial Chamber would have retained authority over the proceedings even with Condition B applied. Indeed, if the Trial Chamber were to find that the application of Condition B had unfairly limited the rights of the co-accused or the Prosecution to confront the witness during his testimony, the ultimate remedy would be the exclusion of the evidence.[8]

[1] See Slobodan Milošević Decision of 23 October 2002, paras. 20 and 29.

[2] See Milutinović et al. Decision, para. 18.

[3] See Milutinović et al. Decision, para. 16, referring to Rule 70(G) of the Rules of the ICTY.

[4] See Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaškić, Case No 95-14-AR108bis, Judgement on the Request of the Republic of Croatia for Review of the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 18 July 1997, 29 October 1997, para. 67; See also Milutinović et al. Decision, para. 18.

[5] Milutinović et al. Decision, para. 18.

[6]T. 24 January 2007, p. 46 (closed session).

[7]T. 24 January 2007, p. 47 (closed session).

[8] The same rationale was applied in several cases before ICTY Trial Chambers: Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brđanin and Momir Talić, Case No IT-99-36-T, Public Version of the Confidential Decision on the Alleged Illegality of Rule 70 of 6 May 2002, 23 May 2002, paras. 25 and 27; Prosecutor v. Milutinović et al., Case No IT-05-87-T, Decision on Prosecution Second Renewed Motion for Leave to Amend its Rule 65ter List to Add Michael Phillips and Shaun Byrnes, 12 March 2007, paras. 34 and 36; Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević, Case No IT-02-54-T, Decision on the Prosecution’s Motion to Grant Specific Protection Pursuant to Rule 70, confidential, 25 July 2002, para. 19; Slobodan Milošević Decision of 23 October 2002, para. 26. Incidentally, the Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber seized of the Bagosora et al. case granted a condition similar to Condition B for the appearance of a colonel serving in the French military, recalling that it retained authority to resolve any disputes as to the proper scope of questioning which might arise during the testimony: The Prosecutor v. Théoneste Bagosora et al., Case No ICTR-98-41-T, Modalities for Presentation of a Witness, 20 September 2006, para. 5 and Disposition.


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ICTR Rule Rule 70;
Rule 89(C)
ICTY Rule Rule 70;
Rule 89(C)